BUFR Code & Flag Table

As used by SoftBUFR Class Library

Based on WMO Code&Flag Table version 7

© Northern Lighthouse Ltd           Northern Lighthouse home

Please consult the original WMO file or printed manual for more details and for possible notes!

0'01'003 - WMO Region number/geographical area

 C 001003
     0 Antarctica
     1 Region I
     2 Region II
     3 Region III
     4 Region IV
     5 Region V
     6 Region VI
     7 Missing value

0'01'007 - Satellite identifier

 C 001007
     1 ERS1
     2 ERS2
    20 SPOT1
    21 SPOT2
    22 SPOT3
    23 SPOT4
    50 METEOSAT 3
    51 METEOSAT 4
    52 METEOSAT 5
    53 METEOSAT 6
    54 METEOSAT 7
   150 GMS 3
   151 GMS 4
   152 GMS 5
   200 NOAA 8
   201 NOAA 9
   202 NOAA 10
   203 NOAA 11
   204 NOAA 12
   205 NOAA 14
   220 LANDSAT 5
   221 LANDSAT 6
   240 DMSP 7
   241 DMSP 8
   242 DMSP 9
   243 DMSP 10
   244 DMSP 11
   250 GOES 6
   251 GOES 7
   252 GOES 8
   253 GOES 9
   254 GOES 10
   255 GOES 11
   256 GOES 12
   310 GOMS 1
   311 GOMS 2
  1023 Missing value

0'01'031 - Identification of originating/generating centre

 C 001031
     0 Reserved
     1 Melbourne
     4 Moscow
     7 US National Weather Service - National Meteorological Centre (NMC)
     8 US National Weather Service Telecommunications Gateway (NMSTG)
    10 Cairo
    12 Dakar
    14 Nairobi
    16 Antananarivo
    18 Tunis-Casablanca
    20 Las Palmas
    21 Algiers
    22 Lagos
    26 Khabarovsk
    28 New Delhi
    30 Novosibirsk
    32 Tashkent
    33 Jeddah
    34 Tokyo, Japan Meteorological Agency
    36 Bankok
    37 Ulan Bator
    38 Beijing
    40 Seoul
    41 Buenos Aires
    43 Brasilia
    45 Santiago
    46 Brazilian Space Agency - INPE
    51 Miami
    52 Miami, National Hurricane Centre
    53 Montreal
    55 San Francisco
    57 US Air Force - Air Force Global Weather Central
    58 Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Centre, Monterey, CA, USA
    59 The NOAA Forecast Systems Laboratory, Boulder, CO, USA
    60 National Centre for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
    64 Honolulu
    65 Darwin
    67 Melbourne
    69 Wellington
    74 UK Meteorological Office, Bracknell
    76 Moscow
    78 Offenbach
    80 Rome
    82 Norrköping
    85 Toulouse
    86 Helsinki
    87 Belgrade
    88 Oslo
    89 Prague
    90 Episkopi
    91 Ankara
    92 Frankfurt/Main
    93 London
    94 Copenhagen
    95 Rota
    96 Athens
    97 European Space Agency (ESA)
    98 European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)
    99 De Bilt
   212 Lisboa
   255 (SoftBUFR Demo Site;-)

0'01'033 - Identification of originating/generating centre

 C 001033
     0 Reserved
     1 Melbourne
     4 Moscow
     7 US National Weather Service - National Meteorological Centre (NMC)
     8 US National Weather Service Telecommunications Gateway (NMSTG)
    10 Cairo
    12 Dakar
    14 Nairobi
    16 Antananarivo
    18 Tunis-Casablanca
    20 Las Palmas
    21 Algiers
    22 Lagos
    26 Khabarovsk
    28 New Delhi
    30 Novosibirsk
    32 Tashkent
    33 Jeddah
    34 Tokyo, Japan Meteorological Agency
    36 Bankok
    37 Ulan Bator
    38 Beijing
    40 Seoul
    41 Buenos Aires
    43 Brasilia
    45 Santiago
    46 Brazilian Space Agency - INPE
    51 Miami
    52 Miami, National Hurricane Centre
    53 Montreal
    55 San Francisco
    57 US Air Force - Air Force Global Weather Central
    58 Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Centre, Monterey, CA, USA
    59 The NOAA Forecast Systems Laboratory, Boulder, CO, USA
    60 National Centre for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
    64 Honolulu
    65 Darwin
    67 Melbourne
    69 Wellington
    74 UK Meteorological Office, Bracknell
    76 Moscow
    78 Offenbach
    80 Rome
    82 Norrköping
    85 Toulouse
    86 Helsinki
    87 Belgrade
    88 Oslo
    89 Prague
    90 Episkopi
    91 Ankara
    92 Frankfurt/Main
    93 London
    94 Copenhagen
    95 Rota
    96 Athens
    97 European Space Agency (ESA)
    98 European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)
    99 De Bilt
   212 Lisboa
   255 (SoftBUFR Demo Site;-)

0'02'001 - Type of station

 C 002001
     0 Automatic
     1 Manned
     2 Hybrid: both manned and automatic

0'02'002 - Type of instrumentation for wind measurement

 C 002002
     1 Certified instruments
     2 Originaly measured in knots
     3 Originaly measured in km/h

0'02'003 - Type of measuring equipment used

 C 002003
     0 Pressure instrument associated with wind measuring equipment
     1 Optical theodolite
     2 Radio theodolite
     3 Radar
     4 VLF-Omega
     5 Loran-C
     6 Wind profiler
     7 Satellite navigation
    14 Pressure instrument associated with wind measurement equipment but pressure element failed during ascent

0'02'004 - Type of instrument for evaporation measurement or type of crop for which evapotranspiration is reported

 C 002004
     0 USA open pan evaporimeter (without cover) - Evaporation
     1 USA open pan evaporimeter (mesh covered) - Evaporation
     2 GGI-3000 evaporimeter (sunken) - Evaporation
     3 20 m² tank - Evaporation
     4 Others - Evaporation
     5 Rice - Evapotraspiration
     6 Wheat - Evapotraspiration
     7 Maize - Evapotraspiration
     8 Sorghum - Evapotraspiration
     9 Other crops - Evapotraspiration

0'02'011 - Radiosonde type

 C 002011
     0 Reserved
     1 Reserved
     2 No radiosonde - passive target (e.g. reflector)
     3 No radiosonde - active target (e.g. transponder)
     4 No radiosonde - passive temperature-humidity profiler
     5 No radiosonde - active temperature-humidity profiler
     6 No radiosonde - radio-acoustic sounder
     9 No radiosonde - system unknown or not specified
    10 VIZ type A pressure-commutated (USA)
    11 VIZ type A time-commutated (USA)
    12 RS SDC (Space Data Corporation - USA)
    13 Astor (no longer made - Australia)
    15 EEC Company type 23 (USA)
    16 Elin (Austria)
    17 GRAW G. (Germany)
    19 GRAW M60 (Germany)
    20 Indian Meteorological Service MK3 (India)
    21 VIZ/Jin Yang MARK I MICROSONDE (South Korea)
    22 Meisei RS2-80 (Japan)
    23 Mesural FMO 1950A (France)
    24 Mesural FMO 1945A (France)
    25 Mesural MH73A (France)
    26 Meteolabor Basora (Switzerland)
    27 AVK-MRZ (Russian Federation)
    28 Meteorit marz2-1 (Russian Federation)
    29 Meteirit marz2-2 (Russian Federation)
    30 Oki RS2-80 (Japan)
    31 VIZ/Valcom type A pressure-commutated(Canada)
    32 Shangai Radio (China)
    33 UK Met Office MK3 (UK)
    34 Vinohrady (Czechoslovakia)
    35 Vaisala RS18 (Finland)
    36 Vaisala RS21 (Finland)
    37 Vaisala RS80 (Finland)
    38 VIZ LOCATE Loran-C (USA)
    39 Sprenger E076 (Germany)
    40 Sprenger E084 (Germany)
    41 Sprenger E085 (Germany)
    42 Sprenger E086 (Germany)
    43 AIR IS - 4A - 1680 (USA)
    44 AIR IS - 4A - 1680 X (USA)
    45 RS MSS (USA)
    46 Air IS - 4A - 403 (USA)
    47 Meislei RS2-91 (Japan)
    48 Valcom (Canada)
    49 VIZ MARK II (USA)
    50 GRAW DFM-90 (Germany)
    51 VIZ-B2 (USA)
    52 Vaisala RS80-57H
    60 Vaisala RS80/MicroCora (Finland)
    61 Vaisala RS80/DigiCora or Marwin (Finland)
    62 Vaisala RS80/PCCora (Finland)
    63 Vaisala RS80/Star (Finland)
    64 Orbital Sciences Corporation, Space Data Division, transponder radiosonde, type 909-11-xx (USA)
    65 VIZ transponder radiosonde, model number 1499-520 (USA)
    71 RS90/DigiCora or Marwin (Finland)
    72 RS90/PC-Cora (Finland)
    73 RS90/Autosonde (Finland)
    74 RS90/Star (Finland)
    90 Radiosonde not specified or unknown
    91 Pressure-only radiosonde
    92 Pressure-only radiosonde plus transponder
    93 Pressure-only radiosonde plus radar-reflector
    94 No-pressure radiosonde plus transponder
    95 No-pressure radiosonde plus radar-reflector
    96 Descending radiosonde
   255 Missing value

0'02'012 - Radiosonde computational method

0'02'013 - Solar and infrared radiation correction

 C 002013
     0 No correction
     1 CIMO solar corrected and CIMO infrared corrected
     2 CIMO solar corrected and infrared corrected
     3 CIMO solar corrected only
     4 Solar and infrared corrected automatically by radiosonde system
     5 Solar corrected automatically by radiosonde system
     6 Solar and infrared corrected as specified by country
     7 Solar corrected as specified by country

0'02'014 - Tracking technique/status of system used

 C 002014
     0 No windfinding
     1 Automatic with auxilary optical direction finding
     2 Automatic with auxilary radio direction finding
     3 Automatic with auxilary ranging
     4 Not used
     5 Automatic with multiple VLF-Omega signals
     6 Automatic cross chain Loran-C
     7 Automatic with auxiliary wind profiler
     8 Automatic satellite navigation
    19 Tracking technique not specified
    99 Status of system and its components not specified
   127 Missing value

0'02'015 - Radiosonde completeness

 C 002015
     0 Reserved
     1 Pressure only radiosonde
     2 Pressure only radiosonde plus transponder
     3 Pressure only radiosonde plus radar reflector
     4 No-pressure radiosonde plus transponder
     5 No-pressure radiosonde plus radar reflector
    15 Missing value

0'02'020 - Satellite classification

 C 002020
     0 Nimbus
     1 VTPR
     2 Tiros 1 (Tiros, NOAA-6 to NOAA-13)
     3 Tiros 2 (NOAA-14 onwards)
    31 DMSP
    61 EUMETSAT Polar System (EPS)
    91 ERS
   121 ADEOS
   241 GOES
   271 GMS
   301 INSAT
   331 METEOSAT Operational Programme (MOP)
   332 METEOSAT Transitional Programme (MTP)
   333 METEOSAT Second Generation Programme (MSG)
   351 GOMS
   381 FY-2

0'02'021 - Satellite instrument data used in processing

 F 002021
     1 High resolution infra red sounder (HIRS)
     2 Microwave sounding unit (MSU)
     3 Stratospheric sounding unit (SSU)

0'02'022 - Satellite data-processing technique used

 F 002022
     1 Processing technique not defined
     2 Automated statistical regression
     3 Clear path
     4 Partly cloudy path
     5 Cloudy path

0'02'023 - Satellite derived wind computation method

 C 002023
     1 Wind derived from cloud motion observed in the infrared channel
     2 Wind derived from cloud motion observed in the visible channel
     3 Wind derived from motion observed in the water vapour channel
     4 Wind derived from motion observed in a combination of spectral channels
     5 Wind derived from motion observed in the water vapour channel in clear air
     6 Wind derived from motion obsorved in the ozone channel
     7 Wind derived from cloud moton observed in water vapour channel (cloud or clear air not specified)

0'02'024 - Integrated mean humidity computational method

 C 002024
     0 Reserved
     1 Table with full range of humidity variation in layer
     2 Regression technique on 2 humidity values in layer

0'02'025 - Satellite channel(s) used in computation

 C 002025
     1 Reserved
     2 HIRS - Layer precipitable water
     3 MSU - Layer precipitable water
     6 HIRS - Tropopause temperature and pressure
     7 MSU - Tropopause temperature and pressure
    10 HIRS (1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 16, 17) - Total ozone
    11 HIRS (1, 2, 3, 9, 17) - Total ozone
    12 MSU - Total ozone
    15 HIRS - Layer mean temperature
    16 HIRS* - Layer mean temperature
    17 MSU - Layer mean temperature
    18 SKINTK (ocean only) - Layer mean temperature
    21 HIRS - Channel combinations used to obtain mean temperatures for layers above 100 hPa
    22 SSU - Channel combinations used to obtain mean temperatures for layers above 100 hPa
    23 MSU (3, 4) - Channel combinations used to obtain mean temperatures for layers above 100 hPa

0'02'030 - Method of current measurement

 C 002030
     0 Reserved
     1 Reserved
     2 GEK (Geomagnetic EloctroKinetograph)
     3 Ship's set and drift determined by fixes 3-6 hours apart
     4 Ship's set and drift determined by fixes more than 6 hours but less than 12 hours apart
     7 Missing value

0'02'031 - Duration and time of current measurement

 C 002031
     0 Reserved
     1 Instantaneous - between H-1 and H
     2 Averaged over 3 minutes or less - between H-1 and H
     3 Averaged over more than 3 minutes, but 6 at the most - between H-1 and H
     4 Averaged over more than 6 minutes, but 12 at the most - between H-1 and H
     5 Instantaneous - between H-2 and H-1
     6 Averaged over 3 minutes or less - between H-2 and H-1
     7 Averaged over more than 3 minutes, but 6 at the most - between H-2 and H-1
     8 Averaged over more than 6 minutes, but 12 at the most - between H-2 and H-1
     9 Vector or Doppler current profiling method not used
    10 Reserved
    11 1 Hour or less
    12 More than 1 hour but 2 at the most
    13 More than 2 hours but 4 at the most
    14 More than 4 hours but 8 at the most
    15 More than 8 hours but 12 at the most
    16 More than 12 hours but 18 at the most
    17 More than 18 hours but 24 at the most
    18 Reserved
    19 Drift method not used
    31 Missing

0'02'032 - Indicator for digitization

 C 002032
     0 Values at selected depths (data points fixed by the instrument or selected by any other method)
     1 Values at significant depths (data points taken from traces at significant depths)
     2 Reserved
     3 Missing value

0'02'033 - Method of salinity/depth measurement

 C 002033
     0 No salinity measured
     1 In situ sensor, accuracy better than 0.02%o
     2 In situ sensor, accuracy less than 0.02%o
     3 Sample analysis
     7 Missing value

0'02'034 - Drogue type

 C 002034
     0 Reserved (to be developed)
    31 Missing value

0'02'036 - Buoy type

 C 002036
     0 Drifting buoy
     1 Fixed buoy
     2 Reserved
     3 Missing value

0'02'037 - Method of tidal observation

 C 002037
     0 Reserved
     1 Manual reading from vertical tide staff
     2 Manual reading from single automatic recorder at station
     3 Manual reading from multiple automatic recorders at station
     4 Automatic reading from single automatic recorder at station without level reference check
     5 Automatic reading from single automatic recorder at station with level reference check, or from multiple automatic recorders
     7 Missing

0'02'038 - Method of sea-surface temperature measurement

 C 002038
     0 Ship intake
     1 Bucket
     2 Hull contact sencor
     3 Reversing thermometer
     4 STD/CTD sencor
     5 Mechanical BT
     6 Extndable BT
     7 Digital BT
     8 Thermistor Chain
     9 Infrared scanner
    10 Microwave scanner
    15 Missing value

0'02'039 - Method of wet-bulb temperature measurement

 C 002039
     0 Measured wet-bulb temperature
     1 Iced bulb measured wet-bulb temperature
     2 Computed wet-bulb temperature
     3 Iced bulb computed wet-bulb temperature
     7 Missing value

0'02'040 - Method of removing velocity and motion of platform from current

 C 002040
     0 Ship's motion removed by averaging - by bottom tracking
     1 Ship's motion removed by motion compensation - by bottom tracking
     2 Ship's motion not removed
     3 Ship's motion removed by averaging - by navigation
     4 Ship's motion removed by motion compensation - by navigation
     5 Ship's motion not removed
     6 Doppler current profiling method not used

0'02'041 - Method for estimating reports related to synoptic features

 C 002041
     0 Information based on manual analysis
     1 Information based on computer analysis
     2 Information based on data assimilation
     3 Information based on computer analysis or data assimsilation manually modified
    63 Missing value

0'02'051 - Indicator to specify observing method for extreme temperatures

 C 002051
     0 Reserved
     1 Maximum/minimum thermometers
     2 Automated instruments
     3 Thermograph
    15 Missing value

0'02'061 - Aircraft navigation system

 C 002061
     0 Inertial navigator system
     1 Omega
     7 Missing value

0'02'062 - Type of aircraft data relay system

 C 002062
     0 ASDAR
     1 ASDAR (ACARS also available but not operative)
     2 ASDAR (ACARS also available and operative)
     3 ACARS
     4 ACARS (ASDAR also avalilable but not operative)
     5 ACARS (ASDAR also available and operative)
    15 Missing value

0'02'064 - Aircraft roll angle quality

 C 002064
     0 Good
     1 Bad
     2 Reserved

0'02'070 - Original specification of latitude/longitude

 C 002070
     0 Actual location in seconds
     1 Actual location in minutes
     2 Actual location in degrees
     3 Actual location in decidegrees
     4 Actual location om centidegrees
     5 Referenced to checkpoint in seconds
     6 Referenced to checkpoint in minutes
     7 Referenced to checkpoint in degrees
     8 Referenced to checkpoint in decidegrees
     9 Referenced to checkpoint in centidegrees
    10 Actual location in tenths of a minute
    11 Referenced to checkpoint in tenths of a minute
    15 Missing value

0'02'101 - Type of antenna

 C 002101
     0 Centre front-fed paraboloid
     1 Offset front-fed paraboloid
     2 Centre Cassegrain paraboloid
     3 Offset Cassegrain paraboloid
     4 Planar array
     5 Coaxial-collinear array
     6 Yagi elements array
     7 Microstrip
    14 Other
    15 Missing value

0'02'103 - Radome

 F 002103
     1 Radar antenna is protected by a radome
     2 Missing value

0'02'104 - Antenna polarisation

 C 002104
     0 Horizontal polarisation
     1 Vertical polarisation
     2 Right circular polarisation
     3 Left circular polarisation
     4 Horizontal and vertical polarisation
     5 Right and left circular polarisation
    15 Missing value

0'02'131 - Sensitivity time control (STC)

 F 002131
     1 STC operational

0'02'150 - TOVS/ATOVS/AVHRR instrumentation channel number

 C 002150
     0 Reserved
     1 HIRS 1
     2 HIRS 2
     3 HIRS 3
     4 HIRS 4
     5 HIRS 5
     6 HIRS 6
     7 HIRS 7
     8 HIRS 8
     9 HIRS 9
    10 HIRS 10
    11 HIRS 11
    12 HIRS 12
    13 HIRS 13
    14 HIRS 14
    15 HIRS 15
    16 HIRS 16
    17 HIRS 17
    18 HIRS 18
    19 HIRS 19
    20 HIRS 20
    21 MSU 1
    22 MSU 2
    23 MSU 3
    24 MSU 4
    25 SSU 1
    26 SSU 2
    27 SSU 3
    28 AMSU-A 1
    29 AMSU-A 2
    30 AMSU-A 3
    31 AMSU-A 4
    32 AMSU-A 5
    33 AMSU-A 6
    34 AMSU-A 7
    35 AMSU-A 8
    36 AMSU-A 9
    37 AMSU-A 10
    38 AMSU-A 11
    39 AMSU-A 12
    40 AMSU-A 13
    41 AMSU-A 14
    42 AMSU-A 15
    43 AMSU-B 1
    44 AMSU-B 2
    45 AMSU-B 3
    46 AMSU-B 4
    47 AMSU-B 5
    48 AVHRR 1
    49 AVHRR 2
    50 AVHRR 3a
    51 AVHRR 3b
    52 AVHRR 4
    53 AVHRR 5

0'02'151 - Radiometer identifier

 C 002151
     0 HIRS
     1 MSU
     2 SSU
     3 AMSU-A1-1
     4 AMSU-A1-2
     5 AMSU-A2
     6 AMSU-B
     7 AVHRR

0'02'152 - Satellite instrument used in data processing

 F 002152
     1 High-resolution infrared sounder (HIRS)
     2 Microwave sounding unit (MSU)
     3 Stratospheric sounding unit (SSU)
     4 AMI wind mode
     5 AMI wave mode
     6 AMI image mode
     7 RADAR altimeter
     8 ATSR
     9 Geostationary imager
    10 Geostationary sounder
    11 Geostationary Earth radiation (GERB)

0'02'163 - Height assignment method

 C 002163
     0 Reserved
     1 IRW height assignment
     2 WV height assignment
     3 H2O intercept height assignment
     4 CO2 slicing height assignment
     5 Low pixel max gradient
     6 Higher pixel max gradient
     7 Primary height assignment
     8 Layer thickness assignment

0'02'164 - Tracer correlation method

 C 002164
     0 LP - Norms least square minimum
     1 EN - Euclidean norm with radiance correlation
     2 CC - Cross correlation

0'02'166 - Radiance type

 C 002166
      Type not defined
     1 Automated statistical regression
     2 Clear path
     3 Parly cloudy path
     4 Cloudy path

0'02'167 - Radiance computational method

 C 002167
     0 Method not defined
     1 1b raw radiance
     2 Processed radiance

0'08'001 - Vertical sounding significance

 F 008001
     1 Surface
     2 Standard level
     3 Tropopause level
     4 Maximum wind level
     5 Significant level, temperature
     6 Significant level, wind

0'08'002 - Vertical significance (surface observation)

 C 008002
     0 Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 12 SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
     1 First significant layer
     2 Second significant layer
     3 Third significant layer
     4 Cumulonimbus layer
     5 Ceiling
     6 Cloud not detected below the following height(s)
     7 Low cloud
     8 Middle cloud
     9 High cloud
    63 Missing value

0'08'003 - Vertical significance (satellite observations)

 C 008003
     0 Surface
     1 Base of satellite sounding
     2 Cloud top
     3 Tropopause
     4 Precipitable water
     5 Sounding radiances
     6 Mean temperatures
     7 Ozone
    63 Missing value

0'08'004 - Phase of aircraft flight

 C 008004
     3 Level flight, routine observation (LVR)
     4 Level flight, highest wind encountered (LVW)
     5 Ascending (ASC)
     6 Descending(DES)
     7 Missing value

0'08'005 - Surface synoptic feature significance

 C 008005
     0 Reserved
     1 Storm centre
     2 Outer limit or edge of storm
     3 Location of maximum wind
    15 Missing value

0'08'011 - Horizontal significance

 C 008011
     0 Quasi-stationary front at the surface
     1 Quasi-stationary front above the surface
     2 Warm front at the surface
     3 Warm front above the surface
     4 Cold front at the surface
     5 Cold front above the surface
     6 Occlusion
     7 Instability line
     8 Intertropical front
     9 Convergence line
    63 Missing value

0'08'012 - Land/sea qualifier

 C 008012
     0 Land
     1 Sea
     2 Coast
     3 Missing value

0'08'013 - Day/night qualifier

 C 008013
     0 Night
     1 Day
     2 Reserved
     3 Missing value

0'08'021 - Time significance

 C 008021
     0 Reserved
     1 Time series
     2 Time averaged
     3 Accumulated
     4 Forecast
     5 Forecast time series
     6 Forecast time averaged
     7 Forecast accumulated
     8 Ensemble mean
     9 Ensemble mean time series
    10 Ensemble mean time averaged
    11 Ensemble mean accumulated
    12 Ensemble mean forecast
    13 Ensemble mean forecast time series
    14 Ensemble mean forecast averaged
    15 Ensemble mean forecast accumulated
    16 Analysis
    17 Start of phenomenon
    18 Radiosonde launch time
    19 Start of orbit
    20 End of orbit
    21 Time of ascending node
    22 Time of occurrence of wind shift
    23 Reserved
    24 Reserved
    25 Reserved
    26 Reserved
    27 First guess
    28 Start of scan
    29 End of scan
    30 Reserved
    31 Missing value

0'08'023 - First order statistics

 C 008023
     0 Reserved
     1 Reserved
     2 Maximum value
     3 Minimum value
     4 Mean value
     5 Median value
     6 Modal value
     7 Mean absolute error
     8 Reserved
     9 Best estimate of standard deviation (N-1)
    10 Standard deviation (N)
    11 Harmonic mean
    12 Root-mean-square vector error
    32 Vector mean
    63 Missing

0'08'024 - Difference statistics

 C 008024
     2 Observed minus maximum
     3 Observed minus minimum
     4 Observed minus mean
     5 Observed minus median
     6 Observed minus mode
    11 Observed minus climatology (anomaly)
    12 Observed minus analysed value
    13 Observed minus initialized analysed value
    14 Observed minus forecast value
    21 Observed minus interpolated value
    22 Observed minus hydrostatically calculated value
    63 Missing

0'08'025 - Time difference qualifier

 C 008025
     0 Reserved
     1 Local Standard Time
    15 Missing

0'08'051 - Qualifier for number of missing values in calculation of statistics

 C 008051
     1 Pressure
     2 Temperature
     3 Extreme temperature
     4 Vapour pressure
     5 Precipitation
     6 Sunshine duration
     7 Missing value

0'08'052 - Condition for which number of days of occurrence follows

 C 008052
     0 Mean wind speed over a 10-minute period observed or recorded equal to or more than 10 m/s or 20 knots
     1 Mean wind speed over a 10-minute period observed or recorded equal to or more than 20 m/s or 40 knots
     2 Mean wind speed over a 10-minute period observed or recorded equal to or more than 30 m/s or 60 knots
     3 Maximum temperature less than 273.2 K (0°C)
     4 Maximum temperature equal or more than 298.2 K (25°C)
     5 Maximum temperature equal or more than 303.2 K (30°C)
     6 Maximum temperature equal or more than 308.2 K (35°C)
     7 Maximum temperature equal or more than 313.2 K (40°C)
     8 Minimum temperature less than 273.2 K (0°C)
     9 Maximum temperature equal or more than 273.2 K (0°C)
    10 Precipitation equal or more than 1.0 kg/m²
    11 Precipitation equal or more than 5.0 kg/m²
    12 Precipitation equal or more than 10.0 kg/m²
    13 Precipitation equal or more than 50.0 kg/m²
    14 Precipitation equal or more than 100.0 kg/m²
    15 Precipitation equal or more than 150.0 kg/m²
    16 Snow depth more than 0.00 m
    17 Snow depth more than 0.01 m
    18 Snow depth more than 0.10 m
    19 Snow depth more than 0.50 m
    20 Horizontal visibility less than 50 m
    21 Horizontal visibility less than 100 m
    22 Horizontal visibility less than 1000 m
    23 Hail
    24 Thunderstorm
    31 Missing value

0'08'053 - Day of occurrence qualifier

 C 008053
     0 Value occurred on only one day in the month
     1 Value occurred on more than one day in the month
     2 Reserved
     3 Missing value

0'08'070 - TOVS/ATOVS product qualifier

 C 008070
     0 Reserved
     1 Reserved
     2 Earth located instrument counts, calibration coefficients and housekeeping (level 1b)
     3 Earth located calibrated radiances (level 1c)
     4 Mapped to a common footprint, Earth located calibrated radiances (level 1d)

0'08'072 - Pixel(s) type

 C 008072
     0 Mixed
     1 Clear
     2 Cloudy

0'10'063 - Characteristics of pressure tendency

 C 010063
     0 Increasing, then decreasing: atmospheric pressure the same or higher than 3 hours ago
     1 Increasing, then steady; or increasing, then more slowly - pressure now higher than 3 hours ago
     2 Increasing (steadily or unsteadily) - pressure now higher than 3 hours ago
     3 Decreasing or steady, then increasing; or increasing, then increasing more rapidly - pressure now higher than 3 hours ago
     4 Steady; atmospheric pressure the same as 3 hours ago
     5 Decreasing; then increasing; atmospheric pressure the same or lower than 3 hours ago
     6 Decreasing, then steady; or decreasing, then decreasing more slowly - pressure now lower than 3 hours ago
     7 Decreasing (steadily or unsteadely) - pressure now lower than 3 hours ago
     8 Steady or increasing, then decreasing; or decreasing, then decreasing more rapidly - pressure now lower than 3 hours ago
    15 Missing

0'11'031 - Degree of turbulence

 C 011031
     0 Nil, in cloud
     1 Slight, in cloud
     2 Moderate, in cloud
     3 Severe, in cloud
     4 Nil, in clear air
     5 Slight, in clear air
     6 Moderate, in clear air
     7 Severe, in clear air
     8 Nil, cloud/clear air not specified
     9 Slight, cloud/clear air not specified
    10 Moderate, cloud/clear air not specified
    11 Severe, cloud/clear air not specified
    12 Extreme, in clear air
    12 Extreme, in cloud
    12 Extreme, cloud/clear air not specified
    15 Missing value

0'13'041 - Pasquill-Gifford stability category

 C 013041
     1 A
     2 A-B
     3 B
     4 B-C
     5 C
     6 D
     7 E
     8 F
     9 G
    15 Missing value

0'13'051 - Frequency group, precipitation

 C 013051
     0 Smaller than any value in the 30-year period
     1 In the first quintile
     2 In the second quintile
     3 In the third quintile
     4 In the fourth quintile
     5 In the fifth quintile
     6 Greater than any value in the 30-year period
    15 Missing value

0'19'001 - Type of synoptic feature

 C 019001
     0 Depression or low (extratropical)
     1 Tropical depression
     2 Tropical storm
     3 Severe tropical storm
     4 Typhoon
    63 Missing value

0'19'008 - Vertical extent of circulation

 C 019008
     0 Reserved
     1 Shallow (top of circulation below 700-hPa level)
     2 Shallow (top of between 700-hPa and 400-hPa level)
     3 Deep (top above 400-hPa level)
     7 Missing value

0'20'003 - Present weather

 C 020003
     0 Cloud development not observed or not observable
     1 Clouds generally dissolving or becoming less developed
     2 State of sky on the whole unchanged
     3 Clouds generally forming or developing
     4 Visibility reduced by smoke, e.g. veldt or forest fires, industrial smoke or volcanic ashes
     5 Haze
     6 Widespread dust in suspension in the air, not raised by wind at or near the station at the time of observation
     7 Dust or sand raised by wind at or near the station at the time of observation, but no well-developed dust whril(s) or sand whril(s), and no duststorm or sandstorm seen; or, in the case of sea stations and coastal, blowing spray at the station
     8 Well-developed dust whril(s) or sand whrils seen at or near the station during the preceding hour or at the same time of observation, but no duststorm or sandstorm
     9 Duststorm or sandstorm within sight at the time of observation, or at the station during the preceding hour
    10 Mist
    11 Paches of shallow fog or ice at the station, whether on land or sea, not deeper than 2 metres on land or 10 metres at sea
    12 More or less continuous shallow fog or ice at the station, whether on land or sea, not deeper than 2 metres on land or 10 metres at sea
    13 Lightning visible, no thunder heard
    14 Precipitation within sight, not reaching the ground or the surface of the sea
    15 Precipitation within sight, reaching the ground or the surface of the sea, but distant, i.e. estimated to be more than 5 km from the station
    16 Precipitation within sight, reaching the ground or the surface of the sea, near to, but not at the station
    17 Thunderstorm, but no precipitation at the time of observation
    18 Squalls at or within sight of the station during the preceding hour or at the time of observation
    19 Funnel cloud(s) at or within sight of the station during the preceding hour or at the time of observation
    20 Drizzle (not freezing) or snow grains, not falling as shower(s); during the preceding hour but not at the time of observation
    21 Rain (not freezing), not falling as shower(s); during the preeceding hour but not at the time of observation
    22 Snow, not falling as shower(s); during the preceding hour but not at the time of observation
    23 Rain and snow or ice pellets, not falling as shower(s); during the preceding hour but not at the time of observation
    24 Freezing drizzle or freezing rain, not falling as shower(s); during the preceding hour but not at the time of observation
    25 Shower(s) of rain; during the preceding hour but not at the time of observation
    26 Shower(s) of snow, or of rain and snow; during the preceding hour but not at the time of observation
    27 Shower(s) of hail, or of rain and hail; during the preceding hour but not at the time of observation
    28 Fog or ice fog; during the preceding hour but not at the time of observation
    29 Thunderstorm (with or without precipitation); during the preceding hour but not at the time of observation
    30 Slight or moderate duststorm or sandstorm, has decreased during the preceding hours
    31 Slight or moderate duststorm or sandstorm, no appreciable change during the preceding hour
    32 Slight or moderate duststorm or sandstorm, has begun or has inceased during the preceding hour
    33 Severe duststorm or sandstorm, has decreased during the preceding hours
    34 Severe duststorm or sandstorm, no appreciable change during the preceding hour
    35 Severe duststorm or sandstorm, has begun or has increased during the preceding hour
    36 Slight or moderate drifting snow, generally low (below eye level)
    37 Heavy drifting snow, generally low (below eye level)
    38 Slight or moderate blowing snow, generally high (above eye level)
    39 Heavy blowing snow, generally high (above eye level)
    40 Fog or ice fog at a distance at the time of observation, but not at the station during the preceding hour, the fog or ice fog extending to a level above that of the observer
    41 Fog or ice fog in patches
    42 Fog or ice fog, sky visible, has become thinner during the preceding hour
    43 Fog or ice fog, sky invisible, has become thinner during the preceding hour
    44 Fog or ice fog, sky visible, no appreciable change during the preceding hour
    45 Fog or ice fog, sky invisible, no appreciable change during the preceding hour
    46 Fog or ice fog, sky visible, has begun or has become thicker during the preceding hour
    47 Fog or ice fog, sky invisible, has begun or has become thicker during the preceding hour
    48 Fog, depositing rime, sky visible
    49 Fog, depositing rime, sky invisible
    50 Drizzle, not freezing, intermittent, slight at time of observation
    51 Drizzle, not freezing, continuous, slight at time of observation
    52 Drizzle, not freezing, intermittent, moderate at time of observation
    53 Drizzle, not freezing, continuous, moderate at time of observation
    54 Drizzle, not freezing, intermittent, heavy (dense) at the time of observation
    55 Drizzle, not freezing, continuous, heavy (dense) at the time of observation
    56 Drizzle, freezing, slight
    57 Drizzle, freezing, moderate or heavy (dense)
    58 Drizzle and rain, slight
    59 Drizzle and rain, moderate or heavy
    60 Rain, not freezing, intermittent, slight at time of observation
    61 Rain, not freezing, continuous, slight at time of observation
    62 Rain, not freezing, intermittent, moderate at time of observation
    63 Rain, not freezing, continuous. moderate at time of observation
    64 Rain, not freezing, intermittent, heavy at time of observatioon
    65 Rain, not freezing, continuous, heavy at time of observation
    66 Rain, freezing, slight
    67 Rain, freezing, moderate or heavy
    68 Rain or drizzle and snow, light
    69 Rain or drizzle and snow, moderate or heavy
    70 Intermittent fall of snowflakes, slight at time of observation
    71 Continuous fall of snowflakes, slight at time of observation
    72 Intermittent fall of snowflakes, moderate at time of observation
    73 Continuous fall of snowflakes, moderate at time of observation
    74 Intermittent fall of snowflakes, heavy at time of observatioons
    75 Continuous fall of snowflakes, heavy at time of observatioons
    76 Diamond dust (with or without fog)
    77 Snow grains (with or without fog)
    78 Isolated star-like snow crystals (with or without fog)
    79 Ice pellets
    80 Rain shower(s), slight
    81 Rain shower(s), moderate or heavy
    82 Rain shower(s), violent
    83 Shower(s) of rain and snow mixed, slight
    84 Shower(s) of rain and snow mixed, moderate or heavy
    85 Snow shower(s), slight
    86 Snow shower(s), moderate or heavy
    87 Shower(s) of snow pellets or small hail, with or without rain or rain and snow mixed, slight
    88 Shower(s) of snow pellets or small hail, with or without rain or rain and snow mixed, moderate or heavy
    89 Shower(s) of hail, with or without rain or rain and snow mixed, not associated with thunder, slight
    90 Shower(s) of hail, with or without rain or rain and snow mixed, not associated with thunder, moderate or heavy
    91 Slight rain at time of observation, thunderstorm during the preceding hour but not at time of observation
    92 Moderate or heavy rain at time of observation, thunderstorm during the preceding hour but not at time of observation
    93 Slight snow, or rain and snow mixed or hail at time of observation, thunderstorm during the preceding hour but not at time of observation
    94 Moderate or heavy snow, or rain and snow mixed or hail at time of observation, thunderstorm during preceding hour but not at time of observation
    95 Thunderstorm, slight or moderate, without hail, but with rain and/or snow at time of observation
    96 Thunderstorm, slight or moderate, with hail at time of observation
    97 Thunderstorm, heavy, without hail, but with rain and/or snow at time of observation
    98 Thunderstorm combined with duststorm or sandstorm at time of observation
    99 Thunderstorm, heavy, with hail at time of observation
   100 No significant weather observed
   101 Clouds generally dissolving or becoming less developed during the past hour
   102 State of sky on the whole unchanged during the past hour
   103 Clouds generally forming or developing during the past hour
   104 Haze or smoke, or dust in suspension in the air, visibility equal to, or greater than, 1 km
   105 Haze or smoke, or dust in suspension in the air, visibility less than 1 km
   110 Mist
   111 Diamond dust
   112 Distant lighting
   118 Squalls
   120 Fog
   122 Drizzle (not freezing) or snow grains
   123 Rain (not freezing)
   124 Snow
   125 Freezing drizzle or freezing rain
   126 Thunderstorm (with or without precipitation)
   128 Blowing or drifting snow or sand, visibility equal to, or grater than, 1 km
   129 Blowing or drifting snow or sand, visibility less than 1 km
   130 FOG
   131 Fog or ice fog, in patches
   132 Fog or ice fog, has become thinner during past hour
   133 Fog or ice fog, no appreciable change during past hour
   134 Fog or ice fog, has begun or become thicker during past hour
   135 Fog, deposition rime
   141 Precipitation, slight or moderate
   142 Precipitation, heavy
   143 Liquid precipitation, slight or moderate
   144 Liquid precipitation, heavy
   145 Solid precipitation, slight or moderate
   146 Solid precipitation, heavy
   147 Freezing precipitation, slight or moderate
   148 Freezing precipitation, heavy
   150 DRIZZLE
   151 Drizzle, not freezing, slight
   152 Drizzle, not freezing, moderate
   153 Drizzle, not freezing, heavy
   154 Drizzle, freezing, slight
   155 Drizzle, freezing, moderate
   156 Drizzle, freezing, heavy
   157 Drizzle and rain, slight
   158 Drizzle and rain, moderate or heavy
   160 RAIN
   161 Rain, not freezing, slight
   162 Rain, not freezing, moderate
   163 Rain, not freezing, heavy
   164 Rain, freezing, slight
   165 Rain, freezing, moderate
   166 Rain, freezing, heavy
   167 Rain (or drizzle) and snow, slight
   168 Rain (or drizzle) and snow, moderate and heavy
   170 SNOW
   171 Snow, slight
   172 Snow, moderate
   173 Snow, heavy
   174 Ice pellets, slight
   175 Ice pellets, moderate
   176 Ice pellets, heavy
   181 Rain shower(s) or intermittent rain, slight
   182 Rain shower(s) or intermittent rain, moderate
   183 Rain shower(s) or intermittent rain, heavy
   184 Rain shower(s) or intermittent rain, violent
   185 Snow shower(s) or intermittent snow, slight
   186 Snow shower(s) or intermittent snow, moderate
   187 Snow shower(s) or intermittent snow, heavy
   191 Thunderstorm, slight or moderate, with no precipitation
   192 Thunderstorm, slight or moderate, with rain showers and/or snow showers
   193 Thunderstorm, slight or moderate, with hail
   194 Thunderstorm, heavy, with no precipitation
   195 Thunderstorm, heavy, with rain showers and/or snow showers
   196 Thunderstorm, heavy, with hail
   199 Tornado
   204 Volcanic ash suspended in the air aloft
   206 Thick dust haze, visibility less than 1 km
   207 Blowing spray at the station
   208 Drifting dust (sand)
   209 Wall of dust or sand in distance (like haboob)
   210 Snow haze
   211 Whiteout
   213 Lightning, cloud to surface
   217 Dry thunderstorm
   219 Tornado cloud (destructive) at or within sight of the station during preceding hour or at the time of observation
   220 Deposition of volcanic ash
   221 Deposition of dust or sand
   222 Deposition of dew
   223 Deposition of wet snow
   224 Deposition of soft rime
   225 Deposition of hard rime
   226 Deposition of hoar frost
   227 Deposition of glaze
   228 Deposition of ice crust (ice slick)
   230 Duststorm or sandstorm with temperature below 0°C degrees
   239 Blowing snow, impossible to determine whether snow is falling or not
   241 Fog on sea
   242 Fog in valleys
   243 Arctic or Antarctic sea smoke
   244 Steam fog (sea, lake or river)
   245 Steam fog (land)
   246 Fog over ice or snow cover
   247 Dence fog visibility 60-90 m
   248 Dence fog visibility 30-60 m
   249 Dence fog visibility less than 30 m
   250 Drizzle, rate of fall less than 0.10 mm/h
   251 Drizzle, rate of fall 0.10 - 0.19 mm/h
   252 Drizzle, rate of fall 0.20 - 0.39 mm/h
   253 Drizzle, rate of fall 0.40 - 0.79 mm/h
   254 Drizzle, rate of fall 0.80 - 1.59 mm/h
   255 Drizzle, rate of fall 1.60 - 3.19 mm/h
   256 Drizzle, rate of fall 3.20 - 6.39 mm/h
   257 Drizzle, rate of fall 6.40 mm/h or more
   259 Drizzle and snow
   260 Rain, rate of fall less than 1.0 mm/h
   261 Rain, rate of fall 1.0 - 1.9 mm/h
   262 Rain, rate of fall 2.0 - 3.9 mm/h
   263 Rain, rate of fall 4.0 - 7.9 mm/h
   264 Rain, rate of fall 8.0 - 15.9 mm/h
   265 Rain, rate of fall 16.0 - 31.9 mm/h
   266 Rain, rate of fall 32.0 - 63.9 mm/h
   267 Rain, rate of fall 64.0 mm/h or more
   270 Snow, rate of fall less than 1.0 cm/h
   271 Snow, rate of fall 1.0 - 1.9 cm/h
   272 Snow, rate of fall 2.0 - 3.9 cm/h
   273 Snow, rate of fall 4.0 - 7.9 cm/h
   274 Snow, rate of fall 8.0 - 15.9 cm/h
   275 Snow, rate of fall 16.0 - 31.9 cm/h
   276 Snow, rate of fall 32.0 - 63.9 cm/h
   277 Snow, rate of fall 64.0 cm/h or more
   278 Snow or ice cristal precipitation from a clear sky
   279 Wet snow, freezing on contact
   280 Precipitation of rain (code figures = 87-99)
   281 Precipitation of rain, freezing (code figures = 80-82)
   282 Precipitation of rain and snow mixed
   283 Precipitation of snow
   284 Precipitation of snow pellets or small hail
   285 Precipitation of snow pellets or small hail, with rain
   286 Precipitation of snow pellets or small hail, with rain and snow mixed
   287 Precipitation of snow pellets or small hail, with snow
   288 Precipitation of hail
   289 Precipitation of hail, with rain
   290 Precipitation of hail, with rain and snow mixed
   291 Precipitation of hail, with snow
   292 Shower(s) or thunderstorm over sea
   293 Shower(s) or thunderstorm over mountains
   508 No significant phenomena to report, present and past weather omitted
   509 Not observed, no data available, present and past weather omitted
   510 Present and past weather missing, but expected
   511 Missing value

0'20'004 - Past weather (1)

 C 020004
     0 Cloud covering ½ or less of the sky throughout the approppriate period
     1 Cloud covering more than ½ of the sky during part of the appropriate period and covering ½ or less during part of the period
     2 Cloud covering more than ½ of the sky throughout the approppriate period
     3 Sandstorm, duststorm or blowing snow
     4 Fog or ice or thick haze
     5 Drizzle
     6 Rain
     7 Snow, or rain and snow mixed
     8 Shower(s)
     9 Thunderstorm(s) with or without precipitation
    10 No significant weather observed
    12 Blowing phenomena, visibility reduced
    13 FOG
    15 Drizzle
    16 Rain
    17 Snow or ice pellets
    18 Showers or intermittent precipitation
    19 Thunderstorm
    31 Missing value

0'20'005 - Past weather (2)

 C 020005
     0 Cloud covering ½ or less of the sky throughout the approppriate period
     1 Cloud covering more than ½ of the sky during part of the appropriate period and covering ½ or less during part of the period
     2 Cloud covering more than ½ of the sky throughout the approppriate period
     3 Sandstorm, duststorm or blowing snow
     4 Fog or ice or thick haze
     5 Drizzle
     6 Rain
     7 Snow, or rain and snow mixed
     8 Shower(s)
     9 Thunderstorm(s) with or without precipitation
    10 No significant weather observed
    12 Blowing phenomena, visibility reduced
    13 FOG
    15 Drizzle
    16 Rain
    17 Snow or ice pellets
    18 Showers or intermittent precipitation
    19 Thunderstorm
    31 Missing value

0'20'008 - Cloud distribution for aviation

 C 020008
     0 Sky clear
     1 Few
     2 Scattered
     3 Broken
     4 Overcast
     5 Reserved
     6 Scattered/broken
     7 Broken/overcast
     8 Isolated
     9 Isolated embedded
    10 Occasional
    11 Occasional embedded
    12 Frequent
    13 Dense
    14 Layers

0'20'011 - Cloud amount

 C 020011
     0 0 oktas (0/10)
     1 1 okta or less, but not zero (1/10 or less, but not zero)
     2 2 oktas (2/10 - 3/10)
     3 3 oktas (4/10)
     4 4 oktas (5/10)
     5 5 oktas (6/10)
     6 6 oktas (7/10 - 8/10)
     7 7 oktas or more, but not 8 oktas (9/10 or more, but not 10/10)
     8 8 oktas (10/10)
     9 Sky obscured by fog and/or other meteorological phenomena
    10 Sky partially obscured by fog and/or other meteorological phenomena
    11 Scattered
    12 Broken
    15 Cloud cover is indiscernible for reasons other than fog or other meteorological phenomena, or observation is not made

0'20'012 - Cloud type

 C 020012
     0 Cirrus (Ci)
     1 Cirrocumulus (Cc)
     2 Cirrostratus (Cs)
     3 Altocumulus (Ac)
     4 Altostratus (As)
     5 Nimbostratus (Ns)
     6 Stratocumulus (Sc)
     7 Stratus (St)
     8 Cumulus (Cu)
     9 Cumulonimbus (Cb)
    10 No CH clouds
    11 Cirrus fibratus, sometimes uncinus, not progressively invading the sky
    12 Cirrus spissatus, in patches or entangled sheaves, which usually do not increase and sometimes seem to be the remains of the upper part of a Cumulonimbus; or Cirrus castellanus or floccus
    13 Cirrus spissatus cumulonimbogenitus
    14 Cirrus uncinus or fibratus, or both, progressively invading the sky; they generally thicken as a whole
    15 Cirrus (often in bands) and Cirrostratus, or Cirrostratus alone, progressively invading the sky; they generally thicken as a whole, but the continuous veil does not reach 45 degrees above the horizon
    16 Cirrus (often in bands) and cirrostratus, or cirrostratus alone, progressively invading the sky; they generally thicken as a whole, but the continuous veil extends more than 45 degrees above the horizon, without the sky being totally covered
    17 Cirrostratus covering the whole sky
    18 Cirrostratus not progressively invading the sky and not entirely covering it
    19 Cirrocumulus alone, or Cirrocumulus predominant among the CH clouds
    20 No CM clouds
    21 Altostratus translucidus
    22 Altostratus opacus or Nimbostratus
    23 Altocumulus translucidus at a single level
    24 Patches (often lenticularis) of Altocumulus translucidus, continually changing and occuring at one or more levels
    25 Altocumulus translucidus in bands, or one or more layers of Altocumulus translucidus or opacus, progressively invading the sky; these Altocumulus clouds generally thicken as a whole
    26 Altocumulus cumulogenitus (or cumulonimbogenitus)
    27 Altocumulus translucidus or opacus in two or more layers, or Altocumulus opacus in a single layer, not progressively invading the sky, or Altocumulus with Altostratus or Nimbostratus
    28 Altocumulus castellanus or flocus
    29 Altocumulus of chaotic sky, generally at several levels
    30 No CL clouds
    31 Cumulus humilis or Cumulus fractus other than of bad weather, or both
    32 Cumulus mediocris or congestus, with or without Cumulus of species fractus or humilis or Stratocumulus, all having their bases at the same level
    33 Cumulonimbus calvus, with or without Cumulus, Stratocumulus or Stratus
    34 Stratocumulus cumulogenitus
    35 Stratocumulus other than Stratocumulus cumulogenitus
    36 Stratus nebulosus or Stratus fractus other than of bad weather, or both
    37 Stratus fractus or Cumulus fractus of bad weather, or both (pannus), usually below Altostratus or Nimbostratus
    38 Cumulus and Stratocumulus other than Stratocumulus cumulogenitus, with bases at different levels
    39 Cumulonimbus capillatus (often with an anvil), with or without Cumulonimbus calvus, Cumulus, Stratocumulus, Stratus or pannus
    40 CH
    41 CM
    42 CL
    59 Cloud not visible owing to darkness, fog, duststorm, sandstorm, or other analogous phenomena
    60 CH clouds invisible owing to darkness, fog, duststorm, sandstorm, or other similar phenomena, or because of a continuous layer of lower clouds
    61 CM clouds invisible owing to darkness, fog, duststorm, sandstorm, or other similar phenomena, or because of a continuous layer of lower clouds
    62 CL clouds invisible owing to darkness, fog, duststorm, sandstorm, or other similar phenomena
    63 Missing value

0'20'017 - Cloud top description

 C 020017
     0 Isolated cloud fragments of cloud
     1 Continuous cloud, flat tops
     2 Broken cloud - small breaks, flat tops
     3 Broken cloud - large breaks, flat tops
     4 Continuous cloud - undulating tops
     5 Broken cloud - small breaks, undulated tops
     6 Broken cloud - large breaks, undulated tops
     7 Continuous or almost continuous waves with towering clouds above the top of the layer
     8 Groups of waves with towering clouds above the top of the layer
     9 Two or more layers at different levels
    15 Missing value

0'20'032 - Rate of ice accretion

 C 020032
     0 Ice not building up
     1 Ice building up slowly
     2 Ice building up quickly
     3 Ice melting or breaking up slowly
     4 Ice melting or breaking up rapidly
     7 Missing value

0'20'033 - Cause of ice accretion

 F 020033
     1 Icing from ocean spray
     2 Icing from fog
     3 Icing from rain

0'20'034 - Sea ice concentration

 C 020034
     0 No sea ice in sight
     1 Ship in open lead more than 1.0 nautical mile wide, or ship in fast ice with boundary beyond limit of visibility
     2 Sea ice present in concetration less than 3/10 (3/8), open water or very open pack ice, sea ice concetration is uniform in the observation area, ship in ice or within 0.5 nautical mile of ice edge
     3 4/10 to 6/10 (3/8 to less than 6/8), open pack ice, sea ice concetration is uniform in the observation area, ship in ice or within 0.5 nautical mile of ice edge
     4 7/10 to 8/10 (6/8 to less than 7/8), close pack ice, sea ice concetration is uniform in the observation area, ship in ice or within 0.5 nautical mile of ice edge
     5 9/10 or more, but not 10/10 (7/8 to less than 8/8), very close pack ice, sea ice concetration is uniform in the observation area, ship in ice or within 0.5 nautical mile of ice edge
     6 Strips and patches of pack ice with open water between, sea ice concentration is not uniform in the observation area, ship in ice or within 0.5 nautical mile of ice edge
     7 Strips and patches of close or very close pack ice with areas of lesser concentration between, sea ice concetration is not uniform in the observation area, ship in ice or within 0.5 nautical mile of ice edge
     8 Fast ice with open water, very open or open pack ice to seaward of the ice boundary, sea ice concentration is not uniform in the observation area, ship in ice or within 0.5 nautical mile of ice edge
     9 Fast ice close or very close pack ice to seaward of the ice boundary, sea ice concetration is not uniform in the observation area, ship in ice or within 0.5 nautical mile of ice edge
    14 Unable to report, because of darkness, lack of visibility, or because ship is more than 0.5 nautical mile away from ice edge
    15 Missing value

0'20'035 - Amount and type of ice

 C 020035
     0 No ice of land origin
     1 1-5 icebergs, no growlers or bergy bits
     2 6-10 icebergs, no growlers or bergy bits
     3 11-20 icebergs, no growlers or bergy bits
     4 Up to and including 10 growlers and bergy bits - no icebergs
     5 More than 10 growlers and bergy bits - no icebergs
     6 1-5 icebergs, with growlers and bergy bits
     7 6-10 icebergs, with growlers and bergy bits
     8 11-20 icebergs, with growlers and bergy bits
     9 More than 20 icebergs,with growlers and bergy bits - a major hazard to navigation
    14 Unable to report, because of darkness, lack of visibility or because only sea ice is visible
    15 Missing value

0'20'036 _ Ice situation

 C 020036
     0 Ship in open water with floating ice in sight
     1 Ship in easily penetrable ice; conditions improving
     2 Ship in easily penetrable ice; conditions not changing
     3 Ship in easily penetrable ice; conditions worsening
     4 Ship in ice difficult to penetrate; conditions improving
     5 Ship in ice difficult to penetrate; conditions not changing
     6 Ship in ice difficult to penetrate; conditions worsening. Ice forming and floes freezing together
     7 Ship in ice difficult to penetrate; conditions worsening. Ice under slight pressure
     8 Ship in ice difficult to penetrate; conditions worsening. Ice under moderate or severe pressure
     9 Ship in ice difficult to penetrate; conditions worsening. Ship beset
    30 Unable to report, because of darkness or lack of visibility
    31 Missing value

0'20'037 - Ice development

 C 020037
     0 New ice only (frazil ice, grease ice, slush, shuga)
     1 Nilas or ice rind, less than 10 cm thick
     2 Young ice (grey ice, grey-white ice), 10-30 cm thick
     3 Predominantly new and/and or young ice with some first-year ice
     4 Predominantly thin first-year ice with some new and/or young ice
     5 All thin first-year ice (30-70 cm thick)
     6 Predominantly medium first-year ice (70-120 cm thick) and thick first-year ice (>120 cm thick) with some thinner (younger) first-year ice
     7 All medium and thick first-year ice
     8 Predominantly medium and thick first-year ice with some old (usually more than 2 metres thick)
     9 Predominantly old ice
    30 Unable to report, because of darkness, lack of visibility or because only ice of land origin is visible or because ship is more than 0.5 nautical mile away from ice edge
    31 Missing value

0'20'041 - Airframe icing

 C 020041
     0 No icing
     1 Light icing
     2 Light icing in cloud
     3 Light icing in precipitation
     4 Moderate icing
     5 Moderate icing in cloud
     6 Moderate icing in precipitation
     7 Severe icing
     8 Severe icing in cloud
     9 Severe icing in precipitation
    10 Trace of icing
    11 Trace of icing in cloud
    12 Trace of icing in precipitation
    15 Missing value

0'20'062 - State of the ground

 C 020062
     0 Surface of ground dry (without cracks and no appreciable amount of dust or loose sand)
     1 Surface of ground moist
     2 Surface of ground wet (standing water in small or large pools on surface)
     3 Flooded
     4 Surface of ground frozen
     5 Glaze on ground
     6 Loose dust or sand not covering ground completely)
     7 Thin cover of loose dry dust or sand covering ground completely
     7 Moderate or thick cover of loose dry dust or sand covering ground completely
     9 Extremely dry with cracks
    10 Ground predominantly covered by ice
    11 Compact or wet snow (with or without ice) covering less than one-half of the ground
    12 Compact or wet snow (with or without ice) covering at least one-half of the ground but ground not completely covered
    13 Even layer of compact or wet snow covering ground completely
    14 Uneven layer of compact or wet snow covering ground completely
    15 Loose dry snow covering less than one-half of the ground
    16 Loose dry snow covering at least one-half of the ground but ground not completely covered
    17 Even layer of loose dry snow covering ground completely
    18 Uneven layer of loose dry snow covering ground completely
    19 Snow covering ground completely; deep drifts
    31 Missing value

0'20'063 - Special phenomena

0'22'061 - State of the sea

 C 022061
     0 Calm (glassy)
     1 Calm (rippled); 0 - 0.1 m
     2 Smooth (wavelets); 0.1 - 0.5 m
     3 Slight; 0.5 - 1.2 m
     4 Moderate; 1.25 - 2.5 m
     5 Rough; 2.5 - 4 m
     6 Very rough; 4 - 6 m
     7 High; 6 - 9 m
     8 Very high; 9 - 14 m
     9 Phenomenal; over 14 m
    15 Missing value

0'23'001 - Accident early notification - article applicable

 C 023001
     0 Reserved
     1 Articles 1 and 2
     2 Article 3
     3 Article 5.2
     7 Missing value

0'23'002 - Activity or facility involved in incident

 C 023002
     0 Reserved
     1 Nuclear reactor on ground
     2 Nuclear reactor at sea
     3 Nuclear reactor in space
     4 Nuclear fuel facility
     5 Radioactive waste management facility
     6 Transport of nuclear fuel or radioactive waste
     7 Storage of nuclear fuel or radioactive waste
     8 Manufacture of radio-isotopes
     9 Use of radio-isotopes
    10 Storage of radio-isotopes
    11 Disposal of radio-isotopes
    12 Transport of radio-isotopes
    13 Use of radio-isotopes for power generation
    30 Other
    31 Missing data

0'23'003 - Type of release

 C 023003
     0 No release
     1 Release to atmosphere
     2 Release to water
     3 Release to both atmosphere and water
     4 Expected release to atmosphere
     5 Expected release to water
     6 Expected release to both atmosphere and water
     7 missing value

0'23'004 - Countermeasures taken near border

 C 023004
     0 No countermeasures
     1 Evacuation
     2 Sheltering
     3 Prophylaxis
     4 Water
     7 Missing value

0'23'005 - Cause of the incident

 C 023005
     0 Incident State does not understand what happened
     1 Incident State knows the cause of the incident
     2 Reserved
     3 Missing value

0'23'006 - Incident situation

 C 023006
     0 No improvement
     1 Unstable
     2 No detoriation
     3 Improving
     4 Stable
     5 Deteriorating
     6 Reserved
     7 Missing value

0'23'007 - Characteristics of release

 C 023007
     0 No release
     1 Release has stopped
     2 Release
     3 Release is continuing
     7 Missing value

0'23'008 - State of current release

 C 023008
     0 Gaseous
     1 Particulate
     2 Mixture of gaseous and particulate
     3 Missing value

0'23'009 - State of expected release

 C 023009
     0 Gaseous
     1 Particulate
     2 Mixture of gaseous and particulate
     3 Missing value

0'23'016 - Possibility of significant chemical toxic health effect

 C 023016
     0 No significant chemical toxic health effect
     1 Significant chemical toxic health effect
     2 Reserved
     3 Missing value

0'23'018 - Release behiaviour over time

 C 023018
     0 Release no longer occurring
     1 Release still occurring
     2 Release expected to increase in next 6 hours
     3 Release expected to remain constant in next 6 hours
     4 Release expected to decrease in next 6 hours
     7 Missing value

0'23'031 - Possibility of that plume will encounter precipitation in State in which incident occurred

 C 023031
     0 Plume will not encounter precipitation in incident State
     1 Plume will encounter precipitation in incident State
     2 Reserved
     3 Missing value

0'23'032 - Plume will encounter change in wind direction and/or speed

 C 023032
     0 No significant change expected within the next 6 hours
     1 Anticipated significant change expected within the next 6 hours
     2 Reserved
     3 Missing value

0'24'003 - Composition of release

 C 024003
     0 Noble gases
     1 Iodines
     2 Caesium
     3 Transuranics
    31 Missing value

0'25'004 - Echo processing

 C 025004
     0 Incoherent
     1 Coherent (Doppler)
     2 Reserved
     3 Missing value

0'25'005 - Echo integration

 C 025005
     0 Logarithm - 2.5 dB
     1 Linear
     2 Special
     3 Missing value

0'25'006 - Z to R conversion

 C 025006
     0 ZH to R conversion
     1 (ZH,ZDR) to (NO,DO) to R
     2 (Z(F1),Z(F2)) to attenuation to R
     6 Other
     3 Missing value

0'25'009 - Calibration method

 F 025009
     1 None
     2 Calibration target or signal
     3 Against raingauges
     4 Against other instruments (distrometer - attenuation)

0'25'009 - Clutter treatment

 C 025010
     0 None
     1 Map
     2 Insertion of higher elevation data and map
     3 Analysis of the fluctuating logarithm signal (clutter detection)
     4 Extraction of the fluctuating part of the signal (clutter suppression)
     5 Clutter suppression - Doppler
     6 Multiparameter analysis
    15 Missing value

0'25'011 - Ground occultation correction (screening)

 C 025011
     0 None
     1 Map of correction factors
     2 Interpolation (azimuth or elevation)
     3 Missing value

0'25'012 - Range attenuation correction

 C 025012
     0 Hardware
     1 Software
     2 Hardware and software
     3 Missing value

0'25'013 - Bright-band correction

 F 025013
     1 Bright-band correction

0'25'015 - Radome attenuation correction

 F 025015
     1 Radome attenuation correction

0'25'017 - Precipitation attenuation correction

 F 025017
     1 Precipitation attenuation correction

0'25'020 - Mean speed estimation

 C 025020
     0 FFT (fast Fourier transform)
     1 PPP (pulse-pair processing)
     2 VPC (vector-phase shange)
     3 Missing value

0'25'021 - Wind computation enhancement

 F 025021
     1 Simple average
     2 Consensus average
     3 Median check
     4 Vertical consistency check
     5 Other

0'25'030 - Running mean sea-surface temperature usage

 C 025030
     0 Running mean sea-surface temperature not used because usage criteria not met
     1 Running mean sea-surface temperature not used because data not available
     2 Running mean sea-surface temperature used as predictor
     3 Missing value

0'25'032 - NOAA wind profiler information

 C 025032
     0 Reserved
     1 Data from low mode
     2 Data from high mode
     3 Missing value

0'25'033 - NOAA wind profiler submode information

 C 025033
     0 Wind profiler operating in submode A
     1 Wind profiler operating in submode B
     2 Reserved
     3 Missing value

0'25'034 - NOAA wind profiler quality control test results

 F 025034
     1 Test A performed and failed
     2 Test B performed and failed
     3 Test results inconclusive
     4 Reserved

0'25'040 - CO2 wind product derivation

 C 025040
     0 Non-specific mode
     1 First guess data
     2 Cloud vector data
     3 Average vector data
     4 Primary data
     5 Guess data
     6 Vector data
     7 Tracer data; this image
     8 Tracer data to next image
    15 Missing value

0'25'041 - Moving platform direction reporting method

 C 025041
     0 Direction originally reported in true degrees
     1 Direction originally reported using Code table 0700, FM 13
     2 Reserved
     3 Missing vallue

0'25'042 - Moving platform speed reporting method

 C 025042
     0 Speed originally reported in metres per second
     1 Speed originally reported using Code table 4451, FM 13
     2 Reserved
     3 Missing vallue

0'25'053 - Observation quality

 F 025053
     1 Good
     2 Redundant
     3 Questionable
     4 Bad
     5 Experimantal
     6 Precipitating

0'26'010 - Hours included

 F 026010
     1 0100 included
     2 0200 included
     3 0300 included
     4 0400 included
     5 0500 included
     6 0600 included
     7 0700 included
     8 0800 included
     9 0900 included
    10 1000 included
    11 1100 included
    12 1200 included
    13 1300 included
    14 1400 included
    15 1500 included
    16 1600 included
    17 1700 included
    18 1800 included
    19 1900 included
    20 2000 included
    21 2100 included
    22 2200 included
    23 2300 included
    24 2400 included
    25 Unknown mixture of hours

0'29'001 - Projection type

 C 029001
     0 Gnomonic projection
     1 Polar stereographic projection
     2 Lambert's conformal conic projection
     3 Mercator's projection
     4 Scanning cone (radar)
     7 Missing vallue

0'29'002 - Coordinate grid type

 C 029002
     0 Cartesian
     1 Polar
     2 Other
     7 Missing vallue

0'30'031 - Picture type

 C 030031
     0 PPI
     1 Composite
     2 CAPPI
     3 Vertical section
     4 Alphanumeric data
     5 Map of subject clutter
     6 Map
     7 Test picture
     9 Map of ground occultation
    10 Map of radar beam height
    15 Missing vallue

0'30'032 - Combination with other data

 F 030032
     1 Map
     2 Satellite IR
     3 Satellite VIS
     4 Satellite WV
     5 Satellite multispectral
     6 Synoptic observations
     7 Forecast parameters
     8 Lightning data
    15 Other data
    16 Missing value

0'31'021 - Associated field significance

 C 031021
     0 Reserved
     1 1-bit indicator of quality; 0=good, 1=suspect or bad
     2 2-bit indicator of quality; 0=good, 1=slightly suspected, 2=highly suspected, 3=bad
     7 Percentage confidence
    21 1-bit indicator of correction; 0=original value, 1=substituted/corrected value
    63 Missing value

0'31'031 - Data present indicator

 C 031031
     0 Data present
     1 Data not present

0'33'002 - Quality information

 C 033002
     0 Data not suspect
     1 Data suspect
     2 Reserved
     3 Quality information not given

0'33'003 - Quality information

 C 033003
     0 Data not suspect
     1 Data slightly suspect
     2 Data highly suspect
     3 Data considered unfit for use
     7 Quality information not given

0'33'030 - Scan line status flags for ATOVS

 F 033030
     1 Do not use scan for product generation
     2 Time sequence error detected with this scan
     3 Data gap precedes this scan
     4 No calibration
     5 No Earth location
     6 First good time following a clock update
     7 Instrument status changed with this scan

0'33'031 - Scan line quality flags for ATOVS

 F 033031
     1 Time field is bad but can probably be inferred from the previous good time
     2 Time field is bad and can't be inferred from the previous good time
     3 This record starts a sequence that is inconsistent with previous times (i.e. there is a time discontinuity). This may or may not be associated with a spacecraft clock update (see scan line status flags for ATOVS)
     4 Start of a sequence that apparently repeats scan times that have been previously accepted
     5 Scan line was not calibrated because of bad time
     6 Scan line was calibrated using fewer thant the preferred number of scan lines because of prosimaty to start or end of data or to a data gap
     7 Scan line was not calibrated because of bad or insufficient PRT data
     8 Scan line was calibrated but with marginal PRT data
     9 Some uncalibrated channels on this scan
    10 Uncalibrated dure to insturment mode
    11 Questionable calibration because of antenna prosition error of space view
    12 Questionable calibration because of antenna position error of black body
    13 Not Earth located because of bad time
    14 Earth location questionable because of questionable time code (see time problem code bits)
    15 Earth location questionable - fails reasonableness check
    17 Earth location questionable because of antenna position check

0'33'032 - Channel quality flags for ATOVS

 F 033032
     1 No good blackbody counts for scan line
     2 No good space view counts for this line
     3 No good PRTs for this line
     4 Some bad blackbody view counts for this line
     5 Some bad space view counts for this line
     6 Some bad PRT temps on this line

0'33'033 - Field of view quality flags for ATOVS

 F 033033
     1 Set if secondary calibration used
    22 Set if all the channels are missing
    23 Reserved bit set to zero

0'33'035 - Manual/automatic quality control

 C 033035
     0 Automatic quality control passed and not manually checked
     1 Automatic quality control passed and manually checked and passed
     2 Automatic quality control passed and manually checked and deleted
     3 Automatic quality control failed and manually not checked
     4 Automatic quality control failed and manually checked and failed
     5 Automatic quality control failed and manually checked and re-inserted

0'33'037 - Wind correlation factor

 F 033037
     1 U departure from guess
     2 V departure from guess
     3 U and V departure from guess
     4 U acceleration
     5 V acceleration
     6 U and V acceleration
     7 Possible land feature
     8 U acceleration and possible land feature
     9 V acceleration and possible land feature
    10 U and V acceleration and possible land feature
    11 Bad wind guess
    12 Correlation failure
    13 Search box off edge of area
    14 Target box off edge of area
    15 Pixel brightness out of bounds (noisy line)
    16 Target outside of latitude/longitude box
    17 Target outside of pressure minimum/maximum
    18 Autoeditor flagged slow vector
    19 Autoeditor flagged vectors