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This table contains sequences common to BUFR and CREX.
This HTML-formatted table is based on a WMO document.
Please consult the original WMO document for more details and for possible notes.
Links to classes: 00 01 02 03 04 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 15 16 18 21 22 40
# # Operational: 300002 000002 Table A: data category description, line 1 000003 Table A: data category description, line 2 # # Operational: 300003 (F, X, Y of descriptor to be added or defined) 000010 F descriptor to be added or defined 000011 X descriptor to be added or defined 000012 Y descriptor to be added or defined # # Operational: 300004 300003 F, X, Y of descriptor to be added or defined 000013 Element name, line 1 000014 Element name, line 2 000015 Units name 000016 Units scale sign 000017 Units scale 000018 Units reference sign 000019 Units reference value 000020 Element data width # # Operational: 300010 300003 F, X, Y of descriptor to be added or defined 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 000030 Descriptor defining sequence # # Operational: 300015 (Code table definition) 000030 Descriptor defining sequence 102000 Delayed replication of 2 descriptors 031002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor 000024 Code figure 000025 Code figure meaning # # Operational: 300016 (Flag table definition) 000030 Descriptor defining sequence 102000 Delayed replication of 2 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 000026 Bit number 000027 Bit number meaning #
# # Operational: 301001 (WMO block and station numbers) 001001 WMO block number 001002 WMO station number # # Operational: 301002 001003 WMO Region number/geographical area 001004 WMO Region sub-area 001005 Buoy/platform identifier # # Operational: 301003 (Ship's call sign and motion) 001011 Ship or mobile land station identifier 001012 Direction of motion of moving observing platform 001013 Speed of motion of moving observing platform # # Operational: 301004 (Surface station identification) 001001 WMO block number 001002 WMO station number 001015 Station or site name 002001 Type of station # # Operational: 301005 (Originating centre/sub-centre) 001035 Originating centre 001034 Identification of originating/generating sub-centre # # Operational: 301011 (Year, month, day) 004001 Year 004002 Month 004003 Day # # Operational: 301012 (Hour, minute) 004004 Hour 004005 Minute # # Operational: 301013 (Hour, minute, second) 004004 Hour 004005 Minute 004006 Second # # Operational: 301014 (Time period) 102002 Replicate 2 descriptors 2 times 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute # # Operational: 301018 (Encrypted ship's call sign and encryption method) 001114 Encrypted ship or mobile land station identifier (base64 encoding) 025185 Encryption method 025186 Encryption key version # # Operational: 301021 (Latitude/longitude (high accuracy)) 005001 Latitude (high accuracy) 006001 Longitude (high accuracy) # # Operational: 301022 (Latitude/longitude (high accuracy), height of station) 005001 Latitude (high accuracy) 006001 Longitude (high accuracy) 007001 Height of station # # Operational: 301023 (Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy)) 005002 Latitude (coarse accuracy) 006002 Longitude (coarse accuracy) # # Operational: 301024 (Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy), height of station) 005002 Latitude (coarse accuracy) 006002 Longitude (coarse accuracy) 007001 Height of station # # Operational: 301025 (Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy), day/time) 301023 Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy) 004003 Day 301012 Hour, minute # # Operational: 301026 (Latitude/longitude (high accuracy), time period (day, hour, minute)) 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 004003 Day 004003 Day 004004 Hour 004004 Hour 004005 Minute 004005 Minute # # Operational: 301027 (Description of a feature in 3-D or 2-D) 008007 Dimensional significance 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 301028 Horizontal section of a feature described as a polygon, circle, line or point 008007 Dimensional significance # # Operational: 301028 (Horizontal section of a feature described as a polygon, circle, line or point) 008040 Flight level significance 033042 Type of limit represented by following value 007010 Flight level 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor 301023 Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy) 019007 Effective radius of feature 008040 Flight level significance # # Operational: 301029 (Identification) 001018 Short station or site name 002001 Type of station 301011 Year, month, day # # Operational: 301030 (Identification - with physical location) 001018 Short station or site name 002001 Type of station 301011 Year, month, day 301024 Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy), height of station # # Operational: 301031 (Identification and type of station, date/time, location (high accuracy), height of station) 301001 WMO block and station numbers 002001 Type of station 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 301022 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy), height of station # # Operational: 301032 (Identification and type of station, date/time, location (coarse accuracy), height of station) 301001 WMO block and station numbers 002001 Type of station 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 301024 Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy), height of station # # Operational: 301033 (Buoy/platform - fixed) 001005 Buoy/platform identifier 002001 Type of station 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) # # Operational: 301034 (Buoy/platform - fixed) 001005 Buoy/platform identifier 002001 Type of station 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 301023 Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy) # # Operational: 301035 (Buoy/platform - moving) (see Note 8) 001005 Buoy/platform identifier 001012 Direction of motion of moving observing platform 001013 Speed of motion of moving observing platform 002001 Type of station 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 301023 Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy) # # Operational: 301036 (Ship) 301003 Ship's call sign and motion 002001 Type of station 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 301023 Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy) # # Operational: 301037 (Land station for vertical soundings) 301001 WMO block and station numbers 002011 Radiosonde type 002012 Radiosonde computational method 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 301022 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy), height of station # # Operational: 301038 (Land station for vertical soundings) 301001 WMO block and station numbers 002011 Radiosonde type 002012 Radiosonde computational method 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 301024 Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy), height of station # # Operational: 301039 (Ship for vertical soundings) 301003 Ship's call sign and motion 002011 Radiosonde type 002012 Radiosonde computational method 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 301023 Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy) # # Operational: 301040 (Ship for vertical soundings) 301003 Ship's call sign and motion 002011 Radiosonde type 002012 Radiosonde computational method 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 301024 Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy), height of station # # Operational: 301041 (Satellite identifier, instrument, data-processing technique, date/time) 001007 Satellite identifier 002021 Satellite instrument data used in processing 002022 Satellite data-processing technique used 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute # # Operational: 301042 (Satellite identifier, instrument, data-processing technique, date/time, location) 301041 Satellite identifier, instrument, data-processing technique, date/time 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) # # Operational: 301043 (Satellite identifier, wind computation method, date/time, location) 001007 Satellite identifier 002023 Satellite-derived wind computation method 301011 Year, month, day 301013 Hour, minute, second 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) # # Operational: 301044 (Satellite identifier, humidity computation method, date/time, location) 001007 Satellite identifier 002024 Integrated mean humidity computational method 301011 Year, month, day 301013 Hour, minute, second 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) # # Operational: 301045 (Satellite location and velocity) 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 201138 Change data width 202131 Change scale 004006 Second 201000 Change data width 202000 Change scale 304030 Location of platform 304031 Speed of platform # # Operational: 301046 (Satellite identifier, direction of motion, sensor, model function, software, resolution) 001007 Satellite identifier 001012 Direction of motion of moving observing platform 002048 Satellite sensor indicator 021119 Wind scatterometer geophysical model function 025060 Software identification 202124 Change scale 002026 Cross-track resolution 002027 Along-track resolution 202000 Change scale 005040 Orbit number # # Operational: 301047 (ERS product header) 001007 Satellite identifier 025060 Software identification 001033 Identification of originating/generating centre 001034 Identification of originating/generating sub-centre 001012 Direction of motion of moving observing platform 301045 Satellite location and velocity 002021 Satellite instrument data used in processing 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 201138 Change data width 202131 Change scale 004006 Second 201000 Change data width 202000 Change scale 301023 Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy) # # Operational: 301048 (Radar parameters) 002104 Antenna polarization 002121 Mean frequency 002113 Number of azimuth looks 002026 Cross-track resolution 002027 Along-track resolution 002111 Radar incidence angle 002140 Satellite radar beam azimuth angle 202127 Change scale 001013 Speed of motion of moving observing platform 202126 Change scale 007001 Height of station 202000 Change scale 025010 Clutter treatment 021064 Clutter noise estimate # # Operational: 301049 (Radar beam data) 002111 Radar incidence angle 002112 Radar look angle 021062 Backscatter 021063 Radiometric resolution (noise value) 021065 Missing packet counter # # Operational: 301051 (Flight number, navigational system, date/time, location, phase of flight) 001006 Aircraft flight number 002061 Aircraft navigational system 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 008004 Phase of aircraft flight # # Operational: 301055 (Identification and type of station, date/time, location (high accuracy), movement) 001005 Buoy/platform identifier 002001 Type of station 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 001012 Direction of motion of moving observing platform 001014 Platform drift speed (high precision) # # Operational: 301056 (Sequence for platform identification, type, time and location of the observation report) 001087 WMO marine observing platform extended identifier 001011 Ship or mobile land station identifier 001015 Station or site name 002008 Type of offshore platform 002001 Type of station 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 007030 Height of station ground above mean sea level 007031 Height of barometer above mean sea level # # Operational: 301058 (Universal lightning event) 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 201152 Change data width 202135 Change scale 004006 Second 202000 Change scale 201000 Change data width 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 020111 x-axis error ellipse major component 020112 y-axis error ellipse minor component 020113 z-axis error ellipse component 020114 Angle of x-axis in error ellipse 020115 Angle of z-axis in error ellipse 020116 Emission height of cloud stroke 020117 Amplitude of lightning strike 020118 Lightning detection error 020119 Lightning discharge polarity 025035 Decision method for polarity 020121 Threshold value for polarity decision 020122 Threshold value for polarity decision 020123 Minimum threshold for detection 020124 Lightning stroke or flash 025175 Modified residual 020023 Other weather phenomena 025063 Central processor or system identifier 202136 Change scale 201136 Change data width 002121 Mean frequency 201000 Change data width 202000 Change scale 025061 Software identification and version number 002184 Type of lightning detection sensor 002189 Capability to discriminate lightning strikes 025036 Atmospherics location method 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor 301059 Identification of sensor site and instrumentation # # Operational: 301059 (Identification of sensor site and instrumentation) 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 007030 Height of station ground above mean sea level 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) # # Operational: 301062 (Radar location(s)) 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 301001 WMO block and station numbers # # Operational: 301065 (ACARS identification) 001006 Aircraft flight number 001008 Aircraft registration number or other identification 002001 Type of station 002002 Type of instrumentation for wind measurement 002005 Precision of temperature observation 002062 Type of aircraft data relay system 002070 Original specification of latitude/longitude 002065 ACARS ground-receiving station # # Operational: 301066 (ACARS location) 301011 Year, month, day 301013 Hour, minute, second 301023 Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy) 007004 Pressure 002064 Aircraft roll angle quality 008004 Phase of aircraft flight # # Operational: 301070 (Ozone instrumentation - Brewer spectrophotometer) 002143 Ozone instrument type 002142 Ozone instrument serial number/identification 002144 Light source type for Brewer spectrophotometer # # Operational: 301071 (Satellite identifier/Generating resolution) 001007 Satellite identifier 001031 Identification of originating/generating centre 002020 Satellite classification 002028 Segment size at nadir in x-direction 002029 Segment size at nadir in y-direction # # Operational: 301072 (Satellite identification) 301071 Satellite identifier/Generating resolution 301011 Year, month, day 301013 Hour, minute, second 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) # # Operational: 301074 (Ozone instrumentation - Dobson spectrophotometer) 002143 Ozone instrument type 002142 Ozone instrument serial number/identification 002145 Wavelength setting for Dobson instruments 002146 Source conditions for Dobson instruments # # Operational: 301075 (Sounding identification) 301001 WMO block and station numbers 001015 Station or site name 301024 Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy), height of station 008021 Time significance 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute # # Operational: 301076 (Ozone sounding instrumentation) 002011 Radiosonde type 002143 Ozone instrument type 002142 Ozone instrument serial number/identification # # Operational: 301089 (National station identification) 001101 State identifier 001102 National station number # # Operational: 301090 (Surface station identification; time, horizontal and vertical coordinates) 301004 Surface station identification 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 007030 Height of station ground above mean sea level 007031 Height of barometer above mean sea level # # Operational: 301091 (Surface station instrumentation) 002180 Main present weather detecting system 002181 Supplementary present weather sensor 002182 Visibility measurement system 002183 Cloud detection system 002184 Type of lightning detection sensor 002179 Type of sky condition algorithm 002186 Capability to detect precipitation phenomena 002187 Capability to detect other weather phenomena 002188 Capability to detect obscuration 002189 Capability to discriminate lightning strikes # # Operational: 301092 (Mobile surface station identification, date/time, horizontal and vertical coordinates) 001011 Ship or mobile land station identifier 001003 WMO Region number/geographical area 002001 Type of station 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 007030 Height of station ground above mean sea level 007031 Height of barometer above mean sea level 033024 Station elevation quality mark (for mobile stations) # # Operational: 301093 (Ship identification, movement, date/time, horizontal and vertical coordinates) 301036 Ship 007030 Height of station ground above mean sea level 007031 Height of barometer above mean sea level # # Operational: 301110 (Identification of launch site and instrumentation for wind measurements) 301001 WMO block and station numbers 001011 Ship or mobile land station identifier 002011 Radiosonde type 002014 Tracking technique/status of system used 002003 Type of measuring equipment used # # Operational: 301111 (Identification of launch site and instrumentation for P, T, U and wind measurements) 301001 WMO block and station numbers 001011 Ship or mobile land station identifier 002011 Radiosonde type 002013 Solar and infrared radiation correction 002014 Tracking technique/status of system used 002003 Type of measuring equipment used # # Operational: 301112 (Identification of launch point and instrumentation of dropsonde) 001006 Aircraft flight number 002011 Radiosonde type 002013 Solar and infrared radiation correction 002014 Tracking technique/status of system used 002003 Type of measuring equipment used # # Operational: 301113 (Date/time of launch) (see Note 11) 008021 Time significance 301011 Year, month, day 301013 Hour, minute, second # # Operational: 301114 (Horizontal and vertical coordinates of launch site) 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 007030 Height of station ground above mean sea level 007031 Height of barometer above mean sea level 007007 Height 033024 Station elevation quality mark (for mobile stations) # # Operational: 301120 (Radiosonde abbreviated header and launch information) 301001 WMO block and station numbers 001094 WBAN number 002011 Radiosonde type 301121 Radiosonde launch point location # # Operational: 301121 (Radiosonde launch point location) 008041 Data significance 301122 Date/time (to hundredths of second) 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 007031 Height of barometer above mean sea level 007007 Height # # Operational: 301122 (Date/time (to hundredths of second)) (see Note 11) 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 201135 Change data width 202130 Change scale 004006 Second 202000 Change scale 201000 Change data width # # Operational: 301123 (Radiosonde full header information) 102002 Replicate 2 descriptors 2 times 008041 Data significance 001062 Short ICAO location indicator 301001 WMO block and station numbers 001094 WBAN number 002011 Radiosonde type 001018 Short station or site name 001095 Observer identification 025061 Software identification and version number 025068 Number of archive recomputes 001082 Radiosonde ascension number 001083 Radiosonde release number 001081 Radiosonde serial number 002067 Radiosonde operating frequency 002066 Radiosonde ground receiving system 002014 Tracking technique/status of system used 025067 Radiosonde release point pressure correction 025065 Orientation correction (azimuth) 025066 Orientation correction (elevation) 002095 Type of pressure sensor 002096 Type of temperature sensor 002097 Type of humidity sensor 002016 Radiosonde configuration 002083 Type of balloon shelter 002080 Balloon manufacturer 002081 Type of balloon 001093 Balloon lot number 002084 Type of gas used in balloon 002085 Amount of gas used in balloon 002086 Balloon flight train length 002082 Weight of balloon 008041 Data significance 301011 Year, month, day # # Operational: 301125 (ASCAT header information) 001033 Identification of originating/generating centre 001034 Identification of originating/generating sub-centre 025060 Software identification 001007 Satellite identifier 002019 Satellite instruments 001012 Direction of motion of moving observing platform # # Operational: 301126 (Sequence for representation of moored buoy identification) 001087 WMO marine observing platform extended identifier 001015 Station or site name 002149 Type of data buoy 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) # # Operational: 301128 (Additional information on radiosonde ascent) 001081 Radiosonde serial number 001082 Radiosonde ascension number 001083 Radiosonde release number 001095 Observer identification 002015 Radiosonde completeness 002016 Radiosonde configuration 002017 Correction algorithms for humidity measurements 002066 Radiosonde ground receiving system 002067 Radiosonde operating frequency 002080 Balloon manufacturer 002081 Type of balloon 002082 Weight of balloon 002083 Type of balloon shelter 002084 Type of gas used in balloon 002085 Amount of gas used in balloon 002086 Balloon flight train length 002095 Type of pressure sensor 002096 Type of temperature sensor 002097 Type of humidity sensor 002103 Radome 002191 Geopotential height calculation 025061 Software identification and version number 035035 Reason for termination # # Operational: 301150 (WIGOS identifier) 001125 WIGOS identifier series 001126 WIGOS issuer of identifier 001127 WIGOS issue number 001128 WIGOS local identifier (character) #
# # Operational: 302001 (Pressure and 3-hour pressure change) 010004 Pressure 010051 Pressure reduced to mean sea level 010061 3-hour pressure change 010063 Characteristic of pressure tendency # # Operational: 302002 (High altitude station) 010004 Pressure 007004 Pressure 010003 Geopotential 010061 3-hour pressure change 010063 Characteristic of pressure tendency # # Operational: 302003 (Wind, temperature, humidity, visibility, weather) 011011 Wind direction at 10 m 011012 Wind speed at 10 m 012004 Air temperature at 2 m 012006 Dewpoint temperature at 2 m 013003 Relative humidity 020001 Horizontal visibility 020003 Present weather 020004 Past weather (1) 020005 Past weather (2) # # Operational: 302004 (General cloud information) 020010 Cloud cover (total) 008002 Vertical significance (surface observations) 020011 Cloud amount 020013 Height of base of cloud 020012 Cloud type 020012 Cloud type 020012 Cloud type # # Operational: 302005 (Cloud layer) 008002 Vertical significance (surface observations) 020011 Cloud amount 020012 Cloud type 020013 Height of base of cloud # # Operational: 302006 (Pressure and 24-hour pressure change) 010004 Pressure 010051 Pressure reduced to mean sea level 010062 24-hour pressure change 010063 Characteristic of pressure tendency # # Operational: 302011 (Low altitude station) 302001 Pressure and 3-hour pressure change 302003 Wind, temperature, humidity, visibility, weather 302004 General cloud information # # Operational: 302012 (High altitude station) 302002 High altitude station 302003 Wind, temperature, humidity, visibility, weather 302004 General cloud information # # Operational: 302013 (Basic surface report) 302006 Pressure and 24-hour pressure change 302003 Wind, temperature, humidity, visibility, weather 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 302005 Cloud layer # # Operational: 302021 (Waves) 022001 Direction of waves 022011 Period of waves 022021 Height of waves # # Operational: 302022 (Wind waves) 022002 Direction of wind waves 022012 Period of wind waves 022022 Height of wind waves # # Operational: 302023 (Swell waves) 022003 Direction of swell waves 022013 Period of swell waves 022023 Height of swell waves # # Operational: 302024 (Wind and swell waves) 302022 Wind waves 101002 Replicate 1 descriptor 2 times 302023 Swell waves # # Operational: 302031 (Pressure information) 302001 Pressure and 3-hour pressure change 010062 24-hour pressure change 007004 Pressure 010009 Geopotential height # # Operational: 302032 (Temperature and humidity data) 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 012101 Temperature/air temperature 012103 Dewpoint temperature 013003 Relative humidity # # Operational: 302033 (Visibility data) 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 020001 Horizontal visibility # # Operational: 302034 (Precipitation past 24 hours) 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 013023 Total precipitation past 24 hours # # Operational: 302035 (Basic synoptic "instantaneous" data) 302032 Temperature and humidity data 302033 Visibility data 302034 Precipitation past 24 hours 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 302004 General cloud information 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 302005 Cloud layer # # Operational: 302036 (Clouds with bases below station level) 105000 Delayed replication of 5 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 008002 Vertical significance (surface observations) 020011 Cloud amount 020012 Cloud type 020014 Height of top of cloud 020017 Cloud top description # # Operational: 302037 (State of ground, snow depth, ground minimum temperature) 020062 State of the ground (with or without snow) 013013 Total snow depth 012113 Ground minimum temperature, past 12 hours # # Operational: 302038 (Present and past weather) 020003 Present weather 004024 Time period or displacement 020004 Past weather (1) 020005 Past weather (2) # # Operational: 302039 (Sunshine data (from 1 hour and 24 hour period)) 004024 Time period or displacement 014031 Total sunshine # # Operational: 302040 (Precipitation measurement) 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 102002 Replicate 2 descriptors 2 times 004024 Time period or displacement 013011 Total precipitation/total water equivalent # # Operational: 302041 (Extreme temperature data) 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 004024 Time period or displacement 004024 Time period or displacement 012111 Maximum temperature, at height and over period specified 004024 Time period or displacement 004024 Time period or displacement 012112 Minimum temperature, at height and over period specified # # Operational: 302042 (Wind data) 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 002002 Type of instrumentation for wind measurement 008021 Time significance 004025 Time period or displacement 011001 Wind direction 011002 Wind speed 008021 Time significance 103002 Replicate 3 descriptors 2 times 004025 Time period or displacement 011043 Maximum wind gust direction 011041 Maximum wind gust speed # # Operational: 302043 (Basic synoptic "period" data) 302038 Present and past weather 101002 Replicate 1 descriptor 2 times 302039 Sunshine data (from 1 hour and 24 hour period) 302040 Precipitation measurement 302041 Extreme temperature data 302042 Wind data 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) # # Operational: 302044 (Evaporation data) 004024 Time period or displacement 002004 Type of instrumentation for evaporation measurement or type of crop for which evapotranspiration is reported 013033 Evaporation/evapotranspiration # # Operational: 302045 (Radiation data (from 1 hour and 24 hour period)) 004024 Time period or displacement 014002 Long-wave radiation, integrated over period specified 014004 Short-wave radiation, integrated over period specified 014016 Net radiation, integrated over period specified 014028 Global solar radiation (high accuracy), integrated over period specified 014029 Diffuse solar radiation (high accuracy), integrated over period specified 014030 Direct solar radiation (high accuracy), integrated over period specified # # Operational: 302046 (Temperature change) 004024 Time period or displacement 004024 Time period or displacement 012049 Temperature change over specified period # # Operational: 302047 (Direction of cloud drift) 102003 Replicate 2 descriptors 3 times 008002 Vertical significance (surface observations) 020054 True direction from which a phenomenon or clouds are moving or in which they are observed # # Operational: 302048 (Direction and elevation of cloud) 005021 Bearing or azimuth 007021 Elevation 020012 Cloud type 005021 Bearing or azimuth 007021 Elevation # # Operational: 302049 (Cloud information reported with vertical soundings) 008002 Vertical significance (surface observations) 020011 Cloud amount 020013 Height of base of cloud 020012 Cloud type 020012 Cloud type 020012 Cloud type 008002 Vertical significance (surface observations) # # Operational: 302050 (Radiosonde surface observation) 008041 Data significance 005021 Bearing or azimuth 007005 Height increment 202130 Change scale 006021 Distance 202000 Change scale 008041 Data significance 201131 Change data width 202129 Change scale 002115 Type of surface observing equipment 010004 Pressure 002115 Type of surface observing equipment 013003 Relative humidity 202000 Change scale 201000 Change data width 002115 Type of surface observing equipment 011001 Wind direction 011002 Wind speed 002115 Type of surface observing equipment 102002 Replicate 2 descriptors 2 times 012101 Temperature/air temperature 004024 Time period or displacement 002115 Type of surface observing equipment 012103 Dewpoint temperature 012102 Wet-bulb temperature 101003 Replicate 1 descriptor 3 times 020012 Cloud type 020011 Cloud amount 020013 Height of base of cloud 101002 Replicate 1 descriptor 2 times 020003 Present weather # # Operational: 302051 010004 Pressure 010051 Pressure reduced to mean sea level 007004 Pressure 010003 Geopotential 012004 Air temperature at 2 m 012051 Standard deviation temperature 012016 Maximum temperature at 2 m, past 24 hours 012017 Minimum temperature at 2 m, past 24 hours 013004 Vapour pressure 102004 Replicate 2 descriptors 4 times 008051 Qualifier for number of missing values in calculation of statistic 008020 Total number of missing entities (with respect to accumulation or average) # # Operational: 302052 (Ship temperature and humidity data) 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 007033 Height of sensor above water surface 012101 Temperature/air temperature 002039 Method of wet-bulb temperature measurement 012102 Wet-bulb temperature 012103 Dewpoint temperature 013003 Relative humidity # # Operational: 302053 (Ship visibility data) 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 007033 Height of sensor above water surface 020001 Horizontal visibility # # Operational: 302054 (Ship "instantaneous" data) 302052 Ship temperature and humidity data 302053 Ship visibility data 007033 Height of sensor above water surface 302034 Precipitation past 24 hours 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 302004 General cloud information 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 302005 Cloud layer # # Operational: 302055 (Icing and ice) 020031 Ice deposit (thickness) 020032 Rate of ice accretion (estimated) 020033 Cause of ice accretion 020034 Sea ice concentration 020035 Amount and type of ice 020036 Ice situation 020037 Ice development 020038 Bearing of ice edge # # Operational: 302056 (Sea/water temperature) 002038 Method of water temperature and/or salinity measurement 007063 Depth below sea/water surface (cm) 022043 Sea/water temperature 007063 Depth below sea/water surface (cm) # # Operational: 302057 (Ship marine data) 302056 Sea/water temperature 302021 Waves 302024 Wind and swell waves # # Operational: 302058 (Ship extreme temperature data) 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 007033 Height of sensor above water surface 004024 Time period or displacement 004024 Time period or displacement 012111 Maximum temperature, at height and over period specified 004024 Time period or displacement 004024 Time period or displacement 012112 Minimum temperature, at height and over period specified # # Operational: 302059 (Ship wind data) 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 007033 Height of sensor above water surface 002002 Type of instrumentation for wind measurement 008021 Time significance 004025 Time period or displacement 011001 Wind direction 011002 Wind speed 008021 Time significance 103002 Replicate 3 descriptors 2 times 004025 Time period or displacement 011043 Maximum wind gust direction 011041 Maximum wind gust speed # # Operational: 302060 (Ship "period" data) 302038 Present and past weather 302040 Precipitation measurement 302058 Ship extreme temperature data 302059 Ship wind data # # Operational: 302062 (Ship "instantaneous" data) 025188 Method for reducing pressure to sea level 302001 Pressure and 3-hour pressure change 302093 Extended ship temperature and humidity data 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 302053 Ship visibility data 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 007033 Height of sensor above water surface 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 302004 General cloud information 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 302005 Cloud layer 008002 Vertical significance (surface observations) 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 302055 Icing and ice 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 302056 Sea/water temperature 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 302021 Waves 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 302024 Wind and swell waves # # Operational: 302063 (Ship "period" data) 302038 Present and past weather 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 302040 Precipitation measurement 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 302034 Precipitation past 24 hours 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 302058 Ship extreme temperature data 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 302064 Ship or other marine platform wind data # # Operational: 302064 (Ship or other marine platform wind data) 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 007033 Height of sensor above water surface 002002 Type of instrumentation for wind measurement 008021 Time significance 004025 Time period or displacement 011001 Wind direction 011002 Wind speed 008021 Time significance 103000 Delayed replication of 3 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 004025 Time period or displacement 011043 Maximum wind gust direction 011041 Maximum wind gust speed # # Operational: 302066 (Dangerous weather phenomena) 020023 Other weather phenomena 020024 Intensity of phenomena 020027 Phenomena occurrence 020054 True direction from which a phenomenon or clouds are moving or in which they are observed 020023 Other weather phenomena 020027 Phenomena occurrence 020054 True direction from which a phenomenon or clouds are moving or in which they are observed 020025 Obscuration 020026 Character of obscuration 020027 Phenomena occurrence 020040 Evolution of drift snow 020066 Maximum diameter of hailstones 020027 Phenomena occurrence 020021 Type of precipitation 020067 Diameter of deposit 020027 Phenomena occurrence # # Operational: 302067 (Additional synoptical parameters) 001023 Observation sequence number 004025 Time period or displacement 002177 Method of snow depth measurement 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 020003 Present weather 103000 Delayed replication of 3 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 005021 Bearing or azimuth 020001 Horizontal visibility 005021 Bearing or azimuth 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 302056 Sea/water temperature 103000 Delayed replication of 3 descriptors 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 033041 Attribute of following value 020058 Visibility seawards from a coastal station 022061 State of the sea 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 302022 Wind waves 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 302023 Swell waves 104000 Delayed replication of 4 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 020054 True direction from which a phenomenon or clouds are moving or in which they are observed 020137 Evolution of clouds 020012 Cloud type 020090 Special clouds 103000 Delayed replication of 3 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 020054 True direction from which a phenomenon or clouds are moving or in which they are observed 020137 Evolution of clouds 020136 Supplementary cloud type 004025 Time period or displacement 013012 Depth of fresh snow 004025 Time period or displacement 011042 Maximum wind speed (10-minute mean wind) 104000 Delayed replication of 4 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 008021 Time significance 004025 Time period or displacement 011042 Maximum wind speed (10-minute mean wind) 008021 Time significance 115000 Delayed replication of 15 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 008021 Time significance 004015 Time increment 008021 Time significance 004025 Time period or displacement 011001 Wind direction 011002 Wind speed 008021 Time significance 004015 Time increment 008021 Time significance 004025 Time period or displacement 011001 Wind direction 011002 Wind speed 008021 Time significance 004025 Time period or displacement 004015 Time increment 103000 Delayed replication of 3 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 004025 Time period or displacement 004025 Time period or displacement 020003 Present weather 110000 Delayed replication of 10 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 004025 Time period or displacement 004025 Time period or displacement 005021 Bearing or azimuth 005021 Bearing or azimuth 020054 True direction from which a phenomenon or clouds are moving or in which they are observed 020024 Intensity of phenomena 020025 Obscuration 020026 Character of obscuration 020027 Phenomena occurrence 020063 Special phenomena # # Operational: 302069 (Visibility data) 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 007033 Height of sensor above water surface 033041 Attribute of following value 020001 Horizontal visibility # # Operational: 302070 (Wind data) 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 007033 Height of sensor above water surface 011001 Wind direction 011002 Wind speed 011043 Maximum wind gust direction 011041 Maximum wind gust speed 011016 Extreme counterclockwise wind direction of a variable wind 011017 Extreme clockwise wind direction of a variable wind # # Operational: 302071 (Wind data from one-hour period) 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 007033 Height of sensor above water surface 008021 Time significance 004025 Time period or displacement 011001 Wind direction 011002 Wind speed 008021 Time significance 103002 Replicate 3 descriptors 2 times 004025 Time period or displacement 011043 Maximum wind gust direction 011041 Maximum wind gust speed 004025 Time period or displacement 011016 Extreme counterclockwise wind direction of a variable wind 011017 Extreme clockwise wind direction of a variable wind # # Operational: 302072 (Temperature and humidity data) 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 007033 Height of sensor above water surface 012101 Temperature/air temperature 012103 Dewpoint temperature 013003 Relative humidity # # Operational: 302073 (Cloud data) 020010 Cloud cover (total) 105004 Replicate 5 descriptors 4 times 008002 Vertical significance (surface observations) 020011 Cloud amount 020012 Cloud type 033041 Attribute of following value 020013 Height of base of cloud # # Operational: 302074 (Present and past weather) 020003 Present weather 004025 Time period or displacement 020004 Past weather (1) 020005 Past weather (2) # # Operational: 302075 (Intensity of precipitation, size of precipitation element) 008021 Time significance 004025 Time period or displacement 013055 Intensity of precipitation 013058 Size of precipitating element 008021 Time significance # # Operational: 302076 (Precipitation, obscuration and other phenomena) 020021 Type of precipitation 020022 Character of precipitation 026020 Duration of precipitation 020023 Other weather phenomena 020024 Intensity of phenomena 020025 Obscuration 020026 Character of obscuration # # Operational: 302077 (Extreme temperature data) 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 007033 Height of sensor above water surface 004025 Time period or displacement 012111 Maximum temperature, at height and over period specified 012112 Minimum temperature, at height and over period specified 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 004025 Time period or displacement 012112 Minimum temperature, at height and over period specified # # Operational: 302078 (State of ground and snow depth measurement) 002176 Method of state of ground measurement 020062 State of the ground (with or without snow) 002177 Method of snow depth measurement 013013 Total snow depth # # Operational: 302079 (Precipitation measurement) 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 002175 Method of precipitation measurement 002178 Method of liquid content measurement of precipitation 004025 Time period or displacement 013011 Total precipitation/total water equivalent # # Operational: 302080 (Evaporation measurement) 002185 Method of evaporation measurement 004025 Time period or displacement 013033 Evaporation/evapotranspiration # # Operational: 302081 (Total sunshine data) 004025 Time period or displacement 014031 Total sunshine # # Operational: 302082 (Radiation data) 004025 Time period or displacement 014002 Long-wave radiation, integrated over period specified 014004 Short-wave radiation, integrated over period specified 014016 Net radiation, integrated over period specified 014028 Global solar radiation (high accuracy), integrated over period specified 014029 Diffuse solar radiation (high accuracy), integrated over period specified 014030 Direct solar radiation (high accuracy), integrated over period specified # # Operational: 302083 (First-order statistics of P, W, T, U data) 004025 Time period or displacement 008023 First-order statistics 010004 Pressure 011001 Wind direction 011002 Wind speed 012101 Temperature/air temperature 013003 Relative humidity 008023 First-order statistics # # Operational: 302084 ("Instantaneous" data of sequence 3 07 096) 302031 Pressure information 302072 Temperature and humidity data 103000 Delayed replication of 3 descriptors 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 101005 Replicate 1 descriptor 5 times 307063 Depth below land surface and soil temperature 007061 Depth below land surface 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 302069 Visibility data 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 007033 Height of sensor above water surface 105000 Delayed replication of 5 descriptors 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 020031 Ice deposit (thickness) 020032 Rate of ice accretion (estimated) 002038 Method of water temperature and/or salinity measurement 022043 Sea/water temperature 302021 Waves 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 302078 State of ground and snow depth measurement 012113 Ground minimum temperature, past 12 hours 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 302004 General cloud information 105000 Delayed replication of 5 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 008002 Vertical significance (surface observations) 020011 Cloud amount 020012 Cloud type 033041 Attribute of following value 020013 Height of base of cloud 302036 Clouds with bases below station level 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 302047 Direction of cloud drift 008002 Vertical significance (surface observations) 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 302048 Direction and elevation of cloud # # Operational: 302085 ("Period" data of sequence 3 07 096) 105000 Delayed replication of 5 descriptors 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 020003 Present weather 103002 Replicate 3 descriptors 2 times 004024 Time period or displacement 020004 Past weather (1) 020005 Past weather (2) 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 302175 Intensity of precipitation, size of precipitation element 102000 Delayed replication of 2 descriptors 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 004025 Time period or displacement 302076 Precipitation, obscuration and other phenomena 102000 Delayed replication of 2 descriptors 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 004025 Time period or displacement 013059 Number of flashes (thunderstorm) 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 007033 Height of sensor above water surface 008021 Time significance 004025 Time period or displacement 011001 Wind direction 011002 Wind speed 008021 Time significance 103003 Replicate 3 descriptors 3 times 004025 Time period or displacement 011043 Maximum wind gust direction 011041 Maximum wind gust speed 004025 Time period or displacement 011016 Extreme counterclockwise wind direction of a variable wind 011017 Extreme clockwise wind direction of a variable wind 302077 Extreme temperature data 007033 Height of sensor above water surface 302041 Extreme temperature data 106000 Delayed replication of 6 descriptors 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 002175 Method of precipitation measurement 002178 Method of liquid content measurement of precipitation 102005 Replicate 2 descriptors 5 times 004024 Time period or displacement 013011 Total precipitation/total water equivalent 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 103000 Delayed replication of 3 descriptors 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 002185 Method of evaporation measurement 101002 Replicate 1 descriptor 2 times 302044 Evaporation data 102000 Delayed replication of 2 descriptors 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 101002 Replicate 1 descriptor 2 times 302039 Sunshine data (from 1 hour and 24 hour period) 102000 Delayed replication of 2 descriptors 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 101002 Replicate 1 descriptor 2 times 302045 Radiation data (from 1 hour and 24 hour period) 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 302046 Temperature change 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 302083 First-order statistics of P, W, T, U data # # Operational: 302089 (Locust information) 020101 Locust (acridian) name 020102 Locust (maturity) colour 020103 Stage of development of locusts 020104 Organization state of swarm or band of locusts 020105 Size of swarm or band of locusts and duration of passage of swarm 020106 Locust population density 020107 Direction of movements of locust swarm 020108 Extent of vegetation # # Operational: 302090 (Sea/water temperature high precision) 002038 Method of water temperature and/or salinity measurement 007063 Depth below sea/water surface (cm) 022045 Sea/water temperature # # Operational: 302091 (Sequence for representation of ancillary meteorological observations) 020001 Horizontal visibility 004024 Time period or displacement 013011 Total precipitation/total water equivalent # # Operational: 302092 (VOSClim data elements) 011104 True heading of aircraft, ship or other mobile platform 001012 Direction of motion of moving observing platform 001013 Speed of motion of moving observing platform 010038 Maximum height of deck cargo above summer load line 010039 Departure of reference level (summer maximum load line) from actual sea level 011007 Relative wind direction (in degrees off bow) 011008 Relative wind speed # # Operational: 302093 (Extended ship temperature and humidity data) 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 007033 Height of sensor above water surface 303099 Metadata common to temperature/humidity sensors 012101 Temperature/air temperature 103000 Delayed replication of 3 descriptors 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 007033 Height of sensor above water surface 303099 Metadata common to temperature/humidity sensors 002039 Method of wet-bulb temperature measurement 002097 Type of humidity sensor 003024 Psychrometric coefficient 003021 Hygrometer heating 012102 Wet-bulb temperature 012103 Dewpoint temperature 013003 Relative humidity 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 007033 Height of sensor above water surface 303099 Metadata common to temperature/humidity sensors 002039 Method of wet-bulb temperature measurement 002097 Type of humidity sensor 003021 Hygrometer heating 003024 Psychrometric coefficient # # Operational: 302175 (Intensity of precipitation, size of precipitation element) 008021 Time significance 004025 Time period or displacement 013155 Intensity of precipitation (high accuracy) 013058 Size of precipitating element 008021 Time significance #
# # Operational: 303001 007003 Geopotential 011001 Wind direction 011002 Wind speed # # Operational: 303002 (Wind at pressure level) 007004 Pressure 011001 Wind direction 011002 Wind speed # # Operational: 303003 007004 Pressure 010003 Geopotential 012001 Temperature/air temperature 012003 Dewpoint temperature # # Operational: 303004 007004 Pressure 010003 Geopotential 012001 Temperature/air temperature 012003 Dewpoint temperature 011001 Wind direction 011002 Wind speed # # Operational: 303011 (Wind at height) 007003 Geopotential 008001 Vertical sounding significance 011001 Wind direction 011002 Wind speed # # Operational: 303012 (Wind at pressure level) 007004 Pressure 008001 Vertical sounding significance 011001 Wind direction 011002 Wind speed # # Operational: 303013 (Geopotential, temperature, humidity, wind at pressure level) 007004 Pressure 008001 Vertical sounding significance 010003 Geopotential 012001 Temperature/air temperature 013003 Relative humidity 011001 Wind direction 011002 Wind speed # # Operational: 303014 (Geopotential, temperature, dewpoint temperature, wind at pressure level) 007004 Pressure 008001 Vertical sounding significance 010003 Geopotential 012001 Temperature/air temperature 012003 Dewpoint temperature 011001 Wind direction 011002 Wind speed # # Operational: 303021 (Layer, quality) 007004 Pressure 007004 Pressure 204007 Add associated field 031021 Associated field significance # # Operational: 303022 303021 Layer, quality 010003 Geopotential 204000 Add associated field # # Operational: 303023 (Layer mean temperature) 303021 Layer, quality 012001 Temperature/air temperature 204000 Add associated field # # Operational: 303024 (Precipitable water) 303021 Layer, quality 013016 Precipitable water 204000 Add associated field # # Operational: 303025 (Satellite channel and brightness temperature) 002025 Satellite channel(s) used in computation 204007 Add associated field 031021 Associated field significance 012063 Brightness temperature 204000 Add associated field # # Operational: 303026 007004 Pressure 008003 Vertical significance (satellite observations) 204007 Add associated field 031021 Associated field significance 012001 Temperature/air temperature 204000 Add associated field # # Operational: 303027 007004 Pressure 204007 Add associated field 031021 Associated field significance 010003 Geopotential 204000 Add associated field # # Operational: 303031 (Significance data, land/sea, skin temperature) 007004 Pressure 008003 Vertical significance (satellite observations) 007021 Elevation 007022 Solar elevation 008012 Land/sea qualifier 012061 Skin temperature # # Operational: 303032 (Cloud) 020011 Cloud amount 020016 Pressure at top of cloud # # Operational: 303033 (Cloud) 020010 Cloud cover (total) 020016 Pressure at top of cloud # # Operational: 303040 (Radiosonde duration of flight and termination information) 008041 Data significance 004025 Time period or displacement 004026 Time period or displacement 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 301122 Date/time (to hundredths of second) 201131 Change data width 202129 Change scale 025069 Flight level pressure corrections 007004 Pressure 013003 Relative humidity 202000 Change scale 201000 Change data width 002013 Solar and infrared radiation correction 012101 Temperature/air temperature 010009 Geopotential height 102002 Replicate 2 descriptors 2 times 008040 Flight level significance 035035 Reason for termination # # Operational: 303041 (Wind sequence) 002152 Satellite instrument used in data processing 002023 Satellite-derived wind computation method 007004 Pressure 011001 Wind direction 011002 Wind speed 002153 Satellite channel centre frequency 002154 Satellite channel band width 012071 Coldest cluster temperature # # Operational: 303050 (Wind data at a pressure level with radiosonde position) 004086 Long time period or displacement 008042 Extended vertical sounding significance 007004 Pressure 005015 Latitude displacement (high accuracy) 006015 Longitude displacement (high accuracy) 011001 Wind direction 011002 Wind speed # # Operational: 303051 (Wind shear data at a pressure level with radiosonde position) 004086 Long time period or displacement 008042 Extended vertical sounding significance 007004 Pressure 005015 Latitude displacement (high accuracy) 006015 Longitude displacement (high accuracy) 011061 Absolute wind shear in 1 km layer below 011062 Absolute wind shear in 1 km layer above # # Operational: 303052 (Wind data at a height level with radiosonde position) 004086 Long time period or displacement 008042 Extended vertical sounding significance 007009 Geopotential height 005015 Latitude displacement (high accuracy) 006015 Longitude displacement (high accuracy) 011001 Wind direction 011002 Wind speed # # Operational: 303053 (Wind shear data at a height level with radiosonde position) 004086 Long time period or displacement 008042 Extended vertical sounding significance 007009 Geopotential height 005015 Latitude displacement (high accuracy) 006015 Longitude displacement (high accuracy) 011061 Absolute wind shear in 1 km layer below 011062 Absolute wind shear in 1 km layer above # # Operational: 303054 (Temperature, dewpoint and wind data at a pressure level with radiosonde position) 004086 Long time period or displacement 008042 Extended vertical sounding significance 007004 Pressure 010009 Geopotential height 005015 Latitude displacement (high accuracy) 006015 Longitude displacement (high accuracy) 012101 Temperature/air temperature 012103 Dewpoint temperature 011001 Wind direction 011002 Wind speed # # Operational: 303055 (Temperature, dewpoint, relative humidity and wind data at a height level with radiosonde position) 004086 Long time period or displacement 008042 Extended vertical sounding significance 007009 Geopotential height 005015 Latitude displacement (high accuracy) 006015 Longitude displacement (high accuracy) 012101 Temperature/air temperature 013009 Relative humidity 012103 Dewpoint temperature 011001 Wind direction 011002 Wind speed # # Operational: 303099 (Metadata common to temperature/humidity sensors) 003005 Horizontal width of screen or shield (x) 003006 Horizontal depth of screen or shield (y) 003007 Vertical height of screen or shield (z) 002096 Type of temperature sensor 003022 Instrument owner 003003 Thermometer/hygrometer housing 003020 Material for thermometer/hygrometer housing 003004 Type of screen/shelter/radiation shield 003023 Configuration of louvres for thermometer/hygrometer screen 003008 Artificially ventilated screen or shield 003009 Amount of forced ventilation at time of reading #
# # Operational: 304001 (Cloud top pressure, temperature, wind) 008003 Vertical significance (satellite observations) 010004 Pressure 012001 Temperature/air temperature 011001 Wind direction 011002 Wind speed # # Operational: 304002 (Cloud top pressure, wind) 008003 Vertical significance (satellite observations) 010004 Pressure 011001 Wind direction 011002 Wind speed # # Operational: 304003 (Surface temperature) 008003 Vertical significance (satellite observations) 012001 Temperature/air temperature # # Operational: 304004 (Cloud top pressure, cloud cover, temperature) 008003 Vertical significance (satellite observations) 010004 Pressure 020010 Cloud cover (total) 012001 Temperature/air temperature # # Operational: 304005 (Layer mean relative humidity) 002024 Integrated mean humidity computational method 007004 Pressure 007004 Pressure 013003 Relative humidity # # Operational: 304006 (Radiation) 014001 Long-wave radiation, integrated over 24 hours 014001 Long-wave radiation, integrated over 24 hours 014003 Short-wave radiation, integrated over 24 hours # # Operational: 304011 (GOES-I/M info) 002163 Height assignment method 002164 Tracer correlation method 008012 Land/sea qualifier 007024 Satellite zenith angle 002057 Origin of first-guess information for GOES-I/M soundings 008021 Time significance 004001 Year 004002 Month 004003 Day 004004 Hour 008021 Time significance 004024 Time period or displacement 110004 Replicate 10 descriptors 4 times 008021 Time significance 004004 Hour 004005 Minute 004006 Second 008021 Time significance 004004 Hour 004005 Minute 004006 Second 011001 Wind direction 011002 Wind speed 103010 Replicate 3 descriptors 10 times 002163 Height assignment method 007004 Pressure 012001 Temperature/air temperature # # Operational: 304030 (Location of platform) 027031 In direction of 0 degrees longitude, distance from the Earth's centre 028031 In direction 90 degrees East, distance from the Earth's centre 010031 In direction of the North Pole, distance from the Earth's centre # # Operational: 304031 (Speed of platform) 001041 Absolute platform velocity - first component 001042 Absolute platform velocity - second component 001043 Absolute platform velocity - third component # # Operational: 304032 (Cloud fraction) 002153 Satellite channel centre frequency 002154 Satellite channel band width 020081 Cloud amount in segment 020082 Amount segment cloud free 020012 Cloud type # # Operational: 304033 (Clear sky radiance) 002152 Satellite instrument used in data processing 002166 Radiance type 002167 Radiance computational method 002153 Satellite channel centre frequency 002154 Satellite channel band width 012075 Spectral radiance 012076 Radiance 012063 Brightness temperature # # Operational: 304034 (Latitude/longitude, solar elevation, number of layers) 102004 Replicate 2 descriptors 4 times 027001 Latitude (high accuracy) 028001 Longitude (high accuracy) 007022 Solar elevation 005043 Field of view number 020010 Cloud cover (total) 020016 Pressure at top of cloud 033003 Quality information 010040 Number of retrieved layers # # Deprecated: 304035 (All sky radiance data) 002153 Satellite channel centre frequency 002154 Satellite channel band width 012063 Brightness temperature 008001 Meteorological feature 012063 Brightness temperature 008001 Meteorological feature 012063 Brightness temperature 008001 Meteorological feature 008003 Vertical significance (satellite observations) 012063 Brightness temperature 008003 Vertical significance (satellite observations) 012063 Brightness temperature 008003 Vertical significance (satellite observations) 012063 Brightness temperature 008003 Vertical significance (satellite observations) # # Operational: 304036 (Cloud coverage) 020082 Amount segment cloud free 008012 Land/sea qualifier 020082 Amount segment cloud free 008012 Land/sea qualifier 020081 Cloud amount in segment 008003 Vertical significance (satellite observations) 020081 Cloud amount in segment 008003 Vertical significance (satellite observations) 020081 Cloud amount in segment 008003 Vertical significance (satellite observations) 020081 Cloud amount in segment 008003 Vertical significance (satellite observations) # # Operational: 304037 (All sky radiance data) 002153 Satellite channel centre frequency 002154 Satellite channel band width 012063 Brightness temperature 008011 Meteorological feature 012063 Brightness temperature 008011 Meteorological feature 012063 Brightness temperature 008011 Meteorological feature 008003 Vertical significance (satellite observations) 012063 Brightness temperature 008003 Vertical significance (satellite observations) 012063 Brightness temperature 008003 Vertical significance (satellite observations) 012063 Brightness temperature #
# # Operational: 305001 (SADC-HYCOS single measurement) 011001 Wind direction 011002 Wind speed 013060 Total accumulated precipitation 013071 Upstream water level # # Operational: 305002 (SADC-HYCOS environmental measurement) 301012 Hour, minute 012001 Temperature/air temperature 013003 Relative humidity 014051 Direct solar radiation integrated over last hour 013060 Total accumulated precipitation 013072 Downstream water level 013080 Water pH 013081 Water conductivity 013082 Water temperature 013083 Dissolved oxygen 013084 Turbidity # # Operational: 305003 (SADC-HYCOS measurement array definition) 301012 Hour, minute 004065 Short time increment 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 305001 SADC-HYCOS single measurement # # Operational: 305004 (SADC-HYCOS report) 301030 Identification - with physical location 305002 SADC-HYCOS environmental measurement 305003 SADC-HYCOS measurement array definition # # Operational: 305006 (MEDHYCOS measurement) 013072 Downstream water level 013082 Water temperature 013019 Total precipitation past 1 hour 012001 Temperature/air temperature 013073 Maximum water level 013060 Total accumulated precipitation # # Operational: 305007 (MEDHYCOS report) 301029 Identification 301012 Hour, minute 004065 Short time increment 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 305006 MEDHYCOS measurement # # Operational: 305008 (AOCHYCOS - Chad measurement) 305006 MEDHYCOS measurement 012030 Soil temperature # # Operational: 305009 (AOCHYCOS - Chad report) 301029 Identification 301012 Hour, minute 004065 Short time increment 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 305008 AOCHYCOS - Chad measurement # # Operational: 305010 (MEDHYCOS-Measurement type 2) 305008 AOCHYCOS - Chad measurement 002091 Entry sensor 4/20 mA 002091 Entry sensor 4/20 mA # # Operational: 305011 (MEDHYCOS report type 2) 301029 Identification 301012 Hour, minute 004065 Short time increment 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 305010 MEDHYCOS-Measurement type 2 # # Operational: 305016 (Meteorological parameters associated with hydrological data) 014021 Global solar radiation, integrated over period specified 007004 Pressure 013003 Relative humidity 011002 Wind speed 011001 Wind direction 011041 Maximum wind gust speed 011043 Maximum wind gust direction # # Operational: 305017 (Water quality measurement) 013080 Water pH 013081 Water conductivity 013083 Dissolved oxygen 013085 Oxydation Reduction Potential (ORP) 013084 Turbidity # # Operational: 305018 (MEDHYCOS report with meteorology and water quality data) 301029 Identification 301012 Hour, minute 004065 Short time increment 103000 Delayed replication of 3 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 305008 AOCHYCOS-Chad measurement 305016 Meteorological parameters associated with hydrological data 305017 Water quality measurement #
# # Operational: 306001 (Depth, temperature) 002032 Indicator for digitization 102000 Delayed replication of 2 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 007062 Depth below sea/water surface 022042 Sea/water temperature # # Operational: 306002 (Current) 002031 Duration and time of current measurement 022004 Direction of current 022031 Speed of current # # Operational: 306003 (Surface wind and temperature) 002002 Type of instrumentation for wind measurement 011011 Wind direction at 10 m 011012 Wind speed at 10 m 012004 Air temperature at 2 m # # Operational: 306004 (Depth, temperature, salinity) 002032 Indicator for digitization 002033 Method of salinity/depth measurement 103000 Delayed replication of 3 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 007062 Depth below sea/water surface 022043 Sea/water temperature 022062 Salinity # # Operational: 306005 002031 Duration and time of current measurement 103000 Delayed replication of 3 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 007062 Depth below sea/water surface 022004 Direction of current 022031 Speed of current # # Operational: 306006 (Under water sounding (optional) parameters) 306003 Surface wind and temperature 306002 Current 022063 Total water depth # # Operational: 306007 (Buoy spare block parameters) 001012 Direction of motion of moving observing platform 001014 Platform drift speed (high precision) 306008 Buoy instrumentation parameters 004024 Time period or displacement 027003 Alternate latitude (coarse accuracy) 028003 Alternate longitude (coarse accuracy) # # Operational: 306008 (Buoy instrumentation parameters) 002034 Drogue type 002035 Cable length 002036 Buoy type # # Operational: 306011 (Sequence for representation of tide station identification, method of transmission, time the message is transmitted and reference time for reports in a time series) 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 001075 Tide station identification 002147 Method of transmission to collection centre 301011 Year, month, day 301013 Hour, minute, second # # Operational: 306012 (Sequence for representation of sensor type, significant qualifier for sensor and status of operation) 002007 Type of sensor for water level measuring instrument 008015 Significant qualifier for sensor 008032 Status of operation 306029 Sequence for representation of tsunameter sampling information for water column heights in the time series report # # Operational: 306013 (Sequence for representation of water level and residual in the time series) 306012 Sequence for representation of sensor type, significant qualifier for sensor and status of operation 301011 Year, month, day 301013 Hour, minute, second 022120 Tide station automated water level check 022121 Tide station manual water level check 004015 Time increment 004065 Short time increment 102000 Delayed replication of 2 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 022038 Tidal elevation with respect to local chart datum 022040 Meteorological residual tidal elevation (surge or offset) # # Operational: 306014 (Sequence for representation of water level in the time series, similar to 3 06 013 but with no residual) 306012 Sequence for representation of sensor type, significant qualifier for sensor and status of operation 301011 Year, month, day 301013 Hour, minute, second 022120 Tide station automated water level check 022121 Tide station manual water level check 004015 Time increment 004065 Short time increment 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 022038 Tidal elevation with respect to local chart datum # # Operational: 306016 (Sequence for representation of ancillary meteorological data associated with water level data) 301011 Year, month, day 301013 Hour, minute, second 010004 Pressure 010051 Pressure reduced to mean sea level 302032 Temperature and humidity data 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 002002 Type of instrumentation for wind measurement 008021 Time significance 004025 Time period or displacement 011001 Wind direction 011002 Wind speed 004025 Time period or displacement 011043 Maximum wind gust direction 011041 Maximum wind gust speed 025026 Battery voltage (large range) 012060 AWS enclosure internal temperature # # Operational: 306017 (Subsurface temperature profile (high accuracy/precision) with quality flags) 002032 Indicator for digitization 008034 Temperature/salinity measurement qualifier 106000 Delayed replication of 6 descriptors 031002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor 007065 Water pressure 008080 Qualifier for GTSPP quality flag 033050 Global GTSPP quality flag 022045 Sea/water temperature 008080 Qualifier for GTSPP quality flag 033050 Global GTSPP quality flag 008034 Temperature/salinity measurement qualifier # # Operational: 306018 (Subsurface temperature profile (high accuracy/precision) with quality flags) 002032 Indicator for digitization 008034 Temperature/salinity measurement qualifier 109000 Delayed replication of 9 descriptors 031002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor 007065 Water pressure 008080 Qualifier for GTSPP quality flag 033050 Global GTSPP quality flag 022045 Sea/water temperature 008080 Qualifier for GTSPP quality flag 033050 Global GTSPP quality flag 022064 Salinity 008080 Qualifier for GTSPP quality flag 033050 Global GTSPP quality flag 008034 Temperature/salinity measurement qualifier # # Operational: 306019 (Tide report identification, water level checks, time increments) 001075 Tide station identification 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 022042 Sea/water temperature 022120 Tide station automated water level check 022121 Tide station manual water level check 004015 Time increment 004065 Short time increment # # Operational: 306020 (Tide report identification, water level checks, time period or displacement, time increment) (see Note 2) 001075 Tide station identification 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 022042 Sea/water temperature 022120 Tide station automated water level check 022121 Tide station manual water level check 004075 Short time period or displacement 004065 Short time increment # # Operational: 306021 (Meteorological parameters in tide station) 001075 Tide station identification 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 022122 Tide station automated meteorological data check 022123 Tide station manual meteorological data check 012001 Temperature/air temperature 303002 Wind at pressure level # # Operational: 306022 (Tidal elevation) 001075 Tide station identification 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 022038 Tidal elevation with respect to local chart datum 022039 Meteorological residual tidal elevation (surge or offset) # # Operational: 306023 001015 Station or site name 301023 Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy) 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 022038 Tidal elevation with respect to local chart datum 022039 Meteorological residual tidal elevation (surge or offset) 022120 Tide station automated water level check 022121 Tide station manual water level check # # Operational: 306024 (Tide elevation series) (see Note 3) 306020 Tide report identification, water level checks, time period or displacement, time increment 102006 Replicate 2 descriptors 6 times 022038 Tidal elevation with respect to local chart datum 022039 Meteorological residual tidal elevation (surge or offset) # # Operational: 306025 (Tide elevation series) 306019 Tide report identification, water level checks, time increments 102006 Replicate 2 descriptors 6 times 022038 Tidal elevation with respect to local chart datum 022039 Meteorological residual tidal elevation (surge or offset) # # Operational: 306027 (Sequence for representation of DART buoy identification, transmitter ID, type of tsunameter and the time the message is transmitted to the ground system) 001005 Buoy/platform identifier 001052 Platform transmitter ID 002047 Deep-ocean tsunameter type 301011 Year, month, day 301013 Hour, minute, second # # Operational: 306028 (Sequence for representation of time of observation and DART buoy position daily report) 306027 Sequence for representation of DART buoy identification, transmitter ID, type of tsunameter and the time the message is transmitted to the ground system 301011 Year, month, day 301013 Hour, minute, second 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) # # Operational: 306029 (Sequence for representation of tsunameter sampling information for water column heights in the time series report) 025170 Sampling interval (time) 025171 Sample averaging period 025172 Number of samples # # Operational: 306030 (Sequence for representation of DART buoy standard hourly report) 306027 Sequence for representation of DART buoy identification, transmitter ID, type of tsunameter and the time the message is transmitted to the ground system 306029 Sequence for representation of tsunameter sampling information for water column heights in the time series report 111000 Delayed replication of 11 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 033002 Quality information 301011 Year, month, day 301013 Hour, minute, second 025025 Battery voltage 025025 Battery voltage 025026 Battery voltage (large range) 022185 BPR transmission count 004015 Time increment 004065 Short time increment 101004 Replicate 1 descriptor 4 times 022182 Water column height # # Operational: 306031 (Sequence for representation of DART buoy tsunami event reports and extended tsunami event reports) 306027 Sequence for representation of DART buoy identification, transmitter ID, type of tsunameter and the time the message is transmitted to the ground system 306029 Sequence for representation of tsunameter sampling information for water column heights in the time series report 001053 Tsunameter report sequence number triggered by a tsunami event 033002 Quality information 301011 Year, month, day 301013 Hour, minute, second 301011 Year, month, day 301013 Hour, minute, second 022185 BPR transmission count 022182 Water column height 004016 Time increment 004066 Short time increment 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 022184 Water column height deviation from the reference value # # Operational: 306033 (Surface salinity) 002033 Method of salinity/depth measurement 007063 Depth below sea/water surface (cm) 022064 Salinity # # Operational: 306034 (Surface current) 002031 Duration and time of current measurement 003010 Method of sea/water current measurement 002040 Method of removing velocity and motion of platform from current 022005 Direction of sea-surface current 022032 Speed of sea-surface current # # Operational: 306035 (Temperature and salinity profile) 112000 Delayed replication of 12 descriptors 031002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor 007062 Depth below sea/water surface 008080 Qualifier for GTSPP quality flag 033050 Global GTSPP quality flag 007065 Water pressure 008080 Qualifier for GTSPP quality flag 033050 Global GTSPP quality flag 022043 Sea/water temperature 008080 Qualifier for GTSPP quality flag 033050 Global GTSPP quality flag 022064 Salinity 008080 Qualifier for GTSPP quality flag 033050 Global GTSPP quality flag # # Operational: 306036 (Current profile) 112000 Delayed replication of 12 descriptors 031002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor 007062 Depth below sea/water surface 008080 Qualifier for GTSPP quality flag 033050 Global GTSPP quality flag 007065 Water pressure 008080 Qualifier for GTSPP quality flag 033050 Global GTSPP quality flag 022031 Speed of current 008080 Qualifier for GTSPP quality flag 033050 Global GTSPP quality flag 022004 Direction of current 008080 Qualifier for GTSPP quality flag 033050 Global GTSPP quality flag # # Operational: 306037 (Dissolved oxygen profile data) 109000 Delayed replication of 9 descriptors 031002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor 007062 Depth below sea / water surface 008080 Qualifier for GTSPP quality flag 033050 Global GTSPP quality flag 007065 Water pressure 008080 Qualifier for GTSPP quality flag 033050 Global GTSPP quality flag 022188 Dissolved oxygen 008080 Qualifier for GTSPP quality flag 033050 Global GTSPP quality flag # # Operational: 306038 (Sequence for representation of standard surface marine meteorological observations from moored buoys) 010004 Pressure 010051 Pressure reduced to mean sea level 007033 Height of sensor above water surface 012101 Temperature/air temperature 012103 Dewpoint temperature 013003 Relative humidity 007033 Height of sensor above water surface 008021 Time significance 004025 Time period or displacement 011001 Wind direction 011002 Wind speed 008021 Time significance 004025 Time period or displacement 011041 Maximum wind gust speed 004025 Time period or displacement 007033 Height of sensor above water surface 002005 Precision of temperature observation 007063 Depth below sea/water surface (cm) 022049 Sea-surface temperature # # Operational: 306039 (Sequence for representation of basic wave measurements) 022078 Duration of wave record 022070 Significant wave height 022073 Maximum wave height 022074 Average wave period 022071 Spectral peak wave period 022076 Direction from which dominant waves are coming 022077 Directional spread of dominant wave # # Operational: 306040 (Sequence for representation of detailed spectral wave measurements) 022078 Duration of wave record 022082 Maximum non-directional spectral wave density 106000 Delayed replication of 6 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 022080 Waveband central frequency 022069 Spectral wave density 022086 Mean direction from which waves are coming 022087 Principal direction from which waves are coming 022088 First normalized polar coordinate from Fourier coefficients 022089 Second normalized polar coordinate from Fourier coefficients # # Operational: 306041 (Depth and temperature profile (high accuracy/precision)) 002032 Indicator for digitization 102000 Delayed replication of 2 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 007062 Depth below sea/water surface 022043 Sea/water temperature # # Operational: 306042 (Wind measurement from drifting buoy) 002169 Anemometer type 007033 Height of sensor above water surface 008021 Time significance 004025 Time period or displacement 011001 Wind direction 011002 Wind speed # # Operational: 306043 (Marine biogeochemical and radiation observations) 041001 pCO2 008043 Atmospheric chemical or physical constituent type 015028 Mole fraction of atmospheric constituent/pollutant in dry air 008043 Atmospheric chemical or physical constituent type 013080 pH 041005 Turbidity 041003 Dissolved nitrates 022188 Dissolved oxygen 041002 Fluorescence 106000 Delayed replication of 6 descriptors 031000 Short delayed replication factor 004024 Time period or displacement (hours) 014002 Long-wave radiation, integrated over period specified 014002 Long-wave radiation, integrated over period specified 014012 Net long-wave radiation, integrated over period specified 014004 Short-wave radiation, integrated over period specified 004024 Time period or displacement (hours) #
# # Operational: 307001 (Low altitude station) 301031 Identification and type of station, date/time, location (high accuracy), height of station 302011 Low altitude station # # Operational: 307002 (Low altitude station) 301032 Identification and type of station, date/time, location (coarse accuracy), height of station 302011 Low altitude station # # Operational: 307003 (Low altitude station) 307001 Low altitude station 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 302005 Cloud layer # # Operational: 307004 (Low altitude station) 307002 Low altitude station 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 302005 Cloud layer # # Operational: 307005 (Low altitude station) 307001 Low altitude station 101004 Replicate 1 descriptor 4 times 302005 Cloud layer # # Operational: 307006 (Low altitude station) 307002 Low altitude station 101004 Replicate 1 descriptor 4 times 302005 Cloud layer # # Operational: 307007 (High altitude station) 301031 Identification and type of station, date/time, location (high accuracy), height of station 302012 High altitude station # # Operational: 307008 (High altitude station) 301032 Identification and type of station, date/time, location (coarse accuracy), height of station 302012 High altitude station # # Operational: 307009 301031 Identification and type of station, date/time, location (high accuracy), height of station 302013 Basic surface report # # Operational: 307011 (Main part of data for representation of METAR/SPECI code in BUFR) 001063 ICAO location indicator 002001 Type of station 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 301024 Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy), height of station 007006 Height above station 011001 Wind direction 011016 Extreme counterclockwise wind direction of a variable wind 011017 Extreme clockwise wind direction of a variable wind 011002 Wind speed 011041 Maximum wind gust speed 007006 Height above station 012001 Temperature/air temperature 012003 Dewpoint temperature 010052 Altimeter setting (QNH) 020009 General weather indicator (TAF/METAR) # # Operational: 307012 (Horizontal visibility) 103000 Delayed replication of 3 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 008023 First-order statistics 005021 Bearing or azimuth 020001 Horizontal visibility # # Operational: 307013 (Runway visual range) 106000 Delayed replication of 6 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 001064 Runway designator 008014 Qualifier for runway visual range 020061 Runway visual range (RVR) 008014 Qualifier for runway visual range 020061 Runway visual range (RVR) 020018 Tendency of runway visual range # # Operational: 307014 (Significant present or forecast weather) 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 020019 Significant present or forecast weather # # Operational: 307015 (Clouds group(s)) 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 302005 Cloud layer 020002 Vertical visibility # # Operational: 307016 (Significant recent weather phenomena) 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 020020 Significant recent weather phenomena # # Operational: 307017 (Wind shear on runway(s)) 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 011070 Designator of the runway affected by wind shear (including ALL) # # Operational: 307018 (Trend-type landing forecast) 008016 Change qualifier of a trend-type forecast or an aerodrome forecast 102000 Delayed replication of 2 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 008017 Qualifier of the time when the forecast change is expected 301012 Hour, minute 104000 Delayed replication of 4 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 007006 Height above station 011001 Wind direction 011002 Wind speed 011041 Maximum wind gust speed 020009 General weather indicator (TAF/METAR) 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 020001 Horizontal visibility 307014 Significant present or forecast weather # # Operational: 307020 (Short METAR/SPECI) 307011 Main part of data for representation of METAR/SPECI code in BUFR 307014 Significant present or forecast weather 307016 Significant recent weather phenomena # # Operational: 307021 (Total sequence for representation of METAR/SPECI code in BUFR) 307011 Main part of data for representation of METAR/SPECI code in BUFR 307012 Horizontal visibility 307013 Runway visual range 307014 Significant present or forecast weather 307015 Clouds group(s) 307016 Significant recent weather phenomena 307017 Wind shear on runway(s) 307018 Trend-type landing forecast 307015 Clouds group(s) # # Operational: 307022 (Ground-based GNSS data) 001015 Station or site name 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 301022 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy), height of station 008021 Time significance 004025 Time period or displacement 010004 Pressure 012001 Temperature/air temperature 013003 Relative humidity 033038 Quality flags for ground-based GNSS data 008022 Total number (with respect to accumulation or average) 106025 Replicate 6 descriptors 25 times 002020 Satellite classification 001050 Platform transmitter ID number 005021 Bearing or azimuth 007021 Elevation 015031 Atmospheric path delay in satellite signal 015032 Estimated error in atmospheric path delay 008060 Sample scanning mode significance 015033 Difference in path delays for limb views at extremes of scan 015034 Estimated error in path delay difference 008060 Sample scanning mode significance 015033 Difference in path delays for limb views at extremes of scan 015034 Estimated error in path delay difference 015035 Component of zenith path delay due to water vapour 201131 Change data width 202129 Change scale 013016 Precipitable water 202000 Change scale 201000 Change data width 015011 Log10 of integrated electron density # # Operational: 307030 (Ozone data - single observation) 015001 Total ozone 015002 Air mass (slant path at 22 km) # # Operational: 307031 (Ozone data - averaged observations) 008022 Total number (with respect to accumulation or average) 008023 First-order statistics 015001 Total ozone 008023 First-order statistics 015001 Total ozone 008023 First-order statistics 015002 Air mass (slant path at 22 km) # # Operational: 307041 (Total ozone measurement from a Brewer ground-based spectrophotometer obtained from a single observation) 301001 WMO block and station numbers 001015 Station or site name 301024 Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy), height of station 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 301070 Ozone instrumentation - Brewer spectrophotometer 307030 Ozone data - single observation # # Operational: 307042 (Total ozone measurement from a Brewer ground-based spectrophotometer obtained from averaged observations) 301001 WMO block and station numbers 001015 Station or site name 301024 Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy), height of station 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 008021 Time significance 004025 Time period or displacement 301070 Ozone instrumentation - Brewer spectrophotometer 307031 Ozone data - averaged observations # # Operational: 307043 (Total ozone measurement from a Dobson ground-based spectrophotometer obtained from a single observation) 301001 WMO block and station numbers 001015 Station or site name 301024 Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy), height of station 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 301074 Ozone instrumentation - Dobson spectrophotometer 307030 Ozone data - single observation # # Operational: 307044 (Total ozone measurement from a Dobson ground-based spectrophotometer obtained from averaged observations) 301001 WMO block and station numbers 001015 Station or site name 301024 Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy), height of station 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 008021 Time significance 004025 Time period or displacement 301074 Ozone instrumentation - Dobson spectrophotometer 307031 Ozone data - averaged observations # # Operational: 307045 (Main part of METAR/SPECI), replacing 3 07 011 001063 ICAO location indicator 008079 Product status 002001 Type of station 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 301023 Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy) 007030 Height of station ground above mean sea level 007031 Height of barometer above mean sea level 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 011001 Wind direction 011016 Extreme counterclockwise wind direction of a variable wind 011017 Extreme clockwise wind direction of a variable wind 008054 Qualifier for wind speed or wind gusts 011083 Wind speed 011084 Wind speed 011002 Wind speed 008054 Qualifier for wind speed or wind gusts 011085 Maximum wind gust speed 011086 Maximum wind gust speed 011041 Maximum wind gust speed 008054 Qualifier for wind speed or wind gusts 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 012023 Temperature 012024 Dewpoint temperature 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 010052 Altimeter setting (QNH) 020009 General weather indicator (TAF/METAR) # # Operational: 307046 (METAR/SPECI visibility) 020060 Prevailing horizontal visibility 102000 Delayed replication of 2 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 005021 Bearing or azimuth 020059 Minimum horizontal visibility # # Operational: 307047 (METAR/SPECI/TAF clouds), replacing 3 07 015 105000 Delayed replication of 5 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 008002 Vertical significance (surface observations) 020011 Cloud amount 020012 Cloud type 020013 Height of base of cloud 020092 Height of base of cloud 020002 Vertical visibility 020091 Vertical visibility # # Operational: 307048 (Trend type forecast), replacing 3 07 018 008016 Change qualifier of a trend-type forecast or an aerodrome forecast 102000 Delayed replication of 2 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 008017 Qualifier of the time when the forecast change is expected 301012 Hour, minute 112000 Delayed replication of 12 descriptors 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 011001 Wind direction 008054 Qualifier for wind speed or wind gusts 011083 Wind speed 011084 Wind speed 011002 Wind speed 008054 Qualifier for wind speed or wind gusts 011085 Maximum wind gust speed 011086 Maximum wind gust speed 011041 Maximum wind gust speed 008054 Qualifier for wind speed or wind gusts 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 020009 General weather indicator (TAF/METAR) 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 020060 Prevailing horizontal visibility 307014 Significant present and forecast weather 307047 METAR/SPECI/TAF clouds, replacing 3 07 015 # # Operational: 307049 (Sea conditions) 102000 Delayed replication of 2 descriptors 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 022043 Sea/water temperature 022021 Height of waves # # Operational: 307050 (Runway state) 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 020085 General condition of runway 102000 Delayed replication of 2 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 001064 Runway designator 020085 General condition of runway 105000 Delayed replication of 5 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 001064 Runway designator 020086 Runway deposits 020087 Runway contamination 020088 Depth of runway deposits 020089 Runway friction coefficient # # Operational: 307051 (Full METAR/SPECI), replacing 3 07 021 307045 Main part of METAR/SPECI, replacing 3 07 011 307046 METAR/SPECI visibility 307013 Runway visual range 307014 Significant present and forecast weather 307047 METAR/SPECI/TAF clouds, replacing 3 07 015 307016 Significant recent weather phenomena 307017 Wind shear on runway(s) 307049 Sea conditions 307050 Runway state 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 307048 Trend type forecast, replacing 3 07 018 # # Operational: 307052 (Aerodrome forecast identification and time interval) 001063 ICAO location indicator 008039 Time significance (Aviation forecast) 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 008079 Product status 008039 Time significance (Aviation forecast) 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 008039 Time significance (Aviation forecast) 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 301023 Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy) 007030 Height of station ground above mean sea level 007031 Height of barometer above mean sea level # # Operational: 307053 (Forecast weather at an aerodrome) 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 011001 Wind direction 008054 Qualifier for wind speed or wind gusts 011083 Wind speed 011084 Wind speed 011002 Wind speed 008054 Qualifier for wind speed or wind gusts 011085 Maximum wind gust speed 011086 Maximum wind gust speed 011041 Maximum wind gust speed 008054 Qualifier for wind speed or wind gusts 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 020009 General weather indicator (TAF/METAR) 020060 Prevailing horizontal visibility 307014 Significant present and forecast weather 307047 METAR/SPECI/TAF clouds, replacing 3 07 015 # # Operational: 307054 (Forecast of extreme temperatures) 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 008039 Time significance (Aviation forecast) 004003 Day 004004 Hour 008023 First-order statistics 012023 Temperature 008039 Time significance (Aviation forecast) 004003 Day 004004 Hour 008023 First-order statistics 012023 Temperature 008023 First-order statistics 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) # # Operational: 307055 (Change indicator and forecast changes) 033045 Probability of following event 008016 Change qualifier of a trend-type forecast or an aerodrome forecast 008039 Time significance (Aviation forecast) 004003 Day 301012 Hour, minute 008039 Time significance (Aviation forecast) 004003 Day 301012 Hour, minute 307053 Forecast weather at an aerodrome # # Operational: 307056 (Aerodrome forecast - full TAF) 307052 Aerodrome forecast identification and time interval 307053 Forecast weather at an aerodrome 307054 Forecast of extreme temperatures 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 307055 Change indicator and forecast changes # # Operational: 307060 (Soil temperature below land surface) 007061 Depth below land surface 012030 Soil temperature # # Operational: 307061 (Soil temperature data at number of depths not exceeding five - high accuracy position) 301031 Identification and type of station, date/time, location (high accuracy), height of station 101005 Replicate 1 descriptor 5 times 307060 Soil temperature below land surface # # Operational: 307062 (Soil temperature data at number of depths not exceeding five - coarse accuracy position) 301032 Identification and type of station, date/time, location (coarse accuracy), height of station 101005 Replicate 1 descriptor 5 times 307060 Soil temperature below land surface # # Operational: 307063 (Depth below land surface and soil temperature) 007061 Depth below land surface 012130 Soil temperature # # Operational: 307071 (Monthly values of a land station) 301090 Surface station identification; time, horizontal and vertical coordinates 004074 Short time period or displacement 004023 Time period or displacement 008023 First-order statistics 010004 Pressure 010051 Pressure reduced to mean sea level 007004 Pressure 010009 Geopotential height 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 012101 Temperature/air temperature 002051 Indicator to specify observing method for extreme temperatures 004051 Principal time of daily reading of maximum temperature 012118 Maximum temperature at height specified, past 24 hours 004052 Principal time of daily reading of minimum temperature 012119 Minimum temperature at height specified, past 24 hours 013004 Vapour pressure 008023 First-order statistics 012151 Standard deviation of daily mean temperature 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 102005 Replicate 2 descriptors 5 times 008050 Qualifier for number of missing values in calculation of statistic 008020 Total number of missing entities (with respect to accumulation or average) 014032 Total sunshine 014033 Total sunshine 008050 Qualifier for number of missing values in calculation of statistic 008020 Total number of missing entities (with respect to accumulation or average) 102018 Replicate 2 descriptors 18 times 008052 Condition for which number of days of occurrence follows 008022 Total number (with respect to accumulation or average) 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 008053 Day of occurrence qualifier 004003 Day 012152 Highest daily mean temperature 008053 Day of occurrence qualifier 004003 Day 012153 Lowest daily mean temperature 008053 Day of occurrence qualifier 004003 Day 008023 First-order statistics 012101 Temperature/air temperature 008053 Day of occurrence qualifier 004003 Day 008023 First-order statistics 012101 Temperature/air temperature 008023 First-order statistics 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 002002 Type of instrumentation for wind measurement 008053 Day of occurrence qualifier 004003 Day 011046 Maximum instantaneous wind speed 008053 Day of occurrence qualifier 004003 Day 004004 Hour 004023 Time period or displacement 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 013060 Total accumulated precipitation 013051 Frequency group, precipitation 004053 Number of days with precipitation equal to or more than 1 mm 008050 Qualifier for number of missing values in calculation of statistic 008020 Total number of missing entities (with respect to accumulation or average) 102006 Replicate 2 descriptors 6 times 008052 Condition for which number of days of occurrence follows 008022 Total number (with respect to accumulation or average) 008053 Day of occurrence qualifier 004003 Day 013052 Highest daily amount of precipitation 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) # # Operational: 307072 (Monthly normals for a land station) 004001 Year 004001 Year 004002 Month 004003 Day 004004 Hour 004074 Short time period or displacement 004022 Time period or displacement 008023 First-order statistics 010004 Pressure 010051 Pressure reduced to mean sea level 007004 Pressure 010009 Geopotential height 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 012101 Temperature/air temperature 002051 Indicator to specify observing method for extreme temperatures 004051 Principal time of daily reading of maximum temperature 012118 Maximum temperature at height specified, past 24 hours 004052 Principal time of daily reading of minimum temperature 012119 Minimum temperature at height specified, past 24 hours 013004 Vapour pressure 012151 Standard deviation of daily mean temperature 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 014032 Total sunshine 008023 First-order statistics 004001 Year 004001 Year 004002 Month 004003 Day 004004 Hour 004022 Time period or displacement 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 008023 First-order statistics 013060 Total accumulated precipitation 004053 Number of days with precipitation equal to or more than 1 mm 008023 First-order statistics 102008 Replicate 2 descriptors 8 times 008050 Qualifier for number of missing values in calculation of statistic 008020 Total number of missing entities (with respect to accumulation or average) # # Operational: 307073 (Representation of CLIMAT data of the actual month and for monthly normals) 307071 Monthly values of a land station 307072 Monthly normals for a land station # # Operational: 307074 (Supplemental daily temperature and precipitation values for monthly climate report) 301001 WMO block and station numbers 004001 Year 004002 Month 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 007030 Height of station ground above mean sea level 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 112000 Delayed replication of 12 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 004003 Day 004004 Hour 004024 Time period or displacement 102003 Replicate 2 descriptors 3 times 008023 First-order statistics 012101 Temperature/air temperature 008023 First-order statistics 004004 Hour 004024 Time period or displacement 013060 Total accumulated precipitation 013012 Depth of fresh snow 013013 Total snow depth # # Operational: 307076 (Monthly values from a land station in compliance with regional or national reporting practices) 301090 Surface station identification; time, horizontal and vertical coordinates 004074 Short time period or displacement 004023 Time period or displacement 008023 First-order statistics 010004 Pressure 010051 Pressure reduced to mean sea level 007004 Pressure 010009 Geopotential height 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 012101 Temperature/air temperature 002051 Indicator to specify observing method for extreme temperatures 004051 Principal time of daily reading of maximum temperature 012118 Maximum temperature at height specified, past 24 hours 004052 Principal time of daily reading of minimum temperature 012119 Minimum temperature at height specified, past 24 hours 013004 Vapour pressure 008023 First-order statistics 012151 Standard deviation of daily mean temperature 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 102005 Replicate 2 descriptors 5 times 008050 Qualifier for number of missing values in calculation of statistic 008020 Total number of missing entities (with respect to accumulation or average) 014032 Total sunshine 014033 Total sunshine 008050 Qualifier for number of missing values in calculation of statistic 008020 Total number of missing entities (with respect to accumulation or average) 102018 Replicate 2 descriptors 18 times 008052 Condition for which number of days of occurrence follows 008022 Total number (with respect to accumulation or average) 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 008053 Day of occurrence qualifier 004003 Day 012152 Highest daily mean temperature 008053 Day of occurrence qualifier 004003 Day 012153 Lowest daily mean temperature 008053 Day of occurrence qualifier 004003 Day 008023 First-order statistics 012101 Temperature/air temperature 008053 Day of occurrence qualifier 004003 Day 008023 First-order statistics 012101 Temperature/air temperature 008023 First-order statistics 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 002002 Type of instrumentation for wind measurement 008053 Day of occurrence qualifier 004003 Day 011046 Maximum instantaneous wind speed 008053 Day of occurrence qualifier 004003 Day 004004 Hour 004074 Short time period or displacement 004023 Time period or displacement 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 013060 Total accumulated precipitation 013051 Frequency group, precipitation 004053 Number of days with precipitation equal to or more than 1 mm 008050 Qualifier for number of missing values in calculation of statistic 008020 Total number of missing entities (with respect to accumulation or average) 102006 Replicate 2 descriptors 6 times 008052 Condition for which number of days of occurrence follows 008022 Total number (with respect to accumulation or average) 008053 Day of occurrence qualifier 004003 Day 013052 Highest daily amount of precipitation 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) # # Operational: 307077 (Monthly normals for a land station in compliance with regional or national reporting practices) 004001 Year 004001 Year 004002 Month 004003 Day 004004 Hour 004074 Short time period or displacement 004022 Time period or displacement 008023 First-order statistics 010004 Pressure 010051 Pressure reduced to mean sea level 007004 Pressure 010009 Geopotential height 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 012101 Temperature/air temperature 002051 Indicator to specify observing method for extreme temperatures 004051 Principal time of daily reading of maximum temperature 012118 Maximum temperature at height specified, past 24 hours 004052 Principal time of daily reading of minimum temperature 012119 Minimum temperature at height specified, past 24 hours 013004 Vapour pressure 012151 Standard deviation of daily mean temperature 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 014032 Total sunshine 008023 First-order statistics 004001 Year 004001 Year 004002 Month 004003 Day 004004 Hour 004074 Short time period or displacement 004022 Time period or displacement 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 008023 First-order statistics 013060 Total accumulated precipitation 004053 Number of days with precipitation equal to or more than 1 mm 008023 First-order statistics 102008 Replicate 2 descriptors 8 times 008050 Qualifier for number of missing values in calculation of statistic 008020 Total number of missing entities (with respect to accumulation or average) # # Operational: 307078 (Sequence for representation of monthly values suitable for CLIMAT data in compliance with regional or national reporting practices) 307076 Monthly values from a land station in compliance with regional or national reporting practices 307077 Monthly normals for a land station in compliance with regional or national reporting practices # # Operational: 307079 (Sequence for representation of synoptic reports from fixed land stations suitable for SYNOP data and for maritime data from coastal stations) 301090 Surface station identification; time, horizontal and vertical coordinates 302031 Pressure information 302035 Basic synoptic "instantaneous" data 302036 Clouds with bases below station level 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 302047 Direction of cloud drift 008002 Vertical significance (surface observations) 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 302048 Direction and elevation of cloud 302037 State of ground, snow depth, ground minimum temperature 102000 Delayed replication of 2 descriptors 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 022061 State of the sea 020058 Visibility seawards from a coastal station 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 302056 Sea/water temperature 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 302055 Icing and ice 302043 Basic synoptic "period" data 302044 Evaporation data 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 302045 Radiation data (from 1 hour and 24-hour period) 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 302046 Temperature change # # Operational: 307080 (Sequence for representation of synoptic reports from a fixed land station suitable for SYNOP data) 301090 Surface station identification; time, horizontal and vertical coordinates 302031 Pressure information 302035 Basic synoptic "instantaneous" data 302036 Clouds with bases below station level 302047 Direction of cloud drift 008002 Vertical significance (surface observations) 302048 Direction and elevation of cloud 302037 State of ground, snow depth, ground minimum temperature 302043 Basic synoptic "period" data 302044 Evaporation data 101002 Replicate 1 descriptor 2 times 302045 Radiation data (from 1 hour and 24-hour period) 302046 Temperature change # # Operational: 307081 (Sequence for representation of synoptic reports from a fixed land station suitable for SYNOP data in compliance with reporting practices in RA I) 301090 Surface station identification; time, horizontal and vertical coordinates 302031 Pressure information 302035 Basic synoptic "instantaneous" data 302036 Clouds with bases below station level 302047 Direction of cloud drift 008002 Vertical significance (surface observations) 302048 Direction and elevation of cloud 302037 State of ground, snow depth, ground minimum temperature 012122 Ground minimum temperature of the preceding night 013056 Character and intensity of precipitation 013057 Time of beginning or end of precipitation 020101 Locust (acridian) name 020102 Locust (maturity) colour 020103 Stage of development of locusts 020104 Organization state of swarm or band of locusts 020105 Size of swarm or band of locusts and duration of passage of swarm 020106 Locust population density 020107 Direction of movements of locust swarm 020108 Extent of vegetation 302043 Basic synoptic "period" data 302044 Evaporation data 101002 Replicate 1 descriptor 2 times 302045 Radiation data (from 1 hour and 24-hour period) 302046 Temperature change # # Operational: 307082 (Sequence for representation of synoptic reports from a fixed land station suitable for SYNOP data in compliance with reporting practices in RA II) (see Note 7) 301090 Surface station identification; time, horizontal and vertical coordinates 302031 Pressure information 302035 Basic synoptic "instantaneous" data 302036 Clouds with bases below station level 302047 Direction of cloud drift 008002 Vertical significance (surface observations) 302048 Direction and elevation of cloud 302037 State of ground, snow depth, ground minimum temperature 012121 Ground minimum temperature 012122 Ground minimum temperature of the preceding night 302043 Basic synoptic "period" data 302044 Evaporation data 101002 Replicate 1 descriptor 2 times 302045 Radiation data (from 1 hour and 24-hour period) 302046 Temperature change # # Operational: 307083 (Sequence for representation of synoptic reports from a fixed land station suitable for SYNOP data in compliance with reporting practices in RA III) 301090 Surface station identification; time, horizontal and vertical coordinates 302031 Pressure information 302035 Basic synoptic "instantaneous" data 302036 Clouds with bases below station level 302047 Direction of cloud drift 008002 Vertical significance (surface observations) 302048 Direction and elevation of cloud 302037 State of ground, snow depth, ground minimum temperature 012122 Ground minimum temperature of the preceding night 302043 Basic synoptic "period" data 302044 Evaporation data 101002 Replicate 1 descriptor 2 times 302045 Radiation data (from 1 hour and 24-hour period) 302046 Temperature change # # Operational: 307084 (Sequence for representation of synoptic reports from a fixed land station suitable for SYNOP data in compliance with reporting practices in RA IV) 301090 Surface station identification; time, horizontal and vertical coordinates 302031 Pressure information 302035 Basic synoptic "instantaneous" data 302036 Clouds with bases below station level 302047 Direction of cloud drift 008002 Vertical significance (surface observations) 302048 Direction and elevation of cloud 302037 State of ground, snow depth, ground minimum temperature 020055 State of sky in the tropics 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 205001 Signify character 302043 Basic synoptic "period" data 302044 Evaporation data 101002 Replicate 1 descriptor 2 times 302045 Radiation data (from 1 hour and 24-hour period) 302046 Temperature change # # Operational: 307086 (Sequence for representation of synoptic reports from a fixed land station suitable for SYNOP data in compliance with reporting practices in RA VI) 301090 Surface station identification; time, horizontal and vertical coordinates 302031 Pressure information 302035 Basic synoptic "instantaneous" data 302036 Clouds with bases below station level 008002 Vertical significance (surface observations) 302037 State of ground, snow depth, ground minimum temperature 302066 Dangerous weather phenomena 302043 Basic synoptic "period" data 302044 Evaporation data 101002 Replicate 1 descriptor 2 times 302045 Radiation data (from 1 hour and 24-hour period) # # Operational: 307087 ("Instantaneous" parameters of sequence 3 07 089) 301001 WMO block and station numbers 002001 Type of station 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 301023 Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy) 007030 Height of station ground above mean sea level 007031 Height of barometer above mean sea level 302001 Pressure and 3-hour pressure change 010062 24-hour pressure change 007004 Pressure 010009 Geopotential height 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 012101 Temperature/air temperature 012103 Dewpoint temperature 013003 Relative humidity 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 020001 Horizontal visibility 302004 General cloud information 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 302005 Cloud layer # # Operational: 307088 ("Period" parameters of sequence 3 07 089) 020003 Present weather 004024 Time period or displacement 020004 Past weather (1) 020005 Past weather (2) 004024 Time period or displacement 002004 Type of instrumentation for evaporation measurement or type of crop for which evapotranspiration is reported 013033 Evaporation/evapotranspiration 102002 Replicate 2 descriptors 2 times 004024 Time period or displacement 014031 Total sunshine 102002 Replicate 2 descriptors 2 times 004024 Time period or displacement 013011 Total precipitation/total water equivalent 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 004024 Time period or displacement 012111 Maximum temperature, at height and over period specified 004024 Time period or displacement 012112 Minimum temperature, at height and over period specified 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 002002 Type of instrumentation for wind measurement 008021 Time significance 004025 Time period or displacement 011001 Wind direction 011002 Wind speed 008021 Time significance # # Operational: 307089 (Sequence for representation of synoptic reports from a fixed land station suitable for SYNOP data manually encoded in CREX) 307087 "Instantaneous" parameters of sequence 3 07 089 307088 "Period" parameters of sequence 3 07 089 # # Operational: 307090 (Sequence for representation of synoptic reports from a mobile land station suitable for SYNOP MOBIL data) 301092 Mobile surface station identification, date/time, horizontal and vertical coordinates 302031 Pressure information 302035 Basic synoptic "instantaneous" data 302036 Clouds with bases below station level 302047 Direction of cloud drift 008002 Vertical significance (surface observations) 302048 Direction and elevation of cloud 302037 State of ground, snow depth, ground minimum temperature 302043 Basic synoptic "period" data 302044 Evaporation data 101002 Replicate 1 descriptor 2 times 302045 Radiation data (from 1 hour and 24-hour period) 302046 Temperature change # # Operational: 307091 (BUFR template for surface observations from one-hour period with national and WMO station identification) 301089 National station identification 301090 Surface station identification; time, horizontal and vertical co-ordinates 008010 Surface qualifier (temperature data) 301091 Surface station instrumentation 302001 Pressure and 3-hour pressure change 007004 Pressure 010009 Geopotential height 302072 Temperature and humidity data 103000 Delayed replication of 3 descriptors 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 101005 Replicate 1 descriptor 5 times 307063 Depth below land surface and soil temperature 007061 Depth below land surface 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 302069 Visibility data 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 007033 Height of sensor above water surface 105000 Delayed replication of 5 descriptors 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 020031 Ice deposit (thickness) 020032 Rate of ice accretion (estimated) 002038 Method of water temperature and/or salinity measurement 022043 Sea/water temperature 302021 Waves 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 302078 State of ground and snow depth measurement 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 302073 Cloud data 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 302074 Present and past weather 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 302175 Intensity of precipitation, size of precipitation element 102000 Delayed replication of 2 descriptors 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 004025 Time period or displacement 302076 Precipitation, obscuration and other phenomena 302071 Wind data from one-hour period 302077 Extreme temperature data 007033 Height of sensor above water surface 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 302079 Precipitation measurement 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 302080 Evaporation measurement 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 302081 Total sunshine data 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 302082 Radiation data 102000 Delayed replication of 2 descriptors 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 004025 Time period or displacement 013059 Number of flashes (thunderstorm) 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 302083 First-order statistics of P, W, T, U data 033005 Quality information (AWS data) 033006 Internal measurement status information (AWS) # # Operational: 307096 (Sequence for representation of SYNOP with supplementary information on one-hour observations) 301090 Surface station identification; time, horizontal and vertical coordinates 301089 National station identification 008010 Surface qualifier (temperature data) 301091 Surface station instrumentation 302084 "Instantaneous" data of sequence 3 07 096 302085 "Period" data of sequence 3 07 096 033005 Quality information (AWS data) 033006 Internal measurement status information (AWS) # # Operational: 307101 (Snow observation) 301089 National station identification 001019 Long station or site name 002001 Type of station 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 007030 Height of station ground above mean sea level 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 012101 Temperature/air temperature 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 002177 Method of snow depth measurement 020062 State of the ground (with or without snow) 013013 Total snow depth # # Operational: 307102 (Road weather information) 301089 National station identification 001018 Short station or site name 001015 Station or site name 001104 State/federal state identifier 001105 Highway designator 001106 Location along highway as indicated by position markers 003017 Extended type of station 003018 Type of road 003019 Type of construction 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 007030 Height of station ground above mean sea level 007032 Height of sensor above local ground 012101 Temperature/air temperature 012103 Dewpoint temperature 013003 Relative humidity 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 020001 Horizontal visibility 109000 Delayed replication of 9 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 003016 Position of road sensors 012128 Road surface temperature 102000 Delayed replication of 2 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 007061 Depth below land surface 012129 Road subsurface temperature 007061 Depth below land surface 013116 Water film thickness 020138 Road surface condition 004025 Time period or displacement 020024 Intensity of phenomena 013055 Intensity of precipitation 020021 Type of precipitation 013011 Total precipitation/total water equivalent of snow 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 008021 Time significance 004025 Time period or displacement 011001 Wind direction 011002 Wind speed 008021 Time significance 004025 Time period or displacement 011043 Maximum wind gust direction 011041 Maximum wind gust speed 033005 Quality information (AWS data) # # Operational: 307182 (Sequence for representation of synoptic reports from a fixed land station suitable for SYNOP data in compliance with reporting practices in RA II) 301090 Surface station identification, time, horizontal and vertical coordinates 302031 Pressure information 302035 Basic synoptic “instantaneous” data 302036 Clouds with bases below station level 302047 Direction of cloud drift 008002 Vertical significance (surface observations) 302048 Direction and elevation of cloud 302037 State of ground, snow depth, ground minimum temperature 012120 Ground temperature 012122 Ground minimum temperature of the preceding night 302043 Basic synoptic “period” data 302044 Evaporation data 101002 Replicate next descriptor 2 times 302045 Radiation data (from 1 hour and 24-hour period) 302046 Temperature change #
# # Operational: 308001 (Buoy/platform - fixed) 301033 Buoy/platform - fixed 302011 Low altitude station 022042 Sea/water temperature # # Operational: 308002 (Buoy/platform - fixed) 301034 Buoy/platform - fixed 302011 Low altitude station 022042 Sea/water temperature # # Operational: 308003 (Buoy/platform - moving) (see Note 1) 301035 Buoy/platform - moving 302011 Low altitude station 022042 Sea/water temperature # # Operational: 308004 (Ship) 301036 Ship 302011 Low altitude station 022042 Sea/water temperature # # Operational: 308005 308004 Ship 302024 Wind and swell waves # # Operational: 308006 (Buoy Section 1 optional parameters) 010004 Pressure 010061 3-hour pressure change 010063 Characteristic of pressure tendency 011001 Wind direction 011002 Wind speed 012004 Air temperature at 2 m 013003 Relative humidity 022042 Sea/water temperature # # Operational: 308007 301055 Identification and type of station, date/time, location (high accuracy), movement 302011 Low altitude station 007062 Depth below sea/water surface 022042 Sea/water temperature # # Operational: 308009 (Sequence for representation of synoptic reports from a sea station suitable for ship data) 301093 Ship identification, movement, date/time, horizontal and vertical coordinates 302001 Pressure and 3-hour pressure change 302054 Ship "instantaneous" data 008002 Vertical significance (surface observations) 302055 Icing and ice 302057 Ship marine data 302060 Ship "period" data # # Operational: 308010 (TRACKOB template) 001011 Ship or mobile land station identifier 113000 Delayed replication of 13 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 004080 Averaging period for following value 022049 Sea-surface temperature 004080 Averaging period for following value 022059 Sea-surface salinity 004080 Averaging period for following value 022005 Direction of sea-surface current 002042 Indicator for sea-surface current speed 022032 Speed of sea-surface current 002042 Indicator for sea-surface current speed 004080 Averaging period for following value # # Operational: 308011 (Monthly values from an ocean weather station - CLIMAT SHIP) 001011 Ship or mobile land station identifier 002001 Type of station 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 301023 Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy) 007030 Height of station ground above mean sea level 007031 Height of barometer above mean sea level 004074 Short time period or displacement) 004023 Time period or displacement 008023 First-order statistics 010051 Pressure reduced to mean sea level 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 007033 Height of sensor above water surface 012101 Temperature/air temperature 013004 Vapour pressure 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 007033 Height of sensor above water surface 302056 Sea/water temperature 008023 First-order statistics 004003 Day 004004 Hour 004023 Time period or displacement 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 013060 Total accumulated precipitation 013051 Frequency group, precipitation 004053 Number of days with precipitation equal to or more than 1 mm 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) # # Operational: 308012 (Monthly normals from an ocean weather station) 004001 Year 004001 Year 004002 Month 004003 Day 004004 Hour 004074 Short time period or displacement 004022 Time period or displacement 008023 First-order statistics 010051 Pressure reduced to mean sea level 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 007033 Height of sensor above water surface 012101 Temperature/air temperature 013004 Vapour pressure 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 007033 Height of sensor above water surface 302056 Sea/water temperature 008023 First-order statistics 004001 Year 004001 Year 004002 Month 004003 Day 004004 Hour 004022 Time period or displacement 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 008023 First-order statistics 013060 Total accumulated precipitation 004053 Number of days with precipitation equal to or more than 1 mm 008023 First-order statistics # # Operational: 308013 (Representation of CLIMAT SHIP data of the actual month and for monthly normals) 308011 Monthly values from an ocean weather station - CLIMAT SHIP 308012 Monthly normals from an ocean weather station # # Operational: 308014 (Synoptic reports from sea stations suitable for VOS observation data) 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 301018 Encrypted ship’s call sign and encryption method 003001 Surface station type 301093 Ship identification, movement, date/time, horizontal and vertical coordinates 208032 Change width of CCITT IA5 to 32 characters 001079 Unique identifier for the profile 208000 Change width of CCITT IA5 302062 Ship “instantaneous” data 302063 Ship “period” data 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 302092 VOSClim data elements 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 306033 Surface salinity 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 306034 Surface current 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 306043 Marine biogeochemical and radiation observations # # Operational: 308015 (Template for WAVEOB data expressed as frequency (Ia = 0 in FM-65 WAVEOB) 001003 WMO Region number/geographical area 001020 WMO Region sub-area 001005 Buoy/platform identifier 001011 Ship or mobile land station identifier 001007 Satellite identifier 001001 WMO block number 001002 WMO station number 002044 Indicator for method of calculating spectral wave data 002045 Indicator for type of platform 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 022063 Total water depth 022076 Direction from which dominant waves are coming 022077 Directional spread of dominant wave 022094 Total number of wave bands 025043 Wave sampling interval (time) 022078 Duration of wave record 105002 Replicate 5 descriptors 2 times 002046 Wave measurement instrumentation 022070 Significant wave height 022071 Spectral peak wave period 022073 Maximum wave height 022074 Average wave period 127000 Delayed replication of 27 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 002046 Wave measurement instrumentation 008090 Decimal scale of following significands 022102 Scaled maximum non-directional spectral wave density by frequency 008090 Decimal scale of following significands 022084 Band containing maximum non-directional spectral wave density 120000 Delayed replication of 20 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 022080 Waveband central frequency 022108 Spectral wave density ratio 022086 Mean direction from which waves are coming 022087 Principal direction from which waves are coming 022088 First normalized polar coordinate from Fourier coefficients 022089 Second normalized polar coordinate from Fourier coefficients 105000 Delayed replication of 5 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 008090 Decimal scale of following significands 022104 Scaled non-directional spectral wave density by frequency 008090 Decimal scale of following significands 022186 Direction from which waves are coming 022187 Directional spread of wave 105000 Delayed replication of 5 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 008090 Decimal scale of following significands 022106 Scaled directional spectral wave density by frequency 008090 Decimal scale of following significands 022186 Direction from which waves are coming 022187 Directional spread of wave # # Operational: 308016 (Template for WAVEOB data expressed as the wave number (Ia = 1 in FM-65 WAVEOB) 001003 WMO Region number/geographical area 001020 WMO Region sub-area 001005 Buoy/platform identifier 001011 Ship or mobile land station identifier 001007 Satellite identifier 001001 WMO block number 001002 WMO station number 002044 Indicator for method of calculating spectral wave data 002045 Indicator for type of platform 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 022063 Total water depth 022076 Direction from which dominant waves are coming 022077 Directional spread of dominant wave 022094 Total number of wave bands 025044 Wave sampling interval (space) 022079 Length of wave record 105002 Replicate 5 descriptors 2 times 002046 Wave measurement instrumentation 022070 Significant wave height 022072 Spectral peak wavelength 022073 Maximum wave height 022075 Average wavelength 127000 Delayed replication of 27 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 002046 Wave measurement instrumentation 008090 Decimal scale of following significands 022103 Scaled maximum non-directional spectral wave density by wave number 008090 Decimal scale of following significands 022084 Band containing maximum non-directional spectral wave density 120000 Delayed replication of 20 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 022081 Waveband central wave number 022108 Spectral wave density ratio 022086 Mean direction from which waves are coming 022087 Principal direction from which waves are coming 022088 First normalized polar coordinate from Fourier coefficients 022089 Second normalized polar coordinate from Fourier coefficients 105000 Delayed replication of 5 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 008090 Decimal scale of following significands 022105 Scaled non-directional spectral wave density by wave number 008090 Decimal scale of following significands 022186 Direction from which waves are coming 022187 Directional spread of wave 105000 Delayed replication of 5 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 008090 Decimal scale of following significands 022107 Scaled directional spectral wave density by wave number 008090 Decimal scale of following significands 022186 Direction from which waves are coming 022187 Directional spread of wave # # Operational: 308017 (Sequence for reporting observations from offshore platforms) 301056 Sequence for platform identification, type, time and location of the observation report 302001 Pressure and 3-hour pressure change 302052 Ship temperature and humidity data 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 302056 Sea/water temperature 302064 Ship wind data 302053 Ship visibility data 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 302004 General cloud information 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 302005 Cloud layer 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 302038 Present and past weather 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 306039 Sequence for representation of basic wave measurements # # Operational: 308021 (Monthly values from an ocean weather station in compliance with regional or national reporting practices) 001011 Ship or mobile land station identifier 002001 Type of station 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 301023 Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy) 007030 Height of station ground above mean sea level 007031 Height of barometer above mean sea level 004074 Short time period or displacement 004023 Time period or displacement 008023 First-order statistics 010051 Pressure reduced to mean sea level 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 007033 Height of sensor above water surface 012101 Temperature/air temperature 013004 Vapour pressure 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 007033 Height of sensor above water surface 302056 Sea/water temperature 008023 First-order statistics 004003 Day 004004 Hour 004074 Short time period or displacement 004023 Time period or displacement 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 013060 Total accumulated precipitation 013051 Frequency group, precipitation 004053 Number of days with precipitation equal to or more than 1 mm 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) # # Operational: 308022 (Monthly normals for an ocean weather station in compliance with regional or national reporting practices) 004001 Year 004001 Year 004002 Month 004003 Day 004004 Hour 004074 Short time period or displacement 004022 Time period or displacement 008023 First-order statistics 010051 Pressure reduced to mean sea level 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 007033 Height of sensor above water surface 012101 Temperature/air temperature 013004 Vapour pressure 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 007033 Height of sensor above water surface 302056 Sea/water temperature 008023 First-order statistics 004001 Year 004001 Year 004002 Month 004003 Day 004004 Hour 004074 Short time period or displacement 004022 Time period or displacement 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 008023 First-order statistics 013060 Total accumulated precipitation 004053 Number of days with precipitation equal to or more than 1 mm 008023 First-order statistics # # Operational: 308023 (Sequence for representation of monthly values suitable for CLIMAT SHIP data in compliance with regional or national reporting practices) 308021 Monthly values from an ocean weather station in compliance with regional or national reporting practices 308022 Monthly normals for an ocean weather station in compliance with regional or national reporting practices #
# # Operational: 309001 (Vertical wind profile) 301037 Land station for vertical soundings 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 303011 Wind at height # # Operational: 309002 (Vertical wind profile) 301038 Land station for vertical soundings 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 303011 Wind at height # # Operational: 309003 (Vertical wind profile) 301037 Land station for vertical soundings 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 303012 Wind at pressure level # # Operational: 309004 (Vertical wind profile) 301038 Land station for vertical soundings 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 303012 Wind at pressure level # # Operational: 309005 (Vertical sounding with relative humidity) 301037 Land station for vertical soundings 302004 General cloud information 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 303013 Geopotential, temperature, humidity, wind at pressure level # # Operational: 309006 (Vertical sounding with relative humidity) 301038 Land station for vertical soundings 302004 General cloud information 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 303013 Geopotential, temperature, humidity, wind at pressure level # # Operational: 309007 (Vertical sounding with dewpoint data) 301037 Land station for vertical soundings 302004 General cloud information 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 303014 Geopotential, temperature, dewpoint temperature, wind at pressure level # # Operational: 309008 (Vertical sounding with dewpoint data) 301038 Land station for vertical soundings 302004 General cloud information 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 303014 Geopotential, temperature, dewpoint temperature, wind at pressure level # # Operational: 309011 (Vertical wind profile) 301039 Ship for vertical soundings 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 303011 Wind at height # # Operational: 309012 (Vertical wind profile) 301039 Ship for vertical soundings 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 303012 Wind at pressure level # # Operational: 309013 (Vertical sounding with relative humidity) 301039 Ship for vertical soundings 302004 General cloud information 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 303013 Geopotential, temperature, humidity, wind at pressure level # # Operational: 309014 (Vertical sounding with dewpoint data) 301039 Ship for vertical soundings 302004 General cloud information 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 303014 Geopotential, temperature, dewpoint temperature, wind at pressure level # # Operational: 309015 (Vertical wind profile) 301040 Ship for vertical soundings 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 303011 Wind at height # # Operational: 309016 (Vertical wind profile) 301040 Ship for vertical soundings 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 303012 Wind at pressure level # # Operational: 309017 (Vertical sounding with relative humidity) 301040 Ship for vertical soundings 302004 General cloud information 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 303013 Geopotential, temperature, humidity, wind at pressure level # # Operational: 309018 (Vertical sounding with dewpoint data) 301040 Ship for vertical soundings 302004 General cloud information 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 303014 Geopotential, temperature, dewpoint temperature, wind at pressure level # # Operational: 309019 (Wind profiler - wind data sounding) 301031 Identification and type of station, date/time, location (high accuracy), height of station 002003 Type of measuring equipment used 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 303011 Wind at height # # Operational: 309020 (Wind profiler - Cartesian coordinates) 301031 Identification and type of station, date/time, location (high accuracy), height of station 002003 Type of measuring equipment used 104000 Delayed replication of 4 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 007003 Geopotential 011003 u-component 011004 v-component 011005 w-component # # Operational: 309021 (RWP wind data (product data)) 301001 WMO block and station numbers 005001 Latitude (high accuracy) 006001 Longitude (high accuracy) 007030 Height of station ground above mean sea level 301014 Time period 002003 Type of measuring equipment used 002121 Mean frequency 112000 Delayed replication of 12 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 007007 Height 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 011003 u-component 011110 Uncertainty in u-component 011004 v-component 011111 Uncertainty in v-component 033002 Quality information 011006 w-component 011112 Uncertainty in w-component 033002 Quality information 010071 Vertical resolution 027079 Horizontal width of sampled volume # # Operational: 309022 (RASS virtual temperature (product data)) 301001 WMO block and station numbers 005001 Latitude (high accuracy) 006001 Longitude (high accuracy) 007030 Height of station ground above mean sea level 301014 Time period 002003 Type of measuring equipment used 002121 Mean frequency 110000 Delayed replication of 10 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 007007 Height 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 012007 Virtual temperature 012008 Uncertainty in virtual temperature 033002 Quality information 011006 w-component 011112 Uncertainty in w-component 033002 Quality information 010071 Vertical resolution 027079 Horizontal width of sampled volume # # Operational: 309023 (LIDAR Sequence) 301001 WMO block and station numbers 005001 Latitude (high accuracy) 006001 Longitude (high accuracy) 007030 Height of station ground above mean sea level 301014 Time Period 002003 Type of measuring equipment used 302004 General cloud information 302005 Cloud layer 114000 Delayed replication of 14 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 007007 Height 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 002121 Mean frequency 015063 Attenuated backscatter 015064 Uncertainty in attenuated backscatter 015065 Particle backscatter coefficient 015066 Uncertainty in particle backscatter coefficient 015067 Particle extinction coefficient 015068 Uncertainty in particle extinction coefficient 015069 Particle LIDAR ratio 015070 Uncertainty in LIDAR ratio 015071 Particle depolarization ratio 015072 Uncertainty in depolarization ratio 033002 Quality information 010071 Vertical resolution 027079 Horizontal width of sampled volume. # # Operational: 309030 (Ozone sonde flight data) (see Note 1) 015004 Ozone sounding correction factor (CF) 015005 Ozone p 104000 Delayed replication of 4 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 004015 Time increment 008006 Ozone vertical sounding significance 007004 Pressure 015003 Measured ozone partial pressure (sounding) # # Operational: 309031 (Ozone sonde flight data) 015004 Ozone sounding correction factor (CF) 015005 Ozone p 104000 Delayed replication of 4 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 004025 Time period or displacement 008006 Ozone vertical sounding significance 007004 Pressure 015003 Measured ozone partial pressure (sounding) # # Operational: 309040 (Ozone sounding not coupled to a ground-based spectrophotometer) (see Note 2) 301075 Sounding identification 301076 Ozone sounding instrumentation 309030 Ozone sonde flight data # # Operational: 309041 (Ozone sounding coupled to measurements from a Brewer ground-based spectrophotometer; the total ozone obtained from the Brewer is a single value) (see Note 2) 307041 Total ozone measurement from a Brewer ground-based spectrophotometer obtained from a single observation 301075 Sounding identification 301076 Ozone sounding instrumentation 309030 Ozone sonde flight data # # Operational: 309042 (Ozone sounding coupled to measurements from a Brewer ground-based spectrophotometer; the total ozone obtained from the Brewer is an averaged value) (see Note 2) 307042 Total ozone measurement from a Brewer ground-based spectrophotometer obtained from averaged observations 301075 Sounding identification 301076 Ozone sounding instrumentation 309030 Ozone sonde flight data # # Operational: 309043 (Ozone sounding coupled to measurements from a Dobson ground-based spectrophotometer; the total ozone obtained from the Dobson is a single value) (see Note 2) 307043 Total ozone measurement from a Dobson ground-based spectrophotometer obtained from a single observation 301075 Sounding identification 301076 Ozone sounding instrumentation 309030 Ozone sonde flight data # # Operational: 309044 (Ozone sounding coupled to measurements from a Dobson ground-based spectrophotometer; the total ozone obtained from the Dobson is an averaged value) (see Note 2) 307044 Total ozone measurement from a Dobson ground-based spectrophotometer obtained from averaged observations 301075 Sounding identification 301076 Ozone sounding instrumentation 309030 Ozone sonde flight data # # Operational: 309045 (Ozone sounding not coupled to a ground-based spectrophotometer) 301075 Sounding identification 301076 Ozone sounding instrumentation 309031 Ozone sonde flight data # # Operational: 309046 (Ozone sounding coupled to measurements from a Brewer ground-based spectrophotometer; the total ozone obtained from the Brewer is a single value) 307041 Total ozone measurement from a Brewer ground-based spectrophotometer obtained from a single observation 301075 Sounding identification 301076 Ozone sounding instrumentation 309031 Ozone sonde flight data # # Operational: 309047 (Ozone sounding coupled to measurements from a Brewer ground-based spectrophotometer; the total ozone obtained from the Brewer is an averaged value) 307042 Total ozone measurement from a Brewer ground-based spectrophotometer obtained from averaged observations 301075 Sounding identification 301076 Ozone sounding instrumentation 309031 Ozone sonde flight data # # Operational: 309048 (Ozone sounding coupled to measurements from a Dobson ground-based spectrophotometer; the total ozone obtained from the Dobson is a single value) 307043 Total ozone measurement from a Dobson ground-based spectrophotometer obtained from a single observation 301075 Sounding identification 301076 Ozone sounding instrumentation 309031 Ozone sonde flight data # # Operational: 309049 (Ozone sounding coupled to measurements from a Dobson ground-based spectrophotometer; the total ozone obtained from the Dobson is an averaged value) 307044 Total ozone measurement from a Dobson ground-based spectrophotometer obtained from averaged observations 301075 Sounding identification 301076 Ozone sounding instrumentation 309031 Ozone sonde flight data # # Operational: 309050 (Sequence for representation of PILOT, PILOT SHIP and PILOT MOBIL observation type data with pressure as the vertical coordinate) 301110 Identification of launch site and instrumentation for wind measurements 301113 Date/time of launch 301114 Horizontal and vertical coordinates of launch site 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor 303050 Wind data at a pressure level with radiosonde position 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 303051 Wind shear data at a pressure level with radiosonde position # # Operational: 309051 (Sequence for representation of PILOT, PILOT SHIP and PILOT MOBIL observation type data with height as the vertical coordinate) 301110 Identification of launch site and instrumentation for wind measurements 301113 Date/time of launch 301114 Horizontal and vertical coordinates of launch site 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor 303052 Wind data at a height level with radiosonde position 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 303053 Wind shear data at a height level with radiosonde position # # Operational: 309052 (Sequence for representation of TEMP, TEMP SHIP and TEMP MOBIL observation type data) 301111 Identification of launch site and instrumentation for P, T, U and wind measurements 301113 Date/time of launch 301114 Horizontal and vertical coordinates of launch site 302049 Cloud information reported with vertical soundings 022043 Sea/water temperature 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor 303054 Temperature, dewpoint and wind data at a pressure level with radiosonde position 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 303051 Wind shear data at a pressure level with radiosonde position # # Operational: 309053 (Sequence for representation of TEMP DROP observation type data) 301112 Identification of launch point and instrumentation of dropsonde 301113 Date/time of launch 301114 Horizontal and vertical coordinates of launch site 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor 303054 Temperature, dewpoint and wind data at a pressure level with radiosonde position 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 303051 Wind shear data at a pressure level with radiosonde position # # Operational: 309054 (Sequence for representation of CLIMAT TEMP and CLIMAT TEMP SHIP data) 301001 WMO block and station numbers 001011 Ship or mobile land station identifier 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 007030 Height of station ground above mean sea level 007031 Height of barometer above mean sea level 007007 Height 004023 Time period or displacement 004059 Times of observation used to compute the reported mean values 115000 Delayed replication of 15 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 008001 Vertical sounding significance 008023 First-order statistics 007004 Pressure 010009 Geopotential height 012101 Temperature/air temperature 012103 Dewpoint temperature 008023 First-order statistics 011001 Wind direction 011002 Wind speed 008023 First-order statistics 011019 Steadiness of wind 008050 Qualifier for number of missing values in calculation of statistic 008020 Total number of missing entities (with respect to accumulation or average) 008050 Qualifier for number of missing values in calculation of statistic 008020 Total number of missing entities (with respect to accumulation or average) # # Operational: 309055 (Template for the representation of high resolution radiosonde data with geopotential height as the vertical coordinate) 301111 Identification of launch site and instrumentation for P, T, U and wind measurements 025061 Software identification and version number 001081 Radiosonde serial number 001082 Radiosonde ascension number 002067 Radiosonde operating frequency 002095 Type of pressure sensor 002096 Type of temperature sensor 002097 Type of humidity sensor 002081 Type of balloon 002082 Weight of balloon 002084 Type of gas used in balloon 002191 Geopotential height calculation 301113 Date/time of launch 301114 Horizontal and vertical coordinates of launch site 010004 Pressure 302032 Temperature and humidity data 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 002002 Type of instrumentation for wind measurement 011001 Wind direction 011002 Wind speed 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 020003 Present weather 302049 Cloud information reported with vertical soundings 022043 Sea/water temperature 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor 303055 Temperature, dewpoint, relative humidity and wind data at a height level with radiosonde position # # Operational: 309060 (Radiosonde complete registration and surface observation) 301123 Radiosonde full header information 301121 Radiosonde launch point location 302050 Radiosonde surface observation 303040 Radiosonde duration of flight and termination information # # Operational: 309061 (Raw PTU) 301120 Radiosonde abbreviated header and launch information 008041 Data significance 301122 Date/time (to hundredths of second) 201131 Change data width 202129 Change scale 025069 Flight level pressure corrections 007004 Pressure 202000 Change scale 201000 Change data width 033007 Per cent confidence 033035 Manual/automatic quality control 033015 Data quality check indicator 013009 Relative humidity 033007 Per cent confidence 033035 Manual/automatic quality control 033015 Data quality check indicator 002013 Solar and infrared radiation correction 012101 Temperature/air temperature 033007 Per cent confidence 033035 Manual/automatic quality control 033015 Data quality check indicator # # Operational: 309062 (Raw GPS unsmoothed wind) 301120 Radiosonde abbreviated header and launch information 008041 Data significance 301122 Date/time (to hundredths of second) 005001 Latitude (high accuracy) 033035 Manual/automatic quality control 033015 Data quality check indicator 006001 Longitude (high accuracy) 033035 Manual/automatic quality control 033015 Data quality check indicator 007007 Height 033035 Manual/automatic quality control 033015 Data quality check indicator 011003 u-component 033035 Manual/automatic quality control 033015 Data quality check indicator 011004 v-component 033035 Manual/automatic quality control 033015 Data quality check indicator 033007 Per cent confidence # # Operational: 309063 (Raw GPS smoothed wind) 301120 Radiosonde abbreviated header and launch information 008041 Data significance 301122 Date/time (to hundredths of second) 005001 Latitude (high accuracy) 033035 Manual/automatic quality control 033015 Data quality check indicator 006001 Longitude (high accuracy) 033035 Manual/automatic quality control 033015 Data quality check indicator 007007 Height 033035 Manual/automatic quality control 033015 Data quality check indicator 011003 u-component 033035 Manual/automatic quality control 033015 Data quality check indicator 011004 v-component 033035 Manual/automatic quality control 033015 Data quality check indicator 033007 Per cent confidence # # Operational: 309064 (Processed PTU) 301120 Radiosonde abbreviated header and launch information 008041 Data significance 301122 Date/time (to hundredths of second) 201131 Change data width 202129 Change scale 104002 Replicate 4 descriptors 2 times 025069 Flight level pressure corrections 007004 Pressure 033035 Manual/automatic quality control 033015 Data quality check indicator 013003 Relative humidity 033035 Manual/automatic quality control 033015 Data quality check indicator 202000 Change scale 201000 Change data width 104002 Replicate 4 descriptors 2 times 002013 Solar and infrared radiation correction 012101 Temperature/air temperature 033035 Manual/automatic quality control 033015 Data quality check indicator 012103 Dewpoint temperature 033035 Manual/automatic quality control 033015 Data quality check indicator 010009 Geopotential height 033035 Manual/automatic quality control 033015 Data quality check indicator # # Operational: 309065 (Processed GPS) 301120 Radiosonde abbreviated header and launch information 008041 Data significance 301122 Date/time (to hundredths of second) 005001 Latitude (high accuracy) 033035 Manual/automatic quality control 033015 Data quality check indicator 006001 Longitude (high accuracy) 033035 Manual/automatic quality control 033015 Data quality check indicator 007007 Height 033035 Manual/automatic quality control 033015 Data quality check indicator 011003 u-component 033035 Manual/automatic quality control 033015 Data quality check indicator 011004 v-component 033035 Manual/automatic quality control 033015 Data quality check indicator # # Operational: 309066 (Standard and significant levels) 301120 Radiosonde abbreviated header and launch information 008041 Data significance 301122 Date/time (to hundredths of second) 008040 Flight level significance 201131 Change data width 202129 Change scale 025069 Flight level pressure corrections 007004 Pressure 013003 Relative humidity 202000 Change scale 201000 Change data width 002013 Solar and infrared radiation correction 012101 Temperature/air temperature 012103 Dewpoint temperature 010009 Geopotential height 010007 Height 011002 Wind speed 011001 Wind direction # # Operational: 309070 (Vertical profile for numerical weather prediction data) 001035 Originating centre 001032 Generating application 001015 Station or site name 001063 ICAO location indicator 301001 WMO block and station numbers 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 207001 Increase scale, reference value and data width 010001 Height of land surface 207000 Increase scale, reference value and data width 008086 Vertical significance for NWP 007030 Height of station ground above mean sea level 025031 NWP-generated vertical profile thinning method 008021 Time significance 004014 Time increment 010004 Pressure 010051 Pressure reduced to mean sea level 010009 Geopotential height 020010 Cloud cover (total) 013095 Total column water vapour 128000 Delayed replication of 28 descriptors 031002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor 113000 Delayed replication of 13 descriptors 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 008086 Vertical significance for NWP 007004 Pressure 011001 Wind direction 011002 Wind speed 012101 Temperature/air temperature 012102 Wet-bulb temperature 012103 Dewpoint temperature 010009 Geopotential height 103000 Delayed replication of 3 descriptors 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 011021 Relative vorticity 011022 Divergence 011005 w-component 104000 Delayed replication of 4 descriptors 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 008086 Vertical significance for NWP 007006 Height above station 011001 Wind direction 011002 Wind speed 105000 Delayed replication of 5 descriptors 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 008086 Vertical significance for NWP 007006 Height above station 012101 Temperature/air temperature 012102 Wet-bulb temperature 012103 Dewpoint temperature # # Operational: 309071 (Sequence for representation of PILOT in the area of ASECNA) 301001 WMO block and station numbers 002014 Tracking technique/status of system used 002003 Type of measuring equipment used 301113 Date/time of launch 301114 Horizontal and vertical coordinates of launch site 301023 Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy) 007030 Height of station ground above mean sea level 007007 Height 103000 Delayed replication of 3 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 007009 Geopotential height 011001 Wind direction 011002 Wind speed #
# # Operational: 310001 (Satellite - brightness temperature) 301042 Satellite identifier, instrument, data-processing technique, date/time, location 303031 Significance data, land/sea, skin temperature 303032 Cloud 101026 Replicate 1 descriptor 26 times 303025 Satellite channel and brightness temperature # # Operational: 310002 (Satellite - low level) 301042 Satellite identifier, instrument, data-processing technique, date/time, location 303031 Significance data, land/sea, skin temperature 303032 Cloud 101009 Replicate 1 descriptor 9 times 303023 Layer mean temperature # # Operational: 310003 (Satellite - high level) 301042 Satellite identifier, instrument, data-processing technique, date/time, location 303031 Significance data, land/sea, skin temperature 303032 Cloud 101006 Replicate 1 descriptor 6 times 303023 Layer mean temperature # # Operational: 310004 (Satellite - precipitable water) 301042 Satellite identifier, instrument, data-processing technique, date/time, location 303031 Significance data, land/sea, skin temperature 303032 Cloud 101003 Replicate 1 descriptor 3 times 303024 Precipitable water # # Operational: 310005 301042 Satellite identifier, instrument, data-processing technique, date/time, location 303031 Significance data, land/sea, skin temperature 303033 Cloud 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 303025 Satellite channel and brightness temperature # # Operational: 310006 301042 Satellite identifier, instrument, data-processing technique, date/time, location 303031 Significance data, land/sea, skin temperature 303033 Cloud 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 303023 Layer mean temperature # # Operational: 310007 301042 Satellite identifier, instrument, data-processing technique, date/time, location 303031 Significance data, land/sea, skin temperature 303033 Cloud 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 303024 Precipitable water # # Operational: 310008 (ATOVS HIRS report) 310011 ATOVS field of view variables 101019 Replicate 1 descriptor 19 times 310012 ATOVS channel variables 002150 TOVS/ATOVS/AVHRR instrumentation channel number 025079 Albedo-radiance solar filtered irradiance for ATOVS 025080 Albedo-radiance equivalent filter width for ATOVS 033032 Channel quality flags for ATOVS 014045 Channel radiance # # Operational: 310009 (ATOVS AMSU-A report) 310011 ATOVS field of view variables 101015 Replicate 1 descriptor 15 times 310012 ATOVS channel variables # # Operational: 310010 (ATOVS AMSU-B/MHS report) 310011 ATOVS field of view variables 101005 Replicate 1 descriptor 5 times 310012 ATOVS channel variables # # Operational: 310011 (ATOVS field of view variables) 008070 TOVS/ATOVS product qualifier 001033 Identification of originating/generating centre 001034 Identification of originating/generating sub-centre 008070 TOVS/ATOVS product qualifier 001033 Identification of originating/generating centre 001034 Identification of originating/generating sub-centre 001007 Satellite identifier 002048 Satellite sensor indicator 005040 Orbit number 025075 Satellite antenna corrections version number 201133 Change data width 005041 Scan line number 201000 Change data width 005043 Field of view number 025070 Major frame count 033030 Scan line status flags for ATOVS 033031 Scan line quality flags for ATOVS 004001 Year 004002 Month 004003 Day 004004 Hour 004005 Minute 202131 Change scale 201138 Change data width 004006 Second 201000 Change data width 202000 Change scale 005001 Latitude (high accuracy) 006001 Longitude (high accuracy) 202126 Change scale 007001 Height of station 202000 Change scale 007024 Satellite zenith angle 005021 Bearing or azimuth 007025 Solar zenith angle 005022 Solar azimuth 033033 Field of view quality flags for ATOVS 002151 Radiometer identifier 012064 Instrument temperature 002151 Radiometer identifier 012064 Instrument temperature 002151 Radiometer identifier 012064 Instrument temperature 002151 Radiometer identifier 012064 Instrument temperature # # Operational: 310012 (ATOVS channel variables) 002150 TOVS/ATOVS/AVHRR instrumentation channel number 025076 Log10 of (temperature-radiance central wave number) for ATOVS 025077 Bandwidth correction coefficient 1 for ATOVS 025078 Bandwidth correction coefficient 2 for ATOVS 033032 Channel quality flags for ATOVS 201132 Change data width 202129 Change scale 012063 Brightness temperature 202000 Change scale 201000 Change data width # # Operational: 310013 (AVHRR (GAC) report) 001007 Satellite identifier 005040 Orbit number 004001 Year 004002 Month 004003 Day 004004 Hour 004005 Minute 004006 Second 005001 Latitude (high accuracy) 006001 Longitude (high accuracy) 007025 Solar zenith angle 005043 Field of view number 025085 Fraction of clear pixels in HIRS FOV 201131 Change data width 202129 Change scale 002150 TOVS/ATOVS/AVHRR instrumentation channel number 008023 First-order statistics 008072 Pixel(s) type 014027 Albedo 008072 Pixel(s) type 014027 Albedo 002150 TOVS/ATOVS/AVHRR instrumentation channel number 008023 First-order statistics 008072 Pixel(s) type 014027 Albedo 008072 Pixel(s) type 014027 Albedo 002150 TOVS/ATOVS/AVHRR instrumentation channel number 008023 First-order statistics 008072 Pixel(s) type 014027 Albedo 008072 Pixel(s) type 014027 Albedo 202000 Change scale 201000 Change data width 201132 Change data width 202129 Change scale 002150 TOVS/ATOVS/AVHRR instrumentation channel number 008023 First-order statistics 008072 Pixel(s) type 012063 Brightness temperature 008072 Pixel(s) type 012063 Brightness temperature 002150 TOVS/ATOVS/AVHRR instrumentation channel number 008023 First-order statistics 008072 Pixel(s) type 012063 Brightness temperature 008072 Pixel(s) type 012063 Brightness temperature 008023 First-order statistics 008072 Pixel(s) type 012063 Brightness temperature 008072 Pixel(s) type 012063 Brightness temperature 002150 TOVS/ATOVS/AVHRR instrumentation channel number 008023 First-order statistics 008072 Pixel(s) type 012063 Brightness temperature 008072 Pixel(s) type 012063 Brightness temperature 202000 Change scale 201000 Change data width # # Operational: 310014 (Satellite - geostationary wind data) 301072 Satellite identification 303041 Wind sequence 304011 GOES-I/M info # # Operational: 310015 (Meteosat radiance data) 301072 Satellite identification 007024 Satellite zenith angle 010002 Height 303041 Wind sequence 101003 Replicate 1 descriptor 3 times 304032 Cloud fraction 002152 Satellite instrument used in data processing 002024 Integrated mean humidity computational method 007004 Pressure 007004 Pressure 013003 Relative humidity 101003 Replicate 1 descriptor 3 times 304033 Clear sky radiance # # Operational: 310016 (Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) radiance data) 301072 Satellite identification 007024 Satellite zenith angle 010002 Height 303041 Wind sequence 101012 Replicate 1 descriptor 12 times 304032 Cloud fraction 002152 Satellite instrument used in data processing 002024 Integrated mean humidity computational method 007004 Pressure 007004 Pressure 013003 Relative humidity 101012 Replicate 1 descriptor 12 times 304033 Clear sky radiance # # Operational: 310018 (Ozone data) 001007 Satellite identifier 005040 Orbit number 004001 Year 004043 Day of the year 004004 Hour 004005 Minute 004006 Second 207002 Increase scale, reference value and data width 026030 Measurement integration time 207000 Increase scale, reference value and data width 005002 Latitude (coarse accuracy) 006002 Longitude (coarse accuracy) 033072 Ozone error 007025 Solar zenith angle 005022 Solar azimuth 207002 Increase scale, reference value and data width 015001 Total ozone 207000 Increase scale, reference value and data width 008003 Vertical significance (satellite observations) 207001 Increase scale, reference value and data width 010004 Pressure 207000 Increase scale, reference value and data width 008003 Vertical significance (satellite observations) 008003 Vertical significance (satellite observations) 033042 Type of limit represented by following value 207001 Increase scale, reference value and data width 007004 Pressure 207000 Increase scale, reference value and data width 207002 Increase scale, reference value and data width 015001 Total ozone 207000 Increase scale, reference value and data width 008003 Vertical significance (satellite observations) 207002 Increase scale, reference value and data width 020081 Cloud amount in segment 207000 Increase scale, reference value and data width 020065 Snow cover 008029 Surface type 207004 Increase scale, reference value and data width 015030 Aerosol contamination index 207000 Increase scale, reference value and data width 008075 Ascending/descending orbit qualifier # # Operational: 310019 (Ozone data) 001007 Satellite identifier 002019 Satellite instruments 301011 Year, month, day 301013 Hour, minute, second 301023 Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy) 007025 Solar zenith angle 008021 Time significance 007025 Solar zenith angle 008021 Time significance 007025 Solar zenith angle 008021 Time significance 008029 Surface type 005040 Orbit number 008075 Ascending/descending orbit qualifier 008003 Vertical significance (satellite observations) 010004 Pressure 008003 Vertical significance (satellite observations) 207002 Increase scale, reference value and data width 015001 Total ozone 207000 Increase scale, reference value and data width 033070 Total ozone quality 015030 Aerosol contamination index 207002 Increase scale, reference value and data width 020081 Cloud amount in segment 207000 Increase scale, reference value and data width 008003 Vertical significance (satellite observations) 033042 Type of limit represented by following value 007004 Pressure 207002 Increase scale, reference value and data width 015001 Total ozone 207000 Increase scale, reference value and data width 008003 Vertical significance (satellite observations) 113021 Replicate 13 descriptors 21 times 007004 Pressure 007004 Pressure 207002 Increase scale, reference value and data width 008021 Time significance 015005 Ozone p 008021 Time significance 015005 Ozone p 033007 Per cent confidence 207000 Increase scale, reference value and data width 008026 Matrix significance 101020 Replicate 1 descriptor 20 times 025143 Linear coefficient 008026 Matrix significance 008043 Atmospheric chemical or physical constituent type 109015 Replicate 9 descriptors 15 times 007004 Pressure 008090 Decimal scale of following significands 207006 Increase scale, reference value and data width 015008 Significand of volumetric mixing ratio 207000 Increase scale, reference value and data width 008090 Decimal scale of following significands 207002 Increase scale, reference value and data width 033007 Per cent confidence 207000 Increase scale, reference value and data width 008043 Atmospheric chemical or physical constituent type 033071 Profile ozone quality 108008 Replicate 8 descriptors 8 times 202124 Change scale 201107 Change data width 002071 Spectrographic wavelength 201000 Change data width 202000 Change scale 207002 Increase scale, reference value and data width 020081 Cloud amount in segment 207000 Increase scale, reference value and data width # # Operational: 310020 (Retrieved ozone data) 310022 Satellite identifier, instrument and product type 301011 Year, month, day 301013 Hour, minute, second 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 304034 Latitude/longitude, solar elevation, number of layers 310021 Integrated ozone density, height of defined layer # # Operational: 310021 (Integrated ozone density, height of defined layer) 108000 Delayed replication of 8 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 201131 Change data width 202129 Change scale 007004 Pressure 007004 Pressure 202000 Change scale 201000 Change data width 015020 Integrated ozone density 010002 Height # # Operational: 310022 (Satellite identifier, instrument and product type) 001007 Satellite identifier 002019 Satellite instruments 001033 Identification of originating/generating centre 002172 Product type for retrieved atmospheric gases # # Operational: 310023 (Geostationary multi-channel satellite radiance data) 301072 Satellite identification 030021 Number of pixels per row 030022 Number of pixels per column 008012 Land/sea qualifier 007024 Satellite zenith angle 007025 Solar zenith angle 010002 Height 101012 Replicate 1 descriptor 12 times 304032 Cloud fraction 105002 Replicate 5 descriptors 2 times 002152 Satellite instrument used in data processing 002024 Integrated mean humidity computational method 007004 Pressure 007004 Pressure 013003 Relative humidity 101012 Replicate 1 descriptor 12 times 304033 Clear sky radiance # # Operational: 310024 (Geostationary three-channel satellite radiance data) 301072 Satellite identification 030021 Number of pixels per row 030022 Number of pixels per column 008012 Land/sea qualifier 007024 Satellite zenith angle 007025 Solar zenith angle 010002 Height 101003 Replicate 1 descriptor 3 times 304032 Cloud fraction 105002 Replicate 5 descriptors 2 times 002152 Satellite instrument used in data processing 002024 Integrated mean humidity computational method 007004 Pressure 007004 Pressure 013003 Relative humidity 101003 Replicate 1 descriptor 3 times 304033 Clear sky radiance # # Operational: 310025 (SSMIS temperature data record) 001007 Satellite identifier 008021 Time significance 004001 Year 004002 Month 004003 Day 004004 Hour 004005 Minute 201138 Change data width 202131 Change scale 004006 Second 202000 Change scale 201000 Change data width 201132 Change data width 005041 Scan line number 201000 Change data width 201129 Change data width 005043 Field of view number 201000 Change data width 005002 Latitude (coarse accuracy) 006002 Longitude (coarse accuracy) 013040 Surface flag 020029 Rain flag 104024 Replicate 4 descriptors 24 times 005042 Channel number 012163 Brightness temperature 021083 Warm target calibration 021084 Cold target calibration 115003 Replicate 15 descriptors 3 times 004001 Year 004002 Month 004003 Day 201142 Change data width 202131 Change scale 004026 Time period or displacement 202000 Change scale 201000 Change data width 005001 Latitude (high accuracy) 006001 Longitude (high accuracy) 201138 Change data width 202129 Change scale 007001 Height of station 202000 Change scale 201000 Change data width 008021 Time significance 004001 Year 004002 Month 004003 Day 004004 Hour 004005 Minute 005040 Orbit number 101003 Replicate 1 descriptor 3 times 012070 Warm load temperature 025054 SSMIS subframe ID number 101004 Replicate 1 descriptor 4 times 025055 Multiplexer housekeeping 008007 Dimensional significance 104028 Replicate 4 descriptors 28 times 005002 Latitude (coarse accuracy) 006002 Longitude (coarse accuracy) 002111 Radar incidence angle 005021 Bearing or azimuth # # Operational: 310026 (Satellite radio occultation data) 310022 Satellite identifier, instrument and product type 025060 Software identification 008021 Time significance 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 201138 Change data width 202131 Change scale 004006 Second 202000 Change scale 201000 Change data width 033039 Quality flags for radio occultation data 033007 Per cent confidence 304030 Location of platform 304031 Speed of platform 002020 Satellite classification 001050 Platform transmitter ID number 202127 Change scale 304030 Location of platform 202000 Change scale 304031 Speed of platform 201133 Change data width 202131 Change scale 004016 Time increment 202000 Change scale 201000 Change data width 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 304030 Location of platform 010035 Earth's local radius of curvature 005021 Bearing or azimuth 010036 Geoid undulation 113000 Delayed replication of 13 descriptors 031002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 005021 Bearing or azimuth 108000 Delayed replication of 8 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 002121 Mean frequency 007040 Impact parameter 015037 Bending angle 008023 First-order statistics 201125 Change data width 015037 Bending angle 201000 Change data width 008023 First-order statistics 033007 Per cent confidence 108000 Delayed replication of 8 descriptors 031002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor 007007 Height 015036 Atmospheric refractivity 008023 First-order statistics 201123 Change data width 015036 Atmospheric refractivity 201000 Change data width 008023 First-order statistics 033007 Per cent confidence 116000 Delayed replication of 16 descriptors 031002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor 007009 Geopotential height 010004 Pressure 012001 Temperature/air temperature 013001 Specific humidity 008023 First-order statistics 201120 Change data width 010004 Pressure 201000 Change data width 201122 Change data width 012001 Temperature/air temperature 201000 Change data width 201123 Change data width 013001 Specific humidity 201000 Change data width 008023 First-order statistics 033007 Per cent confidence 008003 Vertical significance (satellite observations) 007009 Geopotential height 010004 Pressure 008023 First-order statistics 201120 Change data width 010004 Pressure 201000 Change data width 008023 First-order statistics 033007 Per cent confidence # # Deprecated: 310027 (All sky radiance product main sequence) 301071 Satellite identifier/Generating resolution 301011 Year, month, day 301013 Hour, minute, second 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 030021 Number of pixels per row 030022 Number of pixels per column 010002 Height 304036 Cloud coverage 002152 Satellite instrument used in data processing 002167 Radiance computational method 101011 Replicate 1 descriptor 11 times 304035 All sky radiance data # # Operational: 310028 (All sky radiance product main sequence) 301071 Satellite identifier/Generating resolution 301011 Year, month, day 301013 Hour, minute, second 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 030021 Number of pixels per row 030022 Number of pixels per column 010002 Height 304036 Cloud coverage 002152 Satellite instrument used in data processing 002167 Radiance computational method 101011 Replicate 1 descriptor 11 times 304037 All sky radiance data # # Operational: 310029 (Layer, ozone, height, temperature and water vapour) 110000 Delayed replication of 10 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 201138 Change data width 202130 Change scale 007004 Pressure 007004 Pressure 202000 Change scale 201000 Change data width 015020 Integrated ozone density 010002 Height 012101 Temperature/air temperature 013098 Integrated water vapour density # # Operational: 310030 (MIPAS or GOMOS instruments reporting) 310022 Satellite identifier, instrument and product type 301011 Year, month, day 301013 Hour, minute, second 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 304034 Latitude/longitude, solar elevation, number of layers 310029 Layer, ozone, height, temperature and water vapour # # Operational: 310050 (Satellite collocated 1C reports with 3 instruments) 310051 Satellite position and instrument temperatures 310052 Satellite instrument type and position 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor 310053 Satellite channels and brightness temperatures with expanded channel set 101004 Replicate 1 descriptor 4 times 310054 Satellite visible channels and albedos with expanded channel set 020010 Cloud cover (total) 310052 Satellite instrument type and position 101015 Replicate 1 descriptor 15 times 310053 Satellite channels and brightness temperatures with expanded channel set 310052 Satellite instrument type and position 101005 Replicate 1 descriptor 5 times 310053 Satellite channels and brightness temperatures with expanded channel set # # Operational: 310051 (Satellite position and instrument temperatures) 001007 Satellite identifier 005040 Orbit number 201133 Change data width 005041 Scan line number 201000 Change data width 201132 Change data width 025070 Major frame count 201000 Change data width 202126 Change scale 007001 Height of station 202000 Change scale 007025 Solar zenith angle 005022 Solar azimuth 102009 Replicate 2 descriptors 9 times 002151 Radiometer identifier 012064 Instrument temperature # # Operational: 310052 (Satellite instrument type and position) 002019 Satellite instruments 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 202131 Change scale 201138 Change data width 004006 Second 201000 Change data width 202000 Change scale 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 007024 Satellite zenith angle 005021 Bearing or azimuth 005043 Field of view number # # Operational: 310053 (Satellite channels and brightness temperatures with expanded channel set) 201134 Change data width 005042 Channel number 201000 Change data width 025076 Log10 of (temperature-radiance central wave number) for ATOVS 033032 Channel quality flags for ATOVS 012163 Brightness temperature # # Operational: 310054 (Satellite visible channels and albedos with expanded channel set) 201134 Change data width 005042 Channel number 201000 Change data width 025076 Log10 of (temperature-radiance central wave number) for ATOVS 033032 Channel quality flags for ATOVS 201131 Change data width 202129 Change scale 102002 Replicate 2 descriptors 2 times 008023 First-order statistics 014027 Albedo 008023 First-order statistics 202000 Change scale 201000 Change data width # # Operational: 310055 (Satellite radiance/channel principal components) 310051 Satellite position and instrument temperatures 310052 Satellite instrument type and position 102020 Replicate 2 descriptors 20 times 025076 Log10 of (temperature-radiance central wave number) for ATOVS 025052 Log10 of principal components normalized fit to data 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor 025050 Principal component score # # Operational: 310060 (CrIS (Cross-Track Infrared Sounder) radiance data) 001007 Satellite identifier 001033 Identification of originating/generating centre 002019 Satellite instruments 002020 Satellite classification 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 207003 Increase scale, reference value and data width 004006 Second 207000 Increase scale, reference value and data width 304030 Location of platform 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 007024 Satellite zenith angle 005021 Bearing or azimuth 007025 Solar zenith angle 005022 Solar azimuth 008075 Ascending/descending orbit qualifier 201133 Change data width 005041 Scan line number 201000 Change data width 005045 Field of regard number 005043 Field of view number 005040 Orbit number 010001 Height of land surface 201129 Change data width 007002 Height or altitude 201000 Change data width 202127 Change scale 201125 Change data width 021166 Land fraction 201000 Change data width 202000 Change scale 008012 Land/sea qualifier 020010 Cloud cover (total) 020014 Height of top of cloud 002165 Radiance type flags 033075 Scan-level quality flags 107003 Replicate 7 descriptors 3 times 008076 Type of band 006029 Wave number 006029 Wave number 025140 Start channel 025141 End channel 033076 Calibration quality flags 033077 Field-of-view quality flags 008076 Type of band 033078 Geolocation quality 033003 Quality information 104000 Delayed replication of 4 descriptors 031002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor 201133 Change data width 005042 Channel number 201000 Change data width 014044 Channel radiance # # Operational: 310061 (ATMS (Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder) data) 001007 Satellite identifier 001033 Identification of originating/generating centre 001034 Identification of originating/generating sub-centre 002019 Satellite instruments 002020 Satellite classification 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 207003 Increase scale, reference value and data width 004006 Second 207000 Increase scale, reference value and data width 005040 Orbit number 005041 Scan line number 005043 Field of view number 033079 Granule level quality flags 033080 Scan level quality flags 033078 Geolocation quality 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 201129 Change data width 007002 Height or altitude 201000 Change data width 007024 Satellite zenith angle 005021 Bearing or azimuth 007025 Solar zenith angle 005022 Solar azimuth 025075 Satellite antenna corrections version number 111000 Delayed replication of 11 descriptors 031002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor 005042 Channel number 202131 Change scale 002153 Satellite channel centre frequency 002154 Satellite channel band width 202000 Change scale 002104 Antenna polarization 012066 Antenna temperature 012163 Brightness temperature 012158 Noise-equivalent delta temperature while viewing cold target 012159 Noise-equivalent delta temperature while viewing warm target 033081 Channel data quality flags # # Operational: 310062 (VIIRS (Visible/Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite) data) 001007 Satellite identifier 001033 Identification of originating/generating centre 001034 Identification of originating/generating sub-centre 002019 Satellite instruments 002020 Satellite classification 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 207003 Increase scale, reference value and data width 004006 Second 207000 Increase scale, reference value and data width 005040 Orbit number 201133 Change data width 005041 Scan line number 005043 Field of view number 201000 Change data width 008076 Type of band 033082 Geolocation quality flags 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 201129 Change data width 007002 Height or altitude 201000 Change data width 007024 Satellite zenith angle 005021 Bearing or azimuth 007025 Solar zenith angle 005022 Solar azimuth 008072 Pixel(s) type 008029 Surface type 105000 Delayed replication of 5 descriptors 031002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor 005042 Channel number 002155 Satellite channel wavelength 033083 Radiance data quality flags 014043 Channel radiance 015042 Reflectance # # Operational: 310063 (SST (Sea-surface temperature) data) 001007 Satellite identifier 001033 Identification of originating/generating centre 001034 Identification of originating/generating sub-centre 002019 Satellite instruments 002020 Satellite classification 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 207003 Increase scale, reference value and data width 004006 Second 207000 Increase scale, reference value and data width 005040 Orbit number 201133 Change data width 005041 Scan line number 005043 Field of view number 201000 Change data width 033082 Geolocation quality flags 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 201129 Change data width 007002 Height or altitude 201000 Change data width 007024 Satellite zenith angle 005021 Bearing or azimuth 007025 Solar zenith angle 005022 Solar azimuth 008075 Ascending/descending orbit qualifier 008013 Day/night qualifier 008072 Pixel(s) type 033084 Pixel level quality flags 007062 Depth below sea/water surface 033086 Quality of pixel level retrieval 022043 Sea/water temperature 007062 Depth below sea/water surface 007062 Depth below sea/water surface 033086 Quality of pixel level retrieval 022043 Sea/water temperature # # Operational: 310064 (AOT (Aerosol optical thickness) data) 001007 Satellite identifier 001033 Identification of originating/generating centre 001034 Identification of originating/generating sub-centre 002019 Satellite instruments 002020 Satellite classification 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 207003 Increase scale, reference value and data width 004006 Second 207000 Increase scale, reference value and data width 005040 Orbit number 201133 Change data width 005041 Scan line number 005043 Field of view number 201000 Change data width 033082 Geolocation quality flags 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 201129 Change data width 007002 Height or altitude 201000 Change data width 007024 Satellite zenith angle 005021 Bearing or azimuth 007025 Solar zenith angle 005022 Solar azimuth 008075 Ascending/descending orbit qualifier 008029 Surface type 008046 Atmospheric chemical or physical constituent type 033085 Aerosol optical thickness quality flags 033086 Quality of pixel level retrieval 015049 Aerosol Angstrom wavelength exponent 033086 Quality of pixel level retrieval 102011 Replicate 2 descriptors 11 times 002155 Satellite channel wavelength 015062 Aerosol optical thickness # # Operational: 310065 (OMPS (Ozone mapping and profiler suite) nadir profile data) 001007 Satellite identifier 001033 Identification of originating/generating centre 001034 Identification of originating/generating sub-centre 002019 Satellite instruments 002020 Satellite classification 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 207003 Increase scale, reference value and data width 004006 Second 207000 Increase scale, reference value and data width 005040 Orbit number 033082 Geolocation quality flags 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 201129 Change data width 007002 Height or altitude 201000 Change data width 007024 Satellite zenith angle 005021 Bearing or azimuth 007025 Solar zenith angle 005022 Solar azimuth 008075 Ascending/descending orbit qualifier 033071 Profile ozone quality 033070 Total ozone quality 020021 Type of precipitation 015045 Sulphur dioxide 015046 Volcano contamination index 008065 Sun-glint indicator 033087 Extent of satellite within South Atlantic anomaly 008003 Vertical significance (satellite observations) 010004 Pressure 008003 Vertical significance (satellite observations) 207002 Increase scale, reference value and data width 015001 Total ozone 207000 Increase scale, reference value and data width 105012 Replicate 5 descriptors 12 times 010040 Number of retrieved layers 010004 Pressure 207003 Increase scale, reference value and data width 015005 Ozone p 207000 Increase scale, reference value and data width 008046 Atmospheric chemical or physical constituent type 107019 Replicate 7 descriptors 19 times 010040 Number of retrieved layers 010004 Pressure 008090 Decimal scale of following significands 207006 Increase scale, reference value and data width 015008 Significand of volumetric mixing ratio 207000 Increase scale, reference value and data width 008090 Decimal scale of following significands # # Operational: 310066 (OMPS (Ozone mapping and profiler suite) total column data) 001007 Satellite identifier 001033 Identification of originating/generating centre 001034 Identification of originating/generating sub-centre 002019 Satellite instruments 002020 Satellite classification 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 207003 Increase scale, reference value and data width 004006 Second 207000 Increase scale, reference value and data width 005040 Orbit number 033082 Geolocation quality flags 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 201129 Change data width 007002 Height or altitude 201000 Change data width 007024 Satellite zenith angle 005021 Bearing or azimuth 007025 Solar zenith angle 005022 Solar azimuth 008075 Ascending/descending orbit qualifier 020081 Cloud amount in segment 207004 Increase scale, reference value and data width 015030 Aerosol contamination index 207000 Increase scale, reference value and data width 020065 Snow cover 015041 Sulphur dioxide index 033086 Quality of pixel level retrieval 033087 Extent of satellite within South Atlantic anomaly 033088 Ozone total column quality flag 008003 Vertical significance (satellite observations) 207001 Increase scale, reference value and data width 007004 Pressure 207000 Increase scale, reference value and data width 008003 Vertical significance (satellite observations) 207002 Increase scale, reference value and data width 015001 Total ozone 207000 Increase scale, reference value and data width 008003 Vertical significance (satellite observations) 033042 Type of limit represented by following value 207001 Increase scale, reference value and data width 007004 Pressure 207000 Increase scale, reference value and data width 207002 Increase scale, reference value and data width 015001 Total ozone 207000 Increase scale, reference value and data width 008003 Vertical significance (satellite observations) 001032 Generating application 207002 Increase scale, reference value and data width 015001 Total ozone 207000 Increase scale, reference value and data width # # Operational: 310067 (Satellite-derived winds) 001033 Identification of originating/generating centre 001034 Identification of originating/generating sub-centre 025061 Software identification and version number 025062 Database identification 001007 Satellite identifier 002153 Satellite channel centre frequency 001012 Direction of motion of moving observing platform 201138 Change data width 002026 Cross-track resolution 002027 Along-track resolution 201000 Cancel change data width 002028 Segment size at nadir in x-direction (target box size) 002029 Segment size at nadir in y-direction (target box size) 002161 Wind processing method 002164 Tracer correlation method 002023 Satellite derived wind computation method 008012 Land/sea qualifier 008013 Day/night qualifier 001124 Grid point identifier 005001 Latitude (high accuracy) 006001 Longitude (high accuracy) 004001 Year 004002 Month 004003 Day 004004 Hour 004005 Minute 004006 Second 004086 Long time period or displacement (seconds) 011001 Wind direction 011002 Wind speed 011003 Wind u-component 011004 Wind v-component 002162 Extended height assignment method 007004 Pressure 012001 Temperature 020014 Height of top of cloud 007024 Satellite zenith angle 001023 Observation sequence number 104000 Delayed replication of 4 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 002162 Extended height assignment method 007004 Pressure 012001 Temperature 020014 Height of top of cloud 113000 Delayed replication of 13 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 004086 Long time period or displacement (seconds) 002020 Satellite classification 001007 Satellite identifier 002019 Satellite instruments 005042 Channel number 002153 Satellite channel centre frequency 005040 Orbit number 007024 Satellite zenith angle 005021 Bearing or azimuth 002162 Extended height assignment method 007004 Pressure 012001 Temperature 020014 Height of top of cloud 119000 Delayed replication of 19 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 004086 Long time period or displacement (seconds) 004086 Long time period or displacement (seconds) 005001 Latitude (high accuracy) 006001 Longitude (high accuracy) 011003 u-component 011004 v-component 011113 Tracking correlation of vector 025148 Coefficient of variation 103000 Delayed replication of 3 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 008023 First order statistics 011003 u-component 011004 v-component 008023 First order statistics 103000 Delayed replication of 3 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 020111 x-axis error ellipse major component 020112 y-axis error ellipse minor component 020114 Angle of x-axis in error ellipse 001033 Identification of originating/generating centre 008021 Time significance 011095 u-component of the model wind vector 011096 v-component of the model wind vector 007004 Pressure 008021 Time significance 011095 u-component of the model wind vector 011096 v-component of the model wind vector 007004 Pressure 008021 Time significance 008086 Vertical significance for NWP 011095 u-component of the model wind vector 011096 v-component of the model wind vector 007004 Pressure 008086 Vertical significance for NWP 102004 Replicate 2 descriptors 4 times 001032 Generating application 033007 Per cent confidence 008092 Measurement uncertainty expression 011003 u-component 011004 v-component 007004 Pressure 008092 Measurement uncertainty expression 033066 AMV quality flag 020081 Cloud amount 020012 Cloud type 020056 Cloud phase 117000 Delayed replication of 17 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 008023 First order statistics 020016 Pressure at the top of cloud 008092 Measurement uncertainty expression 008003 Vertical significance (satellite observations) 012001 Temperature 008003 Vertical significance (satellite observations) 020016 Pressure at the top of cloud 008092 Measurement uncertainty expression 025149 Optimal estimation cost 020016 Pressure at top of cloud 020014 Height of top of cloud 013093 Cloud optical thickness 013109 Ice/liquid water path 040038 Cloud particle size 008011 Meteorological feature 014050 Emissivity 008011 Meteorological feature 008023 First order statistics #
# # Operational: 311001 (Aircraft reports) 301051 Flight number, navigational system, date/time, location, phase of flight 007002 Height or altitude 012001 Temperature/air temperature 011001 Wind direction 011002 Wind speed 011031 Degree of turbulence 011032 Height of base of turbulence 011033 Height of top of turbulence 020041 Airframe icing # # Operational: 311002 (ACARS reports) 301065 ACARS identification 301066 ACARS location 311003 ACARS standard reported variables 311004 ACARS supplementary reported variables # # Operational: 311003 (ACARS standard reported variables) 010070 Indicated aircraft altitude 011001 Wind direction 011002 Wind speed 012001 Temperature/air temperature 013002 Mixing ratio # # Operational: 311004 (ACARS supplementary reported variables) 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 011034 Vertical gust velocity 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 011035 Vertical gust acceleration 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 011075 Mean turbulence intensity (eddy dissipation rate) 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 011076 Peak turbulence intensity (eddy dissipation rate) 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 033025 ACARS interpolated values indicator 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 033026 Moisture quality # # Operational: 311005 (Standard AMDAR reports) 001008 Aircraft registration number or other identification 001023 Observation sequence number 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 301011 Year, month, day 301013 Hour, minute, second 007010 Flight level 008009 Detailed phase of flight 011001 Wind direction 011002 Wind speed 011031 Degree of turbulence 011036 Maximum derived equivalent vertical gust speed 012101 Temperature/air temperature 033025 ACARS interpolated values indicator # # Operational: 311006 (AMDAR data or aircraft data for one level without latitude/longitude) 007010 Flight level 011001 Wind direction 011002 Wind speed 002064 Aircraft roll angle quality 012101 Temperature/air temperature 012103 Dewpoint temperature # # Operational: 311007 (Aircraft data for one level with latitude/longitude indicated) 007010 Flight level 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 011001 Wind direction 011002 Wind speed 002064 Aircraft roll angle quality 012101 Temperature/air temperature 012103 Dewpoint temperature # # Operational: 311008 (Aircraft ascent/descent profile without latitude/longitude indicated at each level) 001008 Aircraft registration number or other identification 301011 Year, month, day 301013 Hour, minute, second 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 008004 Phase of aircraft flight 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 311006 AMDAR data or aircraft data for one level without latitude/longitude # # Operational: 311009 (Aircraft ascent/descent profile with latitude/longitude given for each level) 001008 Aircraft registration number or other identification 301011 Year, month, day 301013 Hour, minute, second 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 008004 Phase of aircraft flight 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 311007 Aircraft data for one level with latitude/longitude indicated # # Operational: 311010 (BUFR template for AMDAR, version 7) 001008 Aircraft registration number or other identification 001023 Observation sequence number 001006 Aircraft flight number 001110 Aircraft tail number 001111 Origination airport 001112 Destination airport 204002 Add associated field 031021 Associated field significance 301011 Year, month, day 301013 Hour, minute, second 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 007010 Flight level 010053 Global navigation satellite system altitude 008009 Detailed phase of flight 011001 Wind direction 011002 Wind speed 002064 Aircraft roll angle quality 011100 Aircraft true airspeed 011101 Aircraft ground speed u-component 011102 Aircraft ground speed v-component 011103 Aircraft ground speed w-component 011104 Aircraft true heading 012101 Temperature/air temperature 002170 Aircraft humidity sensors 201144 Change data width 202133 Change scale 013002 Mixing ratio 202000 Change scale 201000 Change data width 201135 Change data width 202130 Change scale 013003 Relative humidity 202000 Change scale 201000 Change data width 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 012103 Dewpoint temperature 033026 Moisture quality 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 020042 Airframe icing present 103000 Delayed replication of 3 descriptors 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 020043 Peak liquid water content 020044 Average liquid water content 020045 Supercooled large droplet (SLD) conditions 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 033025 ACARS interpolated values indicator 103000 Delayed replication of 3 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 011075 Mean turbulence intensity (eddy dissipation rate) 011076 Peak turbulence intensity (eddy dissipation rate) 011039 Extended time of occurrence of peak eddy dissipation rate 102000 Delayed replication of 2 descriptors 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 011037 Turbulence index 011077 Reporting interval or averaging time for eddy dissipation rate 103000 Delayed replication of 3 descriptors 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 011034 Vertical gust velocity 011035 Vertical gust acceleration 011036 Maximum derived equivalent vertical gust speed 204000 Add associated field 119000 Delayed replication of 19 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 301011 Year, month, day 301013 Hour, minute, second 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 007007 Height 011105 EDR algorithm version 204007 Add associated field 031021 Associated field significance 011076 Peak turbulence intensity (eddy dissipation rate) 011075 Mean turbulence intensity (eddy dissipation rate) 204000 Add associated field 011106 Running minimum confidence 011107 Maximum number bad inputs 011108 Peak location 011109 Number of good EDR 012101 Temperature/air temperature 011001 Wind direction 201130 Change data width 011084 Wind speed 201000 Change data width # # Operational: 311011 (IAGOS template for a single observation), version 2 001023 Observation sequence number 008004 Phase of aircraft flight 301011 Year, month, day 301013 Hour, minute, second 005002 Latitude (coarse accuracy) 006002 Longitude (coarse accuracy) 007004 Pressure 011001 Wind direction 011002 Wind speed 012101 Temperature/air temperature 106000 Delayed replication of 6 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 008046 Atmospheric chemical or physical constituent type 201139 Change data width 202126 Change scale 015026 Concentration of pollutant (mol mol-1) 202000 Change scale 201000 Change data width 106000 Delayed replication of 6 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 008046 Atmospheric chemical or physical constituent type 201138 Change data width 202130 Change scale 015026 Concentration of pollutant (mol mol-1) 202000 Change scale 201000 Change data width 015052 Log10 of number density of aerosol particles with diameter greater than 5 nm 015053 Log10 of number density of aerosol particles with diameter greater than 14 nm 015054 Log10 of number density of aerosol particles with diameter between 0.25 and 2.5 µm 015055 Non volatile aerosol ratio 007004 Pressure 007004 Pressure 013099 Log10 of integrated cloud particle density 013100 Log10 of integrated cloud particle area 013101 Log10 of integrated cloud particle volume #
# # Operational: 312001 301043 Satellite identifier, wind computation method, date/time, location 304001 Cloud top pressure, temperature, wind # # Operational: 312002 301043 Satellite identifier, wind computation method, date/time, location 304002 Cloud top pressure, wind # # Operational: 312003 301042 Satellite identifier, instrument, data-processing technique, date/time, location 304003 Surface temperature # # Operational: 312004 301042 Satellite identifier, instrument, data-processing technique, date/time, location 304004 Cloud top pressure, cloud cover, temperature # # Operational: 312005 301042 Satellite identifier, instrument, data-processing technique, date/time, location 020014 Height of top of cloud # # Operational: 312006 301044 Satellite identifier, humidity computation method, date/time, location 304005 Layer mean relative humidity # # Operational: 312007 301042 Satellite identifier, instrument, data-processing technique, date/time, location 304006 Radiation # # Operational: 312010 (Orbital information, Part I) 001007 Satellite identifier 005040 Orbit number 002021 Satellite instrument data used in processing 005041 Scan line number 004001 Year 004043 Day of the year # # Operational: 312011 (Orbital information, Part II) 202131 Change scale 201149 Change data width 004006 Second 201000 Change data width 202126 Change scale 010002 Height 202000 Change scale 005043 Field of view number 005053 Field of view number increment # # Operational: 312012 (HIRS brightness temperatures - channels 1-19) 202129 Change scale 201132 Change data width 101019 Replicate 1 descriptor 19 times 012063 Brightness temperature 201000 Change data width 202000 Change scale # # Operational: 312013 (HIRS brightness temperatures - channel 20) 005042 Channel number 202129 Change scale 201135 Change data width 012063 Brightness temperature 201000 Change data width 202000 Change scale # # Operational: 312014 (HIRS satellite data) 312010 Orbital information, Part I 312011 Orbital information, Part II 105056 Replicate 5 descriptors 56 times 301023 Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy) 005042 Channel number 005052 Channel number increment 312012 HIRS brightness temperatures - channels 1-19 312013 HIRS brightness temperatures - channel 20 # # Operational: 312015 (MSU brightness temperatures - channels 1-4) 109011 Replicate 9 descriptors 11 times 301023 Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy) 005042 Channel number 005052 Channel number increment 202129 Change scale 201132 Change data width 101004 Replicate 1 descriptor 4 times 012063 Brightness temperature 202000 Change scale 201000 Change data width # # Operational: 312016 (MSU satellite data) 312010 Orbital information, Part I 312011 Orbital information, Part II 312015 MSU brightness temperatures - channels 1-4 # # Operational: 312017 (SSU brightness temperatures - channels 1-3) 109008 Replicate 9 descriptors 8 times 301023 Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy) 005042 Channel number 005052 Channel number increment 202129 Change scale 201132 Change data width 101003 Replicate 1 descriptor 3 times 012063 Brightness temperature 202000 Change scale 201000 Change data width # # Operational: 312018 (SSU satellite data) 312010 Orbital information, Part I 312011 Orbital information, Part II 312017 SSU brightness temperatures - channels 1-3 # # Operational: 312019 (Wave scatterometer product with width change for wave number (spectral)) 301047 ERS product header 301048 Radar parameters 015015 Maximum image spectral component before normalization 029002 Coordinate grid type 021076 Representation of intensities 106012 Replicate 6 descriptors 12 times 201129 Change data width 006030 Wave number (spectral) 201000 Change data width 102012 Replicate 2 descriptors 12 times 005030 Direction (spectral) 021075 Image spectrum intensity 021066 Wave scatterometer product confidence data # # Operational: 312020 (Wave scatterometer product) 301047 ERS product header 301048 Radar parameters 015015 Maximum image spectral component before normalization 029002 Coordinate grid type 021076 Representation of intensities 104012 Replicate 4 descriptors 12 times 006030 Wave number (spectral) 102012 Replicate 2 descriptors 12 times 005030 Direction (spectral) 021075 Image spectrum intensity 021066 Wave scatterometer product confidence data # # Operational: 312021 (Wind scatterometer product) 301047 ERS product header 101003 Replicate 1 descriptor 3 times 301049 Radar beam data 011012 Wind speed at 10 m 011011 Wind direction at 10 m 021067 Wind product confidence data # # Operational: 312022 (Radar altimeter product) 301047 ERS product header 008022 Total number (with respect to accumulation or average) 011012 Wind speed at 10 m 011050 Standard deviation of horizontal wind speed 022070 Significant wave height 022026 Standard deviation of significant wave height 312041 Altitude 010050 Standard deviation altitude 021068 Radar altimeter product confidence data 021071 Peakiness 021072 Satellite altimeter calibration status 021073 Satellite altimeter instrument mode 312042 Altitude corrections 021062 Backscatter 015011 Log10 of integrated electron density # # Operational: 312023 (ATSR sea-surface temperature product) 301047 ERS product header 103003 Replicate 3 descriptors 3 times 008022 Total number (with respect to accumulation or average) 012061 Skin temperature 022050 Standard deviation sea-surface temperature 021069 SST product confidence data 021085 ATSR sea-surface temperature across-track band number # # Operational: 312024 (Wave scatterometer product enhanced) 312020 Wave scatterometer product 008060 Sample scanning mode significance 008022 Total number (with respect to accumulation or average) 008060 Sample scanning mode significance 008022 Total number (with respect to accumulation or average) 025014 Azimuth clutter cut-off 022101 Total energy (wavelength > 731m) at low wave numbers 022097 Mean wavelength > 731 m of image spectrum at low wave numbers 022098 Wavelength spread (wavelength > 731 m) at low wave numbers 022099 Mean direction at low wave numbers (wavelength > 731 m) 022100 Direction spread at low wave numbers (wavelength > 731 m) # # Operational: 312025 (Wave scatterometer enhanced product (with change of width for wave number (spectral)) 312019 Wave scatterometer product with width change for wave number (spectral) 008060 Sample scanning mode significance 008022 Total number (with respect to accumulation or average) 008060 Sample scanning mode significance 008022 Total number (with respect to accumulation or average) 025014 Azimuth clutter cut-off 022101 Total energy (wavelength > 731m) at low wave numbers 022097 Mean wavelength > 731 m of image spectrum at low wave numbers 022098 Wavelength spread (wavelength > 731 m) at low wave numbers 022099 Mean direction at low wave numbers (wavelength > 731 m) 022100 Direction spread at low wave numbers (wavelength > 731 m) # # Operational: 312026 (QUIKSCAT data) 301046 Satellite identifier, direction of motion, sensor, model function, software, resolution 301011 Year, month, day 301013 Hour, minute, second 301023 Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy) 312031 SEAWINDS wind 101004 Replicate 1 descriptor 4 times 312030 Wind, formal uncertainty, likelihood 021110 Number of inner-beam sigma-0 (forward of satellite) 301023 Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy) 321027 Radar specification, normalized radar cross-section, Kp variance coefficient 021111 Number of outer-beam sigma-0 (forward of satellite) 301023 Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy) 321027 Radar specification, normalized radar cross-section, Kp variance coefficient 021112 Number of inner-beam sigma-0 (aft of satellite) 301023 Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy) 321027 Radar specification, normalized radar cross-section, Kp variance coefficient 021113 Number of outer-beam sigma-0 (aft of satellite) 301023 Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy) 321027 Radar specification, normalized radar cross-section, Kp variance coefficient # # Operational: 312027 (ATSR SST product (SADIST-2)) 301047 ERS product header 105009 Replicate 5 descriptors 9 times 301023 Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy) 007021 Elevation 012061 Skin temperature 007021 Elevation 012061 Skin temperature 021085 ATSR sea-surface temperature across-track band number 021070 SST product confidence data (SADIST-2) # # Operational: 312028 (SEAWINDS QUIKSCAT data) 301046 Satellite identifier, direction of motion, sensor, model function, software, resolution 301011 Year, month, day 301013 Hour, minute, second 301023 Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy) 008025 Time difference qualifier 201136 Change data width 004006 Second 201000 Change data width 312031 SEAWINDS wind 312032 SEAWINDS precipitation 101004 Replicate 1 descriptor 4 times 312030 Wind, formal uncertainty, likelihood 101002 Replicate 1 descriptor 2 times 312033 Antenna polarization, brightness temperature 021110 Number of inner-beam sigma-0 (forward of satellite) 301023 Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy) 321028 Radar specification, SEAWINDS normalized radar cross-section, Kp variance coefficient 021111 Number of outer-beam sigma-0 (forward of satellite) 301023 Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy) 321028 Radar specification, SEAWINDS normalized radar cross-section, Kp variance coefficient 021112 Number of inner-beam sigma-0 (aft of satellite) 301023 Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy) 321028 Radar specification, SEAWINDS normalized radar cross-section, Kp variance coefficient 021113 Number of outer-beam sigma-0 (aft of satellite) 301023 Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy) 321028 Radar specification, SEAWINDS normalized radar cross-section, Kp variance coefficient # # Operational: 312030 (Wind, formal uncertainty, likelihood) 201130 Change data width 202129 Change scale 011012 Wind speed at 10 m 202000 Change scale 201000 Change data width 011052 Formal uncertainty in wind speed 201135 Change data width 202130 Change scale 011011 Wind direction at 10 m 202000 Change scale 201000 Change data width 011053 Formal uncertainty in wind direction 021104 Likelihood computed for solution # # Operational: 312031 (SEAWINDS wind) 005034 Along-track row number 006034 Cross-track cell number 021109 SEAWINDS wind vector cell quality 011081 Model wind direction at 10 m 011082 Model wind speed at 10 m 021101 Number of vector ambiguities 021102 Index of selected wind vector 021103 Total number of sigma-0 measurements # # Operational: 312032 (SEAWINDS precipitation) 021120 Probability of rain 021121 SEAWINDS NOF rain index 013055 Intensity of precipitation 021122 Attenuation correction on sigma-0 (from tB) # # Operational: 312033 (Antenna polarization, brightness temperature) 002104 Antenna polarization 008022 Total number (with respect to accumulation or average) 012063 Brightness temperature 012065 Standard deviation brightness temperature # # Operational: 312041 (Altitude) 201141 Change data width 202130 Change scale 007001 Height of station 201000 Change data width 202000 Change scale # # Operational: 312042 (Altitude corrections) 021077 Altitude correction (ionosphere) 021078 Altitude correction (dry troposphere) 021079 Altitude correction (wet troposphere) 021080 Altitude correction (calibration constant) 021081 Open loop correction (height-time loop) 021082 Open loop correction (auto gain control) # # Operational: 312045 (AATSR sea-surface temperatures) 001007 Satellite identifier 002019 Satellite instruments 001096 Station acquisition 025061 Software identification and version number 005040 Orbit number 301011 Year, month, day 301013 Hour, minute, second 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 007002 Height or altitude 012180 Averaged 12 micron BT for all clear pixels at nadir 012181 Averaged 11 micron BT for all clear pixels at nadir 012182 Averaged 3.7 micron BT for all clear pixels at nadir 012183 Averaged 12 micron BT for all clear pixels, forward view 012184 Averaged 11 micron BT for all clear pixels, forward view 012185 Averaged 3.7 micron BT for all clear pixels, forward view 002174 Mean across-track pixel number 021086 Number of pixels in nadir only, average 012186 Mean nadir sea-surface temperature 021087 Number of pixels in dual view, average 012187 Mean dual view sea-surface temperature 033043 AST confidence # # Operational: 312050 (MERIS instrument reporting) 001007 Satellite identifier 002019 Satellite instruments 001096 Station acquisition 025061 Software identification and version number 005040 Orbit number 301011 Year, month, day 301013 Hour, minute, second 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 007025 Solar zenith angle 005022 Solar azimuth 010080 Viewing zenith angle 027080 Viewing azimuth angle 008003 Vertical significance (satellite observations) 007004 Pressure 013093 Cloud optical thickness 008003 Vertical significance (satellite observations) 201131 Change data width 202129 Change scale 007004 Pressure 007004 Pressure 202000 Change scale 201000 Change data width 013095 Total column water vapour # # Operational: 312051 (Ocean cross spectra - WVS) 001007 Satellite identifier 002019 Satellite instruments 001096 Station acquisition 025061 Software identification and version number 005040 Orbit number 008075 Ascending/descending orbit qualifier 301011 Year, month, day 301013 Hour, minute, second 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 001012 Direction of motion of moving observing platform 201131 Change data width 001013 Speed of motion of moving observing platform 201000 Change data width 010032 Satellite distance to Earth's centre 010033 Altitude (platform to ellipsoid) 010034 Earth's radius 007002 Height or altitude 008012 Land/sea qualifier 025110 Image processing summary 025111 Number of input data gaps 025102 Number of missing lines excluding data gaps 002104 Antenna polarization 025103 Number of directional bins 025104 Number of wavelength bins 025105 First directional bin 025106 Directional bin step 025107 First wavelength bin 025108 Last wavelength bin 002111 Radar incidence angle 002121 Mean frequency 002026 Cross-track resolution 002027 Along-track resolution 021130 Spectrum total energy 021131 Spectrum max energy 021132 Direction of spectrum max on higher resolution grid 021133 Wavelength of spectrum max on higher resolution grid 021064 Clutter noise estimate 025014 Azimuth clutter cut-off 021134 Range resolution of cress covariance spectrum 107018 Replicate 7 descriptors 18 times 005030 Direction (spectral) 105024 Replicate 5 descriptors 24 times 201130 Change data width 006030 Wave number (spectral) 201000 Change data width 021135 Real part of cross spectra polar grid number of bins 021136 Imaginary part of cross spectra polar grid number of bins 033044 ASAR quality information # # Operational: 312052 (RA2 - radar altimeter-2) 001007 Satellite identifier 002019 Satellite instruments 001096 Station acquisition 025061 Software identification and version number 005040 Orbit number 025120 RA2-L2-processing flag 025121 RA2-L2-processing quality 025124 MWR-L2-processing flag 025125 MWR-L2-processing quality 025122 Hardware configuration for RF 025123 Hardware configuration for HPA 301011 Year, month, day 301013 Hour, minute, second 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 007002 Height or altitude 002119 RA-2 instrument operations 033047 Measurement confidence data 010081 Altitude of COG above reference ellipsoid 010082 Instantaneous altitude rate 010083 Squared off nadir angle of the satellite from platform data 010084 Squared off nadir angle of the satellite from waveform data 002116 Percentage of 320 MHz band processed 002117 Percentage of 80 MHz band processed 002118 Percentage of 20 MHz band processed 002156 Percentage of valid Ku ocean retracker measurements 002157 Percentage of valid S ocean retracker measurements 014055 Solar activity index 022150 Number of 18 Hz valid points for Ku band 022151 Ku band ocean range 022152 STD of 18 Hz Ku band ocean range 022153 Number of 18 Hz valid points for S band 022154 S band ocean range 022155 STD of 18 Hz S band ocean range 022156 Ku band significant wave height 022157 STD of 18 Hz Ku band ocean range 022158 S band significant wave height 022159 STD of 18 Hz S band significant wave height 021137 Ku band corrected ocean backscatter coefficient 021138 STD Ku band corrected ocean backscatter coefficient 021139 Ku band net instrumental correction for AGC 021140 S band corrected ocean backscatter coefficient 021141 STD S band corrected ocean backscatter coefficient 021142 S band net instrumental correction for AGC 010085 Mean sea-surface height 010086 Geoid's height 010087 Ocean depth/land elevation 010088 Total geocentric ocean tide height (solution 1) 010089 Total geocentric ocean tide height (solution 2) 010090 Long period tide height 010091 Tidal loading height 010092 Solid Earth tide height 010093 Geocentric pole tide height 011002 Wind speed 025126 Model dry tropospheric correction 025127 Inverted barometer correction 025128 Model wet tropospheric correction 025129 MWR derived wet tropospheric correction 025130 RA2 ionospheric correction on Ku band 025131 Ionospheric correction from Doris on Ku band 025132 Ionospheric correction from model on Ku band 025133 Sea state bias correction on Ku band 025134 RA2 ionospheric correction on S band 025135 Ionospheric correction from Doris on S band 025136 Ionospheric correction from model on S band 025137 Sea state bias correction on S band 013096 MWR water vapour content 013097 MWR liquid water content 011095 u-component of the model wind vector 011096 v-component of the model wind vector 012188 Interpolated 23.8 GHz brightness T from MWR 012189 Interpolated 36.5 GHz brightness T from MWR 002158 RA-2 instrument 002159 MWR instrument 033052 S band ocean retracking quality 033053 Ku band ocean retracking quality 021143 Ku band rain attenuation 021144 Altimeter rain flag # # Operational: 312053 (Ocean wave spectra) 001007 Satellite identifier 002019 Satellite instruments 001096 Station acquisition 025061 Software identification and version number 005040 Orbit number 008075 Ascending/descending orbit qualifier 301011 Year, month, day 301013 Hour, minute, second 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 001012 Direction of motion of moving observing platform 201131 Change data width 001013 Speed of motion of moving observing platform 201000 Change data width 010032 Satellite distance to Earth's centre 010033 Altitude (platform to ellipsoid) 010034 Earth's radius 007002 Height or altitude 008012 Land/sea qualifier 025110 Image processing summary 025111 Number of input data gaps 025102 Number of missing lines excluding data gaps 002104 Antenna polarization 025103 Number of directional bins 025104 Number of wavelength bins 025105 First directional bin 025106 Directional bin step 025107 First wavelength bin 025108 Last wavelength bin 011001 Wind direction 011002 Wind speed 022160 Normalized inverse wave age 025138 Average signal-to-noise ratio 201130 Change data width 202129 Change scale 022021 Height of waves 202000 Change scale 201000 Change data width 033048 Confidence measure of SAR inversion 033049 Confidence measure of wind retrieval 002026 Cross-track resolution 002027 Along-track resolution 021130 Spectrum total energy 021131 Spectrum max energy 021132 Direction of spectrum max on higher resolution grid 021133 Wavelength of spectrum max on higher resolution grid 025014 Azimuth clutter cut-off 106036 Replicate 6 descriptors 36 times 005030 Direction (spectral) 104024 Replicate 4 descriptors 24 times 201130 Change data width 006030 Wave number (spectral) 201000 Change data width 022161 Wave spectra 033044 ASAR quality information # # Operational: 312055 (ASCAT level 1b cell information) 005033 Pixel size on horizontal - 1 005040 Orbit number 006034 Cross-track cell number 010095 Height of atmosphere used 021157 Loss per unit length of atmosphere used # # Operational: 312056 (Scatterometer wind cell information) 025060 Software identification 001032 Generating application 011082 Model wind speed at 10 m 011081 Model wind direction at 10 m 020095 Ice probability 020096 Ice age ("A" parameter) 021155 Wind vector cell quality 201133 Change data width 021101 Number of vector ambiguities 021102 Index of selected wind vector 201000 Change data width # # Operational: 312057 (Ambiguous wind data) 201130 Change data width 202129 Change scale 011012 Wind speed at 10 m 202000 Change scale 201000 Change data width 201131 Change data width 202129 Change scale 011011 Wind direction at 10 m 202000 Change scale 201000 Change data width 021156 Backscatter distance 021104 Likelihood computed for solution # # Operational: 312058 (ASCAT level 1b data) 301125 ASCAT header information 301011 Year, month, day 301013 Hour, minute, second 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 312055 ASCAT level 1b cell information 021150 Beam co-location 101003 Replicate 1 descriptor 3 times 321030 ASCAT sigma-0 information # # Operational: 312059 (Scatterometer wind data) 312056 Scatterometer wind cell information 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 312057 Ambiguous wind data # # Operational: 312060 (Scatterometer soil moisture data) 025060 Software identification 025062 Database identification 040001 Surface soil moisture (ms) 040002 Estimated error in surface soil moisture 021062 Backscatter 021151 Estimated error in sigma-0 at 40 degrees incidence angle 021152 Slope at 40 degrees incidence angle 021153 Estimated error in slope at 40 degrees incidence angle 021154 Soil moisture sensitivity 021062 Backscatter 021088 Wet backscatter 040003 Mean surface soil moisture 040004 Rain fall detection 040005 Soil moisture correction flag 040006 Soil moisture processing flag 040007 Soil moisture quality 020065 Snow cover 040008 Frozen land surface fraction 040009 Inundation and wetland fraction 040010 Topographic complexity # # Operational: 312061 (ASCAT level 1b and level 2 data) 312058 ASCAT level 1b data 312060 Scatterometer soil moisture data 312059 Scatterometer wind data # # Operational: 312070 (SMOS data) 001007 Satellite identifier 002019 Satellite instruments 001144 Snapshot identifier 001124 Grid point identifier 030010 Number of grid points 301011 Year, month, day 301013 Hour, minute, second 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 007012 Grid point altitude 015012 Total electron count per square metre 012165 Direct sun brightness temperature 012166 Snapshot accuracy 012167 Radiometric accuracy (pure polarization) 012168 Radiometric accuracy (cross polarization) 027010 Footprint axis 1 028010 Footprint axis 2 002099 Polarization 013048 Water fraction 025081 Incidence angle 025082 Azimuth angle 025083 Faraday rotational angle 025084 Geometric rotational angle 012080 Brightness temperature real part 012081 Brightness temperature imaginary part 012082 Pixel radiometric accuracy 025174 SMOS information flag 033028 Snapshot overall quality # # Operational: 312071 (CryoSat-2 SIRAL altimeter) 001007 Satellite identifier 002019 Satellite instruments 002139 SIRAL instrument configuration 001096 Station acquisition 001040 Processing centre ID code 025061 Software identification and version number 005040 Orbit number 005044 Satellite cycle number 008075 Ascending/descending orbit qualifier 008077 Radiometer sensed surface type 004001 Year 004002 Month 004003 Day 004004 Hour 004005 Minute 004006 Second 005001 Latitude (high accuracy) 006001 Longitude (high accuracy) 010081 Altitude of COG above reference ellipsoid 022156 Ku band significant wave height 022142 Square of significant wave height 101020 Replicate 1 descriptor 20 times 022149 20 Hz significant wave height squared 022143 STD of 20 Hz SWH squared 022144 Number of 20 Hz valid points for SWH squared 021137 Ku band corrected ocean backscatter coefficient 101020 Replicate 1 descriptor 20 times 021181 20 Hz ocean backscatter coefficient 021138 STD Ku band corrected ocean backscatter coefficient 021180 Number of 20 Hz valid points for ocean backscatter coefficient 021177 Corrected OCOG backscatter coefficient 021178 STD of 20 Hz OCOG backscatter coefficient 021179 Number of 20 Hz valid points for OCOG backscatter coefficient 010079 Off nadir angle of the satellite from platform data 010085 Mean sea-surface height 010086 Geoid's height 010087 Ocean depth/land elevation 010089 Total geocentric ocean tide height (solution 2) 010090 Long period tide height 010091 Tidal loading height 010092 Solid Earth tide height 010093 Geocentric pole tide height 011097 Wind speed from altimeter 021093 Ku band peakiness 101020 Replicate 1 descriptor 20 times 021182 20 Hz Ku band peakiness 033053 Ku band ocean retracking quality 022151 Ku band ocean range 022145 STD of 20 Hz ocean range 022148 Number of 20 Hz valid points for ocean range 022146 OCOG range 022147 STD of 20 Hz OCOG range 025126 Model dry tropospheric correction 025128 Model wet tropospheric correction 025127 Inverted barometer correction 021176 High frequency variability correction 025132 Ionospheric correction from model on Ku band 025133 Sea state bias correction on Ku band 025182 L1 processing flag 025183 L1 processing quality 025180 LRM mode per cent 025184 L2 product status 025181 L2 processing flag 033080 Scan level quality flags #
# # Operational: 313009 (Radar reflectivity values) 021001 Horizontal reflectivity 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 021001 Horizontal reflectivity # # Operational: 313010 (Radar rainfall intensities) 021036 Radar rainfall intensity 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 021036 Radar rainfall intensity # # Operational: 313031 (Non run-length encoded row for Pixel value (4 bits)) 006002 Longitude (coarse accuracy) 006012 Longitude increment (coarse accuracy) 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor 030001 Pixel value (4 bits) # # Operational: 313032 (Non run-length encoded picture data for Pixel value (4 bits)) 005002 Latitude (coarse accuracy) 005012 Latitude increment (coarse accuracy) 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor 313031 Non run-length encoded row for Pixel value (4 bits) # # Operational: 313041 (Run-length encoded row for Pixel value (4 bits)) 006002 Longitude (coarse accuracy) 110000 Delayed replication of 10 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 104000 Delayed replication of 4 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 006012 Longitude increment (coarse accuracy) 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031012 Extended delayed descriptor and data repetition factor 030001 Pixel value (4 bits) 006012 Longitude increment (coarse accuracy) 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 030001 Pixel value (4 bits) # # Operational: 313042 (Run-length encoded picture data for Pixel value (4 bits)) 005002 Latitude (coarse accuracy) 005012 Latitude increment (coarse accuracy) 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor 313041 Run-length encoded row for pixel value (4 bits) # # Operational: 313043 (Run-length encoded picture data for pixel value (4 bits), regular grid) 006002 Longitude (coarse accuracy) 005002 Latitude (coarse accuracy) 005012 Latitude increment (coarse accuracy) 112000 Delayed replication of 12 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 110000 Delayed replication of 10 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 104000 Delayed replication of 4 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 006012 Longitude increment (coarse accuracy) 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031011 Delayed descriptor and data repetition factor 030001 Pixel value (4 bits) 006012 Longitude increment (coarse accuracy) 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 030001 Pixel value (4 bits) #
# # Operational: 315001 (Typically reported underwater sounding without optional fields) 001011 Ship or mobile land station identifier 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 301023 Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy) 306001 Depth, temperature # # Operational: 315002 (Typically reported underwater sounding without optional fields) 001011 Ship or mobile land station identifier 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 301023 Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy) 306004 Depth, temperature, salinity # # Operational: 315003 (Temperature and salinity profile observed by profile floats) 001087 WMO marine observing platform extended identifier 001085 Observing platform manufacturer's model 001086 Observing platform manufacturer's serial number 002036 Buoy type 002148 Data collection and/or location system 002149 Type of data buoy 022055 Float cycle number 022056 Direction of profile 022067 Instrument type for water temperature/salinity profile measurement 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 008080 Qualifier for GTSPP quality flag 033050 Global GTSPP quality flag 109000 Delayed replication of 9 descriptors 031002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor 007065 Water pressure 008080 Qualifier for GTSPP quality flag 033050 Global GTSPP quality flag 022045 Sea/water temperature 008080 Qualifier for GTSPP quality flag 033050 Global GTSPP quality flag 022064 Salinity 008080 Qualifier for GTSPP quality flag 033050 Global GTSPP quality flag # # Operational: 315004 (XBT temperature profile data sequence) 001079 Unique identifier for the profile 001011 Ship or mobile land station identifier 001103 IMO Number. Unique Lloyd's register 001087 WMO marine observing platform extended identifier 001019 Long station or site name 001080 Ship line number according to SOOP 005036 Ship transect number according to SOOP 001036 Agency in charge of operating the observing platform 001013 Speed of motion of moving observing platform 001012 Direction of motion of moving observing platform 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 007033 Height of sensor above water surface 002002 Type of instrumentation for wind measurement 011002 Wind speed 011001 Wind direction 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 007033 Height of sensor above water surface 012101 Temperature/air temperature 012103 Dewpoint temperature 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) 007033 Height of sensor above water surface 302021 Waves 002031 Duration and time of current measurement 002030 Method of current measurement 022005 Direction of sea-surface current 022032 Speed of sea-surface current 022063 Total water depth 008080 Qualifier for GTSPP quality flag 033050 Global GTSPP quality flag 022178 XBT/XCTD launcher type 022177 Height of XBT/XCTD launcher 022067 Instrument type for water temperature/salinity profile measurement 008041 Data significance 026021 Year 026022 Month 026023 Day 022068 Water temperature profile recorder types 025061 Software identification and version number 008041 Data significance 008080 Qualifier for GTSPP quality flag 002171 Instrument serial number for water temperature profile measurement 302090 Sea/water temperature high precision 002171 Instrument serial number for water temperature profile measurement 002032 Indicator for digitization 315005 Water temperature profile (Temperature profile observed by XBT or buoy) # # Operational: 315005 (Water temperature profile (Temperature profile observed by XBT or buoy) 106000 Delayed replication of 6 descriptors 031002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor 007063 Depth below sea/water surface (cm) 008080 Qualifier for GTSPP quality flag 033050 Global GTSPP quality flag 022043 Sea/water temperature 008080 Qualifier for GTSPP quality flag 033050 Global GTSPP quality flag # # Operational: 315007 (Sequence for representation of data derived from a ship-based lowered instrument measuring subsurface sea/water temperature, salinity and current profiles) 301003 Ship’s call sign and motion 001019 Long station or site name 001103 IMO Number. Unique Lloyd's register 001087 WMO marine observing platform extended identifier 001036 Agency in charge of operating the observing platform 001115 Identifier of the cruise or mission under which the data were collected 001080 Ship line number according to SOOP 005036 Ship transect number according to SOOP 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 001079 Unique identifier for the profile 001023 Observation sequence number 022063 Total water depth 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 302001 Pressure and 3-hour pressure change 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 302021 Waves 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 302052 Ship temperature and humidity data 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 302059 Ship wind data 022067 Instrument type for water temperature/salinity profile measurement 002171 Instrument serial number for water temperature profile measurement 302090 Sea/water temperature high precision 306033 Surface salinity 306034 Surface current 002171 Instrument serial number for water temperature profile measurement 022067 Instrument type for water temperature/salinity profile measurement 002038 Method of water temperature and/or salinity measurement 022067 Instrument type for water temperature/salinity profile measurement 022068 Water temperature profile recorder types 002171 Instrument serial number for water temperature profile measurement 002033 Method of salinity/depth measurement 002032 Indicator for digitization 022056 Direction of profile 003011 Method of depth calculation 306035 Temperature and salinity profile 107000 Delayed replication of 7 descriptors 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 002032 Indicator for digitization 003010 Method of sea/water current measurement 002031 Duration and time of current measurement 002040 Method of removing velocity and motion of platform from current 022056 Direction of profile 003011 Method of depth calculation 306036 Current profile 104000 Delayed replication of 4 descriptors 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 002032 Indicator for digitization 003012 Instrument type/sensor for dissolved oxygen measurement 003011 Method of depth calculation 306037 Dissolved oxygen profile data # # Operational: 315008 (Sequence for the representation of data from moored buoys) 301126 Sequence for representation of moored buoy identification 306038 Sequence for representation of standard surface marine meteorological observations from moored buoys 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 302091 Sequence for representation of ancillary meteorological observations 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 302082 Radiation data 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 306039 Sequence for representation of basic wave measurements 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 306040 Sequence for representation of detailed spectral wave measurements 102000 Delayed replication of 2 descriptors 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 002005 Precision of temperature observation 306041 Depth and temperature profile (high accuracy/precision) 102000 Delayed replication of 2 descriptors 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 002005 Precision of temperature observation 306004 Depth, temperature, salinity 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 306005 Subsurface current measurements # # Operational: 315009 (Sequence for the representation of data from drifting buoys) 001087 WMO marine observing platform extended identifier 001019 Long station or site name 002149 Type of data buoy 008021 Time significance 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 301021 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy) 208016 Change width of CCITT IA5 field 001051 Platform Transmitter ID number 208000 Change width of CCITT IA5 field 002148 Data collection and/or location system 001012 Direction of motion of moving observing platform 001014 Platform drift speed (high precision) 033022 Quality of buoy satellite transmission 033023 Quality of buoy location 033027 Location quality class (range of radius of 66% confidence) 025026 Battery voltage (large range) 002034 Drogue type 022060 Lagrangian drifter drogue status 007070 Drogue depth 002190 Lagrangian drifter submergence (% time submerged) 008021 Time significance 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 002005 Precision of temperature observation 022043 Sea/water temperature 002033 Method of salinity/depth measurement 022059 Sea-surface salinity 008029 Surface type 013115 Ice thickness 103000 Delayed replication of 3 descriptors 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 002005 Precision of temperature observation 306004 Depth, temperature, salinity 002005 Precision of temperature observation 010004 Pressure 010051 Pressure reduced to mean sea level 102000 Delayed replication of 2 descriptors 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 007033 Height of sensor above water surface 012101 Temperature/air temperature 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 306042 Wind measurement from drifting buoy 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 306039 Sequence for representation of basic wave measurements #
# # Operational: 316001 301011 Year, month, day 004004 Hour 301023 Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy) 001021 Synoptic feature identifier 002041 Method for estimating reports related to synoptic features 019001 Type of synoptic feature 010051 Pressure reduced to mean sea level 019002 Effective radius of feature 019003 Wind speed threshold 019004 Effective radius with respect to wind speeds above threshold # # Operational: 316002 (Header) 008021 Time significance 004001 Year 004002 Month 004003 Day 004004 Hour 004005 Minute 001033 Identification of originating/generating centre 008021 Time significance 004001 Year 004002 Month 004003 Day 004004 Hour 004005 Minute 007002 Height or altitude 007002 Height or altitude # # Operational: 316003 (Jet stream) 110000 Delayed replication of 10 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 008011 Meteorological feature 008007 Dimensional significance 104000 Delayed replication of 4 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 005002 Latitude (coarse accuracy) 006002 Longitude (coarse accuracy) 010002 Height 011002 Wind speed 008007 Dimensional significance 008011 Meteorological feature # # Operational: 316004 (Turbulence) 111000 Delayed replication of 11 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 008011 Meteorological feature 008007 Dimensional significance 007002 Height or altitude 007002 Height or altitude 102000 Delayed replication of 2 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 005002 Latitude (coarse accuracy) 006002 Longitude (coarse accuracy) 011031 Degree of turbulence 008007 Dimensional significance 008011 Meteorological feature # # Operational: 316005 (Storm) 108000 Delayed replication of 8 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 008005 Meteorological attribute significance 008007 Dimensional significance 005002 Latitude (coarse accuracy) 006002 Longitude (coarse accuracy) 001026 WMO storm name 019001 Type of synoptic feature 008007 Dimensional significance 008005 Meteorological attribute significance # # Operational: 316006 (Cloud) 112000 Delayed replication of 12 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 008011 Meteorological feature 008007 Dimensional significance 007002 Height or altitude 007002 Height or altitude 102000 Delayed replication of 2 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 005002 Latitude (coarse accuracy) 006002 Longitude (coarse accuracy) 020011 Cloud amount 020012 Cloud type 008007 Dimensional significance 008011 Meteorological feature # # Operational: 316007 (Front) 110000 Delayed replication of 10 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 008011 Meteorological feature 008007 Dimensional significance 104000 Delayed replication of 4 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 005002 Latitude (coarse accuracy) 006002 Longitude (coarse accuracy) 019005 Direction of motion of feature 019006 Speed of motion of feature 008007 Dimensional significance 008011 Meteorological feature # # Operational: 316008 (Tropopause) 111000 Delayed replication of 11 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 008001 Vertical sounding significance 008007 Dimensional significance 008023 First-order statistics 103000 Delayed replication of 3 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 005002 Latitude (coarse accuracy) 006002 Longitude (coarse accuracy) 010002 Height 008023 First-order statistics 008007 Dimensional significance 008001 Vertical sounding significance # # Operational: 316009 (Airframe icing area) 111000 Delayed replication of 11 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 008011 Meteorological feature 008007 Dimensional significance 007002 Height or altitude 007002 Height or altitude 102000 Delayed replication of 2 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 005002 Latitude (coarse accuracy) 006002 Longitude (coarse accuracy) 020041 Airframe icing 008007 Dimensional significance 008011 Meteorological feature # # Operational: 316010 (Name of feature) 107000 Delayed replication of 7 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 008011 Meteorological feature 008007 Dimensional significance 001022 Name of feature 005002 Latitude (coarse accuracy) 006002 Longitude (coarse accuracy) 008007 Dimensional significance 008011 Meteorological feature # # Operational: 316011 (Volcano erupting) 117000 Delayed replication of 17 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 008011 Meteorological feature 001022 Name of feature 008007 Dimensional significance 102000 Delayed replication of 2 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 005002 Latitude (coarse accuracy) 006002 Longitude (coarse accuracy) 008021 Time significance 004001 Year 004002 Month 004003 Day 004004 Hour 004005 Minute 020090 Special clouds 008021 Time significance 008007 Dimensional significance 008011 Meteorological feature # # Operational: 316020 (Tropical storm identification) 001033 Identification of originating/generating centre 001025 Storm identifier 001027 WMO long storm name 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute # # Operational: 316021 (Analysis data) 301023 Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy) 002041 Method for estimating reports related to synoptic features 019001 Type of synoptic feature 019007 Effective radius of feature 019005 Direction of motion of feature 019006 Speed of motion of feature 019008 Vertical extent of circulation 008005 Meteorological attribute significance 010004 Pressure 008005 Meteorological attribute significance 010004 Pressure 019007 Effective radius of feature 008005 Meteorological attribute significance 008021 Time significance 004075 Short time period or displacement 011040 Maximum wind speed (mean wind) 019007 Effective radius of feature 105004 Replicate 5 descriptors 4 times 005021 Bearing or azimuth 005021 Bearing or azimuth 102002 Replicate 2 descriptors 2 times 019003 Wind speed threshold 019004 Effective radius with respect to wind speeds above threshold # # Operational: 316022 (Forecast data) 001032 Generating application 002041 Method for estimating reports related to synoptic features 019001 Type of synoptic feature 019010 Method for tracking the centre of synoptic feature 118000 Delayed replication of 18 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 008021 Time significance 004014 Time increment 008005 Meteorological attribute significance 301023 Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy) 019005 Direction of motion of feature 019006 Speed of motion of feature 010004 Pressure 011041 Maximum wind gust speed 008021 Time significance 004075 Short time period or displacement 011040 Maximum wind speed (mean wind) 019008 Vertical extent of circulation 105004 Replicate 5 descriptors 4 times 005021 Bearing or azimuth 005021 Bearing or azimuth 102002 Replicate 2 descriptors 2 times 019003 Wind speed threshold 019004 Effective radius with respect to wind speeds above threshold # # Operational: 316026 (Tropical storm analysis information) 316020 Tropical storm identification 316021 Analysis data # # Operational: 316027 (Tropical storm forecast information) 316020 Tropical storm identification 316022 Forecast data # # Operational: 316030 (SIGMET header) 301014 Time period 001037 SIGMET sequence identifier 010064 SIGMET cruising level 008019 Qualifier for following centre identifier 001062 Short ICAO location indicator 008019 Qualifier for following centre identifier 001065 ICAO region identifier 008019 Qualifier for following centre identifier 001062 Short ICAO location indicator 008019 Qualifier for following centre identifier # # Operational: 316031 (SIGMET, Observed or forecast location and motion) 008021 Time significance 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 301027 Description of a feature in 3-D or 2-D 019005 Direction of motion of feature 019006 Speed of motion of feature 020028 Expected change in intensity 008021 Time significance # # Operational: 316032 (SIGMET, Forecast position) 008021 Time significance 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 301027 Description of a feature in 3-D or 2-D 008021 Time significance # # Operational: 316033 (SIGMET, Outlook) 008021 Time significance 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 301027 Description of a feature in 3-D or 2-D 008021 Time significance # # Operational: 316034 (Volcanic Ash SIGMET) 008079 Product status 316030 SIGMET header 008011 Meteorological feature 001022 Name of feature 008007 Dimensional significance 301023 Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy) 008007 Dimensional significance 020090 Special clouds 316031 SIGMET, Observed or forecast location and motion 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 316032 SIGMET, Forecast position 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 316033 SIGMET, Outlook 008011 Meteorological feature 008079 Product status # # Operational: 316035 (Thunderstorm SIGMET) 008079 Product status 316030 SIGMET header 008011 Meteorological feature 020023 Other weather phenomena 020021 Type of precipitation 020008 Cloud distribution for aviation 316031 SIGMET, Observed or forecast location and motion 008011 Meteorological feature 008079 Product status # # Operational: 316036 (Tropical cyclone SIGMET) 008079 Product status 316030 SIGMET header 008011 Meteorological feature 001027 WMO long storm name 316031 SIGMET, Observed or forecast location and motion 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor 316032 SIGMET, Forecast position 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 316033 SIGMET, Outlook 008011 Meteorological feature 008079 Product status # # Operational: 316037 (Turbulence SIGMET) 008079 Product status 316030 SIGMET header 008011 Meteorological feature 011031 Degree of turbulence 316031 SIGMET, Observed or forecast location and motion 008011 Meteorological feature 008079 Product status # # Operational: 316038 (Icing SIGMET) 008079 Product status 316030 SIGMET header 008011 Meteorological feature 020041 Airframe icing 020021 Type of precipitation 316031 SIGMET, Observed or forecast location and motion 008011 Meteorological feature 008079 Product status # # Operational: 316039 (Mountain wave, duststorm or sandstorm SIGMET) 008079 Product status 316030 SIGMET header 008011 Meteorological feature 020024 Intensity of phenomena 316031 SIGMET, Observed or forecast location and motion 008011 Meteorological feature 008079 Product status # # Operational: 316040 (Cancellation of SIGMET) 316030 SIGMET header 008079 Product status 301014 Time period 001037 SIGMET sequence identifier 010064 SIGMET cruising level 008079 Product status # # Operational: 316050 (RADOB template - Part A: Information on tropical cyclone) 301001 WMO block and station numbers 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 002160 Wavelength of the radar 008005 Meteorological attribute significance 005002 Latitude (coarse accuracy) 006002 Longitude (coarse accuracy) 008005 Meteorological attribute significance 019100 Time interval to calculate the movement of the tropical cyclone 019005 Direction of motion of feature 019006 Speed of motion of feature 019101 Accuracy of the position of the centre of the tropical cyclone 019102 Shape and definition of the eye of the tropical cyclone 019103 Diameter of major axis of the eye of the tropical cyclone 019104 Change in character of the eye during the 30 minutes 019105 Distance between the end of spiral band and the centre # # Operational: 316052 (SAREP template - Part A: Information on tropical cyclone) 301005 Originating centre/sub-centre 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 001007 Satellite identifier 025150 Method of tropical cyclone intensity analysis using satellite data 122000 Delayed replication of 22 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 001027 WMO long storm name 019150 Typhoon International Common Number (Typhoon Committee) 019106 Identification number of tropical cyclone 008005 Meteorological attribute significance 005002 Latitude (coarse accuracy) 006002 Longitude (coarse accuracy) 008005 Meteorological attribute significance 019107 Time interval over which the movement of the tropical cyclone has been calculated 019005 Direction of motion of feature 019006 Speed of motion of feature 019108 Accuracy of geographical position of the tropical cyclone 019109 Mean diameter of the overcast cloud of the tropical cyclone 019110 Apparent 24-hour change in intensity of the tropical cyclone 019111 Current Intensity (CI) number of the tropical cyclone 019112 Data Tropical (DT) number of the tropical cyclone 019113 Cloud pattern type of the DT-number 019114 Model Expected Tropical (MET) number of the tropical cyclone 019115 Trend of the past 24-hour change (+: Developed, -: Weakened) 019116 Pattern Tropical (PT) number of the tropical cyclone 019117 Cloud picture type of the PT-number 019118 Final Tropical (T) number of the tropical cyclone 019119 Type of the final T-number # # Operational: 316060 (Definition of squall line (by 3 points: Centre, North, South) and forecasted trajectory and evolution) 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 005002 Latitude (coarse accuracy) 006002 Longitude (coarse accuracy) 019005 Direction of motion of feature 019006 Speed of motion of feature 005002 Latitude (coarse accuracy) 006002 Longitude (coarse accuracy) 005002 Latitude (coarse accuracy) 006002 Longitude (coarse accuracy) 004074 Short time period or displacement 020048 Evolution of feature 011041 Maximum wind gust speed 013055 Intensity of precipitation # # Operational: 316061 (Definition of squall line (by centre and several points: North points and South points) and forecasted trajectory and evolution) 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 005002 Latitude (coarse accuracy) 006002 Longitude (coarse accuracy) 019005 Direction of motion of feature 019006 Speed of motion of feature 102000 Delayed replication of 2 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 005002 Latitude (coarse accuracy) 006002 Longitude (coarse accuracy) 102000 Delayed replication of 2 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 005002 Latitude (coarse accuracy) 006002 Longitude (coarse accuracy) 004074 Short time period or displacement 020048 Evolution of feature 011041 Maximum wind gust speed 013055 Intensity of precipitation # # Operational: 316071 (Graphical AIRMET Sierra) 301014 Time period 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor 316075 GFA IFR ceiling and visibility 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor 316076 GFA mountain obscuration # # Operational: 316072 (Graphical AIRMET Tango) 301014 Time period 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor 316077 GFA turbulence 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor 316078 GFA strong surface wind 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor 316079 GFA low-level wind shear # # Operational: 316073 (Graphical AIRMET Zulu) 301014 Time period 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor 316080 GFA icing 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor 316081 GFA freezing level # # Operational: 316074 (GFA identifier and observed/forecast location) 001039 Graphical Area Forecast (GFA) sequence identifier 008021 Time significance 301014 Time period 301027 Description of a feature in 3-D or 2-D 008021 Time significance # # Operational: 316075 (GFA IFR ceiling and visibility) 008079 Product status 008041 Data significance 316074 GFA identifier and observed/forecast location 020006 Flight rules 033042 Type of limit represented by following value 020013 Height of base of cloud 033042 Type of limit represented by following value 020001 Horizontal visibility 020025 Obscuration 020026 Character of obscuration 008041 Data significance 008079 Product status # # Operational: 316076 (GFA mountain obscuration) 008079 Product status 008041 Data significance 316074 GFA identifier and observed/forecast location 020006 Flight rules 020025 Obscuration 020026 Character of obscuration 008041 Data significance 008079 Product status # # Operational: 316077 (GFA turbulence) 008079 Product status 008011 Meteorological feature 316074 GFA identifier and observed/forecast location 011031 Degree of turbulence 008011 Meteorological feature 008079 Product status # # Operational: 316078 (GFA strong surface wind) 008079 Product status 008041 Data significance 316074 GFA identifier and observed/forecast location 033042 Type of limit represented by following value 011012 Wind speed at 10 m 008041 Data significance 008079 Product status # # Operational: 316079 (GFA low-level wind shear) 008079 Product status 008011 Meteorological feature 316074 GFA identifier and observed/forecast location 020023 Other weather phenomena 020024 Intensity of phenomena 008011 Meteorological feature 008079 Product status # # Operational: 316080 (GFA icing) 008079 Product status 008011 Meteorological feature 316074 GFA identifier and observed/forecast location 020041 Airframe icing 008011 Meteorological feature 008079 Product status # # Operational: 316081 (GFA freezing level) 008079 Product status 008041 Data significance 316074 GFA identifier and observed/forecast location 008041 Data significance 008079 Product status #
# # Operational: 318001 301025 Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy), day/time 024011 Dose # # Operational: 318003 301026 Latitude/longitude (high accuracy), time period (day, hour, minute) 024005 Isotope mass 024004 Element name 024021 Air concentration (of named isotope type including gross beta) # # Operational: 318004 301025 Latitude/longitude (coarse accuracy), day/time 004023 Time period or displacement 013011 Total precipitation/total water equivalent 024005 Isotope mass 024004 Element name 024022 Concentration in precipitation (of named isotope type) #
# # Operational: 321001 (Wind profiler - antenna characteristics) 002101 Type of antenna 002114 Antenna effective surface area 002105 Maximum antenna gain 002106 3-dB beamwidth 002107 Sidelobe suppression 002121 Mean frequency # # Operational: 321003 (Wind profiler - moment data) 021051 Signal power above 1 mW 021014 Doppler mean velocity (radial) 021017 Doppler velocity spectral width 021030 Signal to noise ratio # # Operational: 321004 (Wind profiler - moment data sounding) 301031 Identification and type of station, date/time, location (high accuracy), height of station 002003 Type of measuring equipment used 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 321003 Wind profiler - moment data # # Operational: 321005 (Transmitter-receiver characteristics) 025004 Echo processing 002121 Mean frequency 002122 Frequency agility range 002123 Peak power 002124 Average power 002125 Pulse repetition frequency 002126 Pulse width 002127 Receiver intermediate frequency 002128 Intermediate frequency bandwidth 002129 Minimum detectable signal 002130 Dynamic range 002131 Sensitivity time control (STC) # # Operational: 321006 (Integration characteristics) 025001 Range-gate length 025002 Number of gates averaged 025003 Number of integrated pulses 025005 Echo integration # # Operational: 321007 (Corrections) 025009 Calibration method 025010 Clutter treatment 025011 Ground occultation correction (screening) 025012 Range attenuation correction 025013 Bright-band correction 025015 Radome attenuation correction 025016 Clear-air attenuation correction 025017 Precipitation attenuation correction # # Operational: 321008 (Z to R conversion) 025006 Z to R conversion 025007 Z to R conversion factor 025008 Z to R conversion exponent # # Operational: 321009 (A to Z law) 025018 A to Z law for attenuation factor 025019 A to Z law for attenuation exponent # # Operational: 321010 (Antenna characteristics) 002101 Type of antenna 007002 Height or altitude 002102 Antenna height above tower base 002103 Radome 002104 Antenna polarization 002105 Maximum antenna gain 002106 3-dB beamwidth 002107 Sidelobe suppression 002108 Crosspol discrimination (on axis) 002109 Antenna speed (azimuth) 002110 Antenna speed (elevation) 002132 Azimuth pointing accuracy 002133 Elevation pointing accuracy # # Operational: 321011 (General characteristics) 030031 Picture type 030032 Combination with other data 029002 Coordinate grid type # # Operational: 321012 (Antenna elevations) 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 002135 Antenna elevation # # Operational: 321021 (Basic information (system/site header) on wind profiler/RASS) 002003 Type of measuring equipment used 002101 Type of antenna 201130 Change data width 002106 3-dB beamwidth 201000 Change data width 201132 Change data width 202130 Change scale 002121 Mean frequency 202000 Change scale 201000 Change data width 201133 Change data width 202129 Change scale 025001 Range-gate length 202000 Change scale 201000 Change data width # # Operational: 321022 (Wind profiler: processed-data winds) 007007 Height 204001 Add associated field 031021 Associated field significance 011001 Wind direction 204000 Add associated field 011002 Wind speed 204001 Add associated field 031021 Associated field significance 011006 w-component 204000 Add associated field 021030 Signal to noise ratio # # Operational: 321023 (Wind profiler: raw-data winds) 007007 Height 021091 Radar signal Doppler spectrum 0th moment 021030 Signal to noise ratio 202129 Change scale 021014 Doppler mean velocity (radial) 201129 Change data width 021017 Doppler velocity spectral width 202000 Change scale 201000 Change data width # # Operational: 321024 (RASS-mode: processed-data RASS) 007007 Height 204001 Add associated field 031021 Associated field significance 012007 Virtual temperature 011006 w-component 204000 Add associated field 021030 Signal to noise ratio # # Operational: 321025 (RASS-mode: raw-data RASS) 007007 Height 021091 Radar signal Doppler spectrum 0th moment 021030 Signal to noise ratio 202129 Change scale 021014 Doppler mean velocity (radial) 201129 Change data width 021017 Doppler velocity spectral width 202000 Change scale 201000 Change data width 021092 RASS signal Doppler spectrum 0th moment, referring to RASS signal 021030 Signal to noise ratio 025092 Acoustic propagation velocity 201129 Change data width 202129 Change scale 021017 Doppler velocity spectral width 202000 Change scale 201000 Change data width # # Operational: 321026 (RASS data - fluxes) 007007 Height 204001 Add associated field 031021 Associated field significance 012007 Virtual temperature 025091 Structure constant of the refraction index (Cn2) 011071 Turbulent vertical momentum flux 011072 Turbulent vertical buoyancy flux 011073 Turbulent kinetic energy 011074 Dissipation energy 204000 Add associated field # # Operational: 321027 (Radar specification, normalized radar cross-section, Kp variance coefficient) 021118 Attenuation correction on sigma-0 202129 Change scale 201132 Change data width 002112 Radar look angle 201000 Change data width 201131 Change data width 002111 Radar incidence angle 201000 Change data width 202000 Change scale 002104 Antenna polarization 021105 Normalized radar cross-section 021106 Kp variance coefficient (alpha) 021107 Kp variance coefficient (beta) 021114 Kp variance coefficient (gamma) 021115 SEAWINDS sigma-0 quality 021116 SEAWINDS sigma-0 mode 008018 SEAWINDS land/ice surface type 021117 Sigma-0 variance quality control # # Operational: 321028 (Radar specification, SEAWINDS normalized radar cross-section, Kp variance coefficient) 021118 Attenuation correction on sigma-0 202129 Change scale 201132 Change data width 002112 Radar look angle 201000 Change data width 201131 Change data width 002111 Radar incidence angle 201000 Change data width 202000 Change scale 002104 Antenna polarization 021123 SEAWINDS normalized radar cross-section 021106 Kp variance coefficient (alpha) 021107 Kp variance coefficient (beta) 021114 Kp variance coefficient (gamma) 021115 SEAWINDS sigma-0 quality 021116 SEAWINDS sigma-0 mode 008018 SEAWINDS land/ice surface type 021117 Sigma-0 variance quality control # # Operational: 321030 (ASCAT sigma-0 information) 008085 Beam identifier 202129 Change scale 201131 Change data width 002111 Radar incidence angle 201000 Change data width 202000 Change scale 002134 Antenna beam azimuth 021062 Backscatter 021063 Radiometric resolution (noise value) 021158 ASCAT Kp estimate quality 021159 ASCAT sigma-0 usability 021160 ASCAT use of synthetic data 021161 ASCAT synthetic data quantity 021162 ASCAT satellite orbit and attitude quality 021163 ASCAT solar array reflection contamination 021164 ASCAT telemetry presence and quality 021165 ASCAT extrapolated reference function presence 021166 Land fraction #
# # Operational: 322028 (METOP GOME-2) 001007 Satellite identifier 002019 Satellite instruments 004001 Year 004002 Month 004003 Day 004004 Hour 004005 Minute 004006 Second 005001 Latitude (high accuracy) 006001 Longitude (high accuracy) 027001 Latitude (high accuracy) 028001 Longitude (high accuracy) 027001 Latitude (high accuracy) 028001 Longitude (high accuracy) 027001 Latitude (high accuracy) 028001 Longitude (high accuracy) 027001 Latitude (high accuracy) 028001 Longitude (high accuracy) 010001 Height of land surface 014019 Surface albedo 007025 Solar zenith angle 010080 Viewing zenith angle 005023 Sun to satellite azimuth difference 020010 Cloud cover (total) 008003 Vertical significance (satellite observations) 007004 Pressure 014026 Albedo at the top of clouds 020014 Height of top of cloud 013093 Cloud optical thickness 105000 Delayed replication of 5 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 007004 Pressure 007004 Pressure 008043 Atmospheric chemical or physical constituent type 008044 CAS registry number 015021 Integrated mass density #
# # Operational: 340001 (IASI Level 1c data) 001007 Satellite identifier 001031 Identification of originating/generating centre 002019 Satellite instruments 002020 Satellite classification 004001 Year 004002 Month 004003 Day 004004 Hour 004005 Minute 202131 Change scale 201138 Change data width 004006 Second 201000 Change data width 202000 Change scale 005001 Latitude (high accuracy) 006001 Longitude (high accuracy) 007024 Satellite zenith angle 005021 Bearing or azimuth 007025 Solar zenith angle 005022 Solar azimuth 005043 Field of view number 005040 Orbit number 201133 Change data width 005041 Scan line number 201000 Change data width 201132 Change data width 025070 Major frame count 201000 Change data width 202126 Change scale 007001 Height of station 202000 Change scale 033060 GqisFlagQual - individual IASI-System quality flag 033061 GqisQualIndex - indicator for instrument noise performance (contributions from spectral and radiometric calibration) 033062 GqisQualIndexLoc - indicator for geometric quality index 033063 GqisQualIndexRad - indicator for instrument noise performance (contributions from radiometric calibration) 033064 GqisQualIndexSpect - indicator for instrument noise performance (contributions from spectral calibration) 033065 GqisSysTecSondQual - output of system TEC (Technical Expertise Centre) quality function 101010 Replicate 1 descriptor 10 times 340002 IASI Level 1c band description 101087 Replicate 1 descriptor 87 times 340003 IASI Level 1c 100 channels 002019 Satellite instruments 025051 AVHRR channel combination 101007 Replicate 1 descriptor 7 times 340004 IASI Level 1c AVHRR single scene # # Operational: 340002 (IASI Level 1c band description) 025140 Start channel 025141 End channel 025142 Channel scale factor # # Operational: 340003 (IASI Level 1c 100 channels) 104100 Replicate 4 descriptors 100 times 201136 Change data width 005042 Channel number 201000 Change data width 014046 Scaled IASI radiance # # Operational: 340004 (IASI Level 1c AVHRR single scene) 005060 Y angular position from centre of gravity 005061 Z angular position from centre of gravity 025085 Fraction of clear pixels in HIRS FOV 105006 Replicate 5 descriptors 6 times 005042 Channel number 025142 Channel scale factor 014047 Scaled mean AVHRR radiance 025142 Channel scale factor 014048 Scaled standard deviation AVHRR radiance # # Operational: 340005 (JASON2 OGDR data) 001007 Satellite identifier 002019 Satellite instruments 001096 Station acquisition 025061 Software identification and version number 005044 Satellite cycle number 005040 Orbit number 001030 Numerical model identifier 004001 Year 004002 Month 004003 Day 004004 Hour 004005 Minute 004007 Seconds within a minute (microsecond accuracy) 005001 Latitude (high accuracy) 006001 Longitude (high accuracy) 008029 Surface type 008074 Altimeter echo type 008077 Radiometer sensed surface type 040011 Interpolation flag 025097 Three-dimensional error estimate of the navigator orbit 025095 Altimeter state flag 025098 Altimeter data quality flag 025099 Altimeter correction quality flag 021144 Altimeter rain flag 025096 Radiometer state flag 040012 Radiometer data quality flag 040013 Radiometer brightness temperature interpretation flag 021169 Ice presence indicator 022151 Ku band ocean range 022162 RMS of 20 Hz Ku band ocean range 022163 Number of 20 Hz valid points for Ku band 025160 Ku band net instrumental correction 025133 Sea state bias correction on Ku band 022156 Ku band significant wave height 022164 RMS 20 Hz Ku band significant wave height 022165 Number of 20 Hz valid points for Ku band significant wave height 022166 Ku band net instrumental correction for significant wave height 021137 Ku band corrected ocean backscatter coefficient 021138 STD Ku band corrected ocean backscatter coefficient 022167 Number of valid points for Ku band backscatter 021139 Ku band net instrumental correction for AGC 021118 Attenuation correction on sigma-0 021145 Ku band automatic gain control 021146 RMS Ku band automatic gain control 021147 Number of valid points for Ku band automatic gain control 022168 C band ocean range 022169 RMS of C band ocean range 022170 Number of 20 Hz valid points for C band 025161 C band net instrumental correction 025162 Sea state bias correction on C band 022171 C band significant wave height 022172 RMS 20 Hz C band significant wave height 022173 Number of 20 Hz valid points for C band significant wave height 022174 C band net instrumental correction for significant wave height 021170 C band corrected ocean backscatter coefficient 021171 RMS C band corrected ocean backscatter coefficient 022175 Number of valid points for C band backscatter 021172 C band net instrumental correction for AGC 021118 Attenuation correction on sigma-0 021173 C band automatic gain control 021174 RMS C band automatic gain control 021175 Number of valid points for C band automatic gain control 002153 Satellite channel centre frequency 012063 Brightness temperature 002153 Satellite channel centre frequency 012063 Brightness temperature 002153 Satellite channel centre frequency 012063 Brightness temperature 013090 Radiometer water vapour content 013091 Radiometer liquid content 007002 Height or altitude 011097 Wind speed from altimeter 011098 Wind speed from radiometer 007002 Height or altitude 011095 u-component of the model wind vector 011096 v-component of the model wind vector 010096 Mean dynamic topography 010081 Altitude of COG above reference ellipsoid 010082 Instantaneous altitude rate 010083 Squared off nadir angle of the satellite from platform data 010101 Squared off nadir angle of the satellite from waveform data 025132 Ionospheric correction from model on Ku band 025163 Altimeter ionospheric correction on Ku band 025126 Model dry tropospheric correction 025128 Model wet tropospheric correction 025164 Radiometer wet tropospheric correction 010085 Mean sea-surface height 010097 Mean sea-surface height from altimeter only 010086 Geoid's height 010087 Ocean depth/land elevation 010092 Solid Earth tide height 010088 Total geocentric ocean tide height (solution 1) 010089 Total geocentric ocean tide height (solution 2) 010098 Loading tide height geocentric ocean tide solution 1 010099 Loading tide height geocentric ocean tide solution 2 010090 Long period tide height 010100 Non-equilibrium long period tide height 010093 Geocentric pole tide height 025127 Inverted barometer correction 040014 High-frequency fluctuations of the sea-surface topography correction # # Operational: 340007 (IASI Level 1c data (all channels)) 001007 Satellite identifier 001031 Identification of originating/generating centre 002019 Satellite instruments 002020 Satellite classification 004001 Year 004002 Month 004003 Day 004004 Hour 004005 Minute 202131 Change scale 201138 Change data width 004006 Second 201000 Change data width 202000 Change scale 005001 Latitude (high accuracy) 006001 Longitude (high accuracy) 007024 Satellite zenith angle 005021 Bearing or azimuth 007025 Solar zenith angle 005022 Solar azimuth 005043 Field of view number 005040 Orbit number 201133 Change data width 005041 Scan line number 201000 Change data width 201132 Change data width 025070 Major frame count 201000 Change data width 202126 Change scale 007001 Height of station 202000 Change scale 103003 Replicate 3 descriptors 3 times 025140 Start channel 025141 End channel 033060 GqisFlagQual - individual IASI-System quality flag 033061 GqisQualIndex - indicator for instrument noise performance (contributions from spectral and radiometric calibration) 033062 GqisQualIndexLoc - indicator for geometric quality index 033063 GqisQualIndexRad - indicator for instrument noise performance (contributions from radiometric calibration) 033064 GqisQualIndexSpect - indicator for instrument noise performance (contributions from spectral calibration) 033065 GqisSysTecSondQual - output of system TEC (Technical Expertise Centre) quality function 040020 GqisFlagQualDetailed - quality flag for the system 101010 Replicate 1 descriptor 10 times 340002 IASI Level 1c band description 101087 Replicate 1 descriptor 87 times 340003 IASI Level 1c 100 channels 002019 Satellite instruments 025051 AVHRR channel combination 101007 Replicate 1 descriptor 7 times 340004 IASI Level 1c AVHRR single scene 020081 Cloud amount in segment 008029 Surface type 020083 Amount of segment covered by scene 008029 Surface type 040018 GIacAvgImagIIS - average of imager measurements 040019 GIacVarImagIIS - variance of imager measurements 040021 Fraction of weighted AVHRR pixel in IASI FOV covered with snow/ice 040022 Number of missing, bad or failed AVHRR pixels # # Operational: 340008 (IASI sequence combining PC scores, channel selection and enhanced data) 001007 Satellite identifier 001031 Identification of originating/generating centre 002019 Satellite instruments 002020 Satellite classification 004001 Year 004002 Month 004003 Day 004004 Hour 004005 Minute 202131 Change scale 201138 Change data width 004006 Second 201000 Change data width 202000 Change scale 005001 Latitude (high accuracy) 006001 Longitude (high accuracy) 007024 Satellite zenith angle 005021 Bearing or azimuth 007025 Solar zenith angle 005022 Solar azimuth 005043 Field of view number 005040 Orbit number 201133 Change data width 005041 Scan line number 201000 Change data width 201132 Change data width 025070 Major frame count 201000 Change data width 202126 Change scale 007001 Height of station 202000 Change scale 103003 Replicate 3 descriptors 3 times 025140 Start channel 025141 End channel 033060 GqisFlagQual - individual IASI-System quality flag 033061 GqisQualIndex - indicator for instrument noise performance (contributions from spectral and radiometric calibration) 033062 GqisQualIndexLoc - indicator for geometric quality index 033063 GqisQualIndexRad - indicator for instrument noise performance (contributions from radiometric calibration) 033064 GqisQualIndexSpect - indicator for instrument noise performance (contributions from spectral calibration) 033065 GqisSysTecSondQual - output of system TEC (Technical Expertise Centre) quality function 040020 GqisFlagQualDetailed - quality flag for the system 101010 Replicate 1 descriptor 10 times 340002 IASI Level 1c band description 104000 Delayed replication of 4 descriptors 031002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor 201136 Change data width 005042 Channel number 201000 Change data width 014046 Scaled IASI radiance 108003 Replicate 8 descriptors 3 times 025140 Start channel 025141 End channel 040026 Score quantization factor 040016 Residual RMS in band 025062 Database identification 101000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor 031002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor 040017 Non-normalized principal component score 002019 Satellite instruments 025051 AVHRR channel combination 101007 Replicate 1 descriptor 7 times 340004 IASI Level 1c AVHRR single scene 020081 Cloud amount in segment 008029 Surface type 020083 Amount of segment covered by scene 008029 Surface type 040018 GIacAvgImagIIS - average of imager measurements 040019 GIacVarImagIIS - variance of imager measurements 040021 Fraction of weighted AVHRR pixel in IASI FOV covered with snow/ice 040022 Number of missing, bad or failed AVHRR pixels # # Operational: 340009 (Normalized differential vegetation index (NDVI)) 001007 Satellite identifier 001031 Identification of originating/generating centre 002019 Satellite instruments 002020 Satellite classification 301011 Year, month, day 301013 Hour, minute, second 005040 Orbit number 201136 Change data width 005041 Scan line number 201000 Change data width 025071 Frame count 005001 Latitude (high accuracy) 005001 Latitude (high accuracy) 006001 Longitude (high accuracy) 006001 Longitude (high accuracy) 107064 Replicate 7 descriptors 64 times 106032 Replicate 6 descriptors 32 times 008012 Land/sea qualifier 008013 Day/night qualifier 008065 Sun-glint indicator 008072 Pixel(s) type 013039 Terrain type (ice/snow) 040015 Normalized differential vegetation index (NDVI) # # Operational: 340010 (JASON-2 OGDR data) 001007 Satellite identifier 002019 Satellite instruments 001096 Station acquisition 025061 Software identification and version number 005044 Satellite cycle number 005040 Orbit number 001030 Numerical model identifier 004001 Year 004002 Month 004003 Day 004004 Hour 004005 Minute 004007 Seconds within a minute (microsecond accuracy) 005001 Latitude (high accuracy) 006001 Longitude (high accuracy) 008029 Surface type 008074 Altimeter echo type 008077 Radiometer sensed surface type 040011 Interpolation flag 025097 Three-dimensional error estimate of the navigator orbit 025095 Altimeter state flag 025098 Altimeter data quality flag 025099 Altimeter correction quality flag 021144 Altimeter rain flag 025096 Radiometer state flag 040012 Radiometer data quality flag 040013 Radiometer brightness temperature interpretation flag 021169 Ice presence indicator 040023 Auxiliary altimeter state flags 040024 Meteorological map availability 040025 Interpolation flag for mean diurnal tide 022151 Ku band ocean range 022162 RMS of 20 Hz Ku band ocean range 022163 Number of 20 Hz valid points for Ku band 025160 Ku band net instrumental correction 025133 Sea state bias correction on Ku band 022156 Ku band significant wave height 022164 RMS 20 Hz Ku band significant wave height 022165 Number of 20 Hz valid points for Ku band significant wave height 022166 Ku band net instrumental correction for significant wave height 021137 Ku band corrected ocean backscatter coefficient 021138 STD Ku band corrected ocean backscatter coefficient 022167 Number of valid points for Ku band backscatter 021139 Ku band net instrumental correction for AGC 021118 Attenuation correction on sigma-0 021145 Ku band automatic gain control 021146 RMS Ku band automatic gain control 021147 Number of valid points for Ku band automatic gain control 022168 C band ocean range 022169 RMS of C band ocean range 022170 Number of 20 Hz valid points for C band 025161 C band net instrumental correction 025162 Sea state bias correction on C band 022171 C band significant wave height 022172 RMS 20 Hz C band significant wave height 022173 Number of 20 Hz valid points for C band significant wave height 022174 C band net instrumental correction for significant wave height 021170 C band corrected ocean backscatter coefficient 021171 RMS C band corrected ocean backscatter coefficient 022175 Number of valid points for C band backscatter 021172 C band net instrumental correction for AGC 021118 Attenuation correction on sigma-0 021173 C band automatic gain control 021174 RMS C band automatic gain control 021175 Number of valid points for C band automatic gain control 002153 Satellite channel centre frequency 012063 Brightness temperature 002153 Satellite channel centre frequency 012063 Brightness temperature 002153 Satellite channel centre frequency 012063 Brightness temperature 013090 Radiometer water vapour content 013091 Radiometer liquid content 007002 Height or altitude 011097 Wind speed from altimeter 011098 Wind speed from radiometer 007002 Height or altitude 011095 u-component of the model wind vector 011096 v-component of the model wind vector 010096 Mean dynamic topography 010081 Altitude of COG above reference ellipsoid 010082 Instantaneous altitude rate 010083 Squared off nadir angle of the satellite from platform data 010101 Squared off nadir angle of the satellite from waveform data 025132 Ionospheric correction from model on Ku band 025163 Altimeter ionospheric correction on Ku band 025126 Model dry tropospheric correction 025128 Model wet tropospheric correction 025164 Radiometer wet tropospheric correction 010085 Mean sea-surface height 010097 Mean sea-surface height from altimeter only 010086 Geoid's height 010087 Ocean depth/land elevation 010092 Solid Earth tide height 010088 Total geocentric ocean tide height (solution 1) 010089 Total geocentric ocean tide height (solution 2) 010098 Loading tide height geocentric ocean tide solution 1 010099 Loading tide height geocentric ocean tide solution 2 010090 Long period tide height 010100 Non-equilibrium long period tide height 010093 Geocentric pole tide height 025127 Inverted barometer correction 040014 High-frequency fluctuations of the sea-surface topography correction 010102 Sea-surface height anomaly # # Operational: 340011 (SARAL Altika) 001007 Satellite identifier 002019 Satellite instruments 001096 Station acquisition 025061 Software identification and version number 005044 Satellite cycle number 005040 Orbit number 001030 Numerical model identifier 004001 Year 004002 Month 004003 Day 004004 Hour 004005 Minute 004007 Seconds within a minute (microsecond accuracy) 005001 Latitude (high accuracy) 006001 Longitude (high accuracy) 008029 Surface type 008077 Radiometer sensed surface type 040011 Interpolation flag 025097 Three-dimensional error estimate of the navigator orbit 025112 Band specific altimeter data quality flag 025113 Band specific altimeter correction quality flag 021148 Trailing edge variation flag 021169 Ice presence indicator 040024 Meteorological map availability 040025 Interpolation flag for mean diurnal tide 002153 Satellite channel centre frequency 022189 Specific band ocean range 022191 RMS of specific band ocean range 022130 Number of valid points for specific band 025167 Specific band net instrumental correction 025166 Sea state bias correction on specific band 022190 Specific band significant wave height 022131 RMS specific band significant wave height 022132 Number of valid points for specific band significant wave height 022133 Specific band net instrument correction for significant wave height 021183 Specific band corrected ocean backscatter coefficient 021184 STD specific band corrected ocean backscatter coefficient 022134 Number of valid points for specific band backscatter 021185 Specific band net instrumental correction for AGC 021118 Attenuation correction on sigma-0 021186 Specific band automatic gain control 021187 RMS specific band automatic gain control 021188 Number of valid points for specific band automatic gain control 002153 Satellite channel centre frequency 012063 Brightness temperature 002153 Satellite channel centre frequency 012063 Brightness temperature 013090 Radiometer water vapour content 013160 Radiometer liquid content 007002 Height or altitude 011097 Wind speed from altimeter 007002 Height or altitude 011095 u-component of the model wind vector 011096 v-component of the model wind vector 010096 Mean dynamic topography 010081 Altitude of COG above reference ellipsoid 010082 Instantaneous altitude rate 010083 Squared off-nadir angle of the satellite from platform data 010101 Squared off-nadir angle of the satellite from waveform data 002153 Satellite channel centre frequency 025165 Ionospheric correction from model on specific band 025126 Model dry tropospheric correction 025128 Model wet tropospheric correction 025164 Radiometer wet tropospheric correction 010085 Mean sea-surface height 010086 Geoid's height 010087 Ocean depth/land elevation 010092 Solid Earth tide height 010088 Total geocentric ocean tide height (solution 1) 010089 Total geocentric ocean tide height (solution 2) 010098 Loading tide height geocentric ocean tide solution 1 010099 Loading tide height geocentric ocean tide solution 2 010090 Long period tide height 010100 Non-equilibrium long period tide height 010093 Geocentric pole tide height 025127 Inverted barometer correction 040014 High-frequency fluctuations of the sea-surface topography correction 010102 Sea-surface height anomaly # # Operational: 340012 (GPM Microwave Imager (GMI)) 001007 Satellite identifier 002019 Satellite instruments 008091 Coordinates significance 005001 Latitude (high accuracy) 006001 Longitude (high accuracy) 007002 Height or altitude 005063 Spacecraft roll 005064 Spacecraft pitch 005066 Spacecraft yaw 005041 Scan line number 005067 Number of scan lines 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 004007 Seconds within a minute (microsecond accuracy) 008091 Coordinates significance 005001 Latitude (high accuracy) 006001 Longitude (high accuracy) 107000 Delayed replication of 7 descriptors 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor 005042 Channel number 002153 Satellite channel centre frequency 002104 Antenna polarization 040028 GMI quality flag 007024 Satellite zenith angle 040027 Sun glint angle 012063 Brightness temperature # # Operational: 340013 (Atmospheric Laser Doppler Instrument (ALADIN) L2b data) 001007 Satellite identifier 002019 Satellite instruments 001033 Identification of originating/generating centre 001034 Identification of originating/generating sub-centre 004001 Year 004002 Month 004003 Day 004004 Hour 004005 Minute 004007 Seconds within a minute (microsecond accuracy) 005068 Profile number 005070 Observation identifier 005069 Receiver channel 040036 Lidar L2b classification type 008091 Coordinates significance 005001 Latitude (high accuracy) 006001 Longitude (high accuracy) 004016 Time increment 008091 Coordinates significance 005001 Latitude (high accuracy) 006001 Longitude (high accuracy) 004016 Time increment 008091 Coordinates significance 005001 Latitude (high accuracy) 006001 Longitude (high accuracy) 004016 Time increment 008091 Coordinates significance 007071 Height (high resolution) 005021 Bearing or azimuth 007021 Elevation 040035 Satellite range 008091 Coordinates significance 007071 Height (high resolution) 005021 Bearing or azimuth 007021 Elevation 040035 Satellite range 008091 Coordinates significance 007071 Height (high resolution) 005021 Bearing or azimuth 007021 Elevation 040035 Satellite range 040029 Horizontal observation integration length 040030 Horizontal line of sight wind 040031 Error estimate of horizontal line of sight wind 025187 Confidence flag 010004 Pressure 012001 Temperature/air temperature 040037 Backscatter ratio 040032 Derivative wind to pressure 040033 Derivative wind to temperature 040034 Derivative wind to backscatter ratio # # Operational: 340015 (Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) precipitation data) 001007 Satellite identifier 002019 Satellite instruments 301011 Year, month, day 301012 Hour, minute 004007 Seconds within a minute (microsecond accuracy) 201133 Increase bit width 005041 Scan line number 201000 Cancel increase bit width 201130 Increase bit width 005043 Field of view number 201000 Cancel increase bit width 207001 Increase scale, reference value and data width 005002 Latitude (coarse accuracy) 006002 Longitude (coarse accuracy) 207000 Cancel increase scale, reference value and data width 040027 Sun glint angle 013040 Surface flag 021120 Probability of rain 207003 Increase scale, reference value and data width 102003 Replicate 2 descriptors 3 times 002186 Capability to detect precipitation phenomena 013155 Intensity of precipitation (high accuracy) 207000 Cancel increase scale, reference value and data width 033003 Quality information #
Update history
Version 29.0 of Cipher BUFR table D was created from original WMO documents by Northern Lighthouse Ltd.