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Please consult the original WMO file or printed manual for more details and for possible notes!
00 01 02 04 05 06 07 08 10 11 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 33 35
# 000001 Table A: entry CCITT IA5 0 0 24 # 000002 Table A: data category description, line 1 CCITT IA5 0 0 256 # 000003 Table A: data category description, line 2 CCITT IA5 0 0 256 # 000005 BUFR edition number CCITT IA5 0 0 24 # 000010 F descriptor to be added or defined CCITT IA5 0 0 8 # 000011 X descriptor to be added or defined CCITT IA5 0 0 16 # 000012 Y descriptor to be added or defined CCITT IA5 0 0 24 # 000013 Element name, line 1 CCITT IA5 0 0 256 # 000014 Element name, line 2 CCITT IA5 0 0 256 # 000015 Units name CCITT IA5 0 0 192 # 000016 Units scale sign CCITT IA5 0 0 8 # 000017 Units scale CCITT IA5 0 0 24 # 000018 Units reference sign CCITT IA5 0 0 8 # 000019 Units reference value CCITT IA5 0 0 80 # 000020 Element data width CCITT IA5 0 0 24 # 000030 Descriptor defining sequence CCITT IA5 0 0 48 #
# 001001 WMO block number Numeric 0 0 7 # 001002 WMO station number Numeric 0 0 10 # 001003 WMO Region number/geographical area Code table 0 0 3 # 001004 WMO Region sub-area (see Note 9) Numeric 0 0 3 # 001005 Buoy/platform identifier Numeric 0 0 17 # 001006 Aircraft flight number CCITT IA5 0 0 64 # 001007 Satellite identifier Code table 0 0 10 # 001008 Aircraft registration number CCITT IA5 0 0 64 # 001009 Type of commercial aircraft CCITT IA5 0 0 64 # 001010 Stationary buoy platform identifier; e.g. C-MAN buoys CCITT IA5 0 0 64 # 001011 Ship or mobile land station identifier CCITT IA5 0 0 72 # 001012 Direction of motion of moving observing platform Degree true 0 0 9 # 001013 Speed of motion of moving observing platform m s-1 0 0 10 # 001014 Platform drift speed (high precision) m s-1 2 0 10 # 001015 Station or site name CCITT IA5 0 0 160 # 001018 Short station or site name CCITT IA5 0 0 40 # 001020 WMO Region sub-area Numeric 0 0 4 # 001021 Synoptic feature identifier Numeric 0 0 14 # 001022 Name of feature (see Note 11) CCITT IA5 0 0 224 # 001025 Storm identifier CCITT IA5 0 0 24 # 001026 WMO storm name* CCITT IA5 0 0 64 # 001027 WMO long storm name CCITT IA5 0 0 80 # 001031 Identification of originating/generating centre (see Note 10) Code table 0 0 16 # 001032 Generating application Code table defined by originating/ generating centre (Notes (3), (4) and (5)) 0 0 8 # 001033 Identification of originating/generating centre Code table 0 0 8 # 001034 Identification of originating/generating sub-centre Code table 0 0 8 # 001041 Absolute platform velocity - first component (see Note 6) m s-1 5 -1073741824 31 # 001042 Absolute platform velocity - second component (see Note 6) m s-1 5 -1073741824 31 # 001043 Absolute platform velocity - third component (see Note 6) m s-1 5 -1073741824 31 # 001050 Platform transmitter ID number Numeric 0 0 17 # 001051 Platform transmitter ID number CCITT IA5 0 0 96 # 001060 Aircraft reporting point (Beacon identifier) CCITT IA5 0 0 64 # 001062 Short ICAO location indicator CCITT IA5 0 0 32 # 001063 ICAO location indicator CCITT IA5 0 0 64 # 001064 Runway designator CCITT IA5 0 0 32 # 001075 Tide station identification CCITT IA5 0 0 40 #
# 002001 Type of station Code table 0 0 2 # 002002 Type of instrumentation for wind measurement Flag table 0 0 4 # 002003 Type of measuring equipment used Code table 0 0 4 # 002004 Type of instrumentation for evaporation measurement or type of crop for which evapotranspiration is reported Code table 0 0 4 # 002005 Precision of temperature observation K 2 0 7 # 002011 Radiosonde type Code table 0 0 8 # 002012 Radiosonde computational method Code table 0 0 4 # 002013 Solar and infrared radiation correction Code table 0 0 4 # 002014 Tracking technique/status of system used Code table 0 0 7 # 002015 Radiosonde completeness Code table 0 0 4 # 002019 Satellite instruments Code table 0 0 11 # 002020 Satellite classification Code table 0 0 9 # 002021 Satellite instrument data used in processing* Flag table 0 0 9 # 002022 Satellite data-processing technique used Flag table 0 0 8 # 002023 Satellite derived wind computation method Code table 0 0 4 # 002024 Integrated mean humidity computational method Code table 0 0 4 # 002025 Satellite channel(s) used in computation Flag table 0 0 25 # 002026 Cross track resolution m 2 0 12 # 002027 Along track resolution m 2 0 12 # 002028 Segment size at nadir in X direction m 0 0 18 # 002029 Segment size at nadir in Y direction m 0 0 18 # 002030 Method of current measurement Code table 0 0 3 # 002031 Duration and time of current measurement Code table 0 0 5 # 002032 Indicator for digitization Code table 0 0 2 # 002033 Method of salinity/depth measurement Code table 0 0 3 # 002034 Drogue type Code table 0 0 5 # 002035 Cable length m 0 0 9 # 002036 Buoy type Code table 0 0 2 # 002037 Method of tidal observation Code table 0 0 3 # 002038 Method of sea-surface temperature measurement Code table 0 0 4 # 002039 Method of wet-bulb temperature measurement Code table 0 0 3 # 002040 Method of removing velocity and motion of platform from current Code table 0 0 4 # 002041 Method for estimating reports related to synoptic features Code table 0 0 6 # 002044 Indicator for method of calculating spectral wave data Code table 0 0 4 # 002045 Indicator for type of platform Code table 0 0 4 # 002046 Wave measurement instrumentation Code table 0 0 4 # 002048 Satellite sensor indicator Code table 0 0 4 # 002049 Geostationary satellite data-processing technique used Flag table 0 0 8 # 002050 Geostationary sounder satellite channels used Flag table 0 0 20 # 002051 Indicator to specify observing method for extreme temperatures Code table 0 0 4 # 002052 Geostationary imager satellite channels used Flag table 0 0 6 # 002053 GOES-I/M brightness temperature characteristics Code table 0 0 4 # 002054 GOES-I/M soundings parameter characteristics Code table 0 0 4 # 002055 Geostationary soundings statistical parameters Code table 0 0 4 # 002056 Geostationary soundings accuracy statistics Code table 0 0 4 # 002057 Origin of first guess information for GOES-I/M soundings Code table 0 0 4 # 002058 Valid times of first guess information for GOES-I/M soundings Code table 0 0 4 # 002059 Origin of analysis information for GOES-I/M soundings Code table 0 0 4 # 002060 Origin of surface information for GOES-I/M soundings Code table 0 0 4 # 002061 Aircraft navigational system Code table 0 0 3 # 002062 Type of aircraft data relay system Code table 0 0 4 # 002063 Aircraft roll angle Degree 2 -18000 16 # 002064 Aircraft roll angle quality Code table 0 0 2 # 002065 ACARS ground receiving station CCITT IA5 0 0 40 # 002070 Original specification of latitude/longitude Code table 0 0 4 # 002091 Entry sensor 4/20 mA A 0 4 10 # 002100 Radar constant* dB 1 0 12 # 002101 Type of antenna Code table 0 0 4 # 002102 Antenna height above tower base m 0 0 8 # 002103 Radome Flag table 0 0 2 # 002104 Antenna polarisation Code table 0 0 4 # 002105 Maximum antenna gain dB 0 0 6 # 002106 3-dB beamwidth Degree 1 0 6 # 002107 Sidelobe suppression dB 0 0 6 # 002108 Crosspol discrimination (on axis) dB 0 0 6 # 002109 Antenna speed (azimuth) Degree s-1 2 0 12 # 002110 Antenna speed (elevation) Degree s-1 2 0 12 # 002111 Radar incidence angle Degree 1 0 10 # 002112 Radar look angle Degree 1 0 12 # 002113 Number of azimuth looks Numeric 0 0 4 # 002114 Antenna effective surface area m2 0 0 15 # 002121 Mean frequency Hz -8 0 7 # 002122 Frequency agility range Hz -6 -128 8 # 002123 Peak power W -4 0 7 # 002124 Average power W -1 0 7 # 002125 Pulse repetition frequency Hz -1 0 8 # 002126 Pulse width s 7 0 6 # 002127 Receiver intermediate frequency Hz -6 0 7 # 002128 Intermediate frequency bandwidth Hz -5 0 6 # 002129 Minimum detectable signal dB 0 -150 5 # 002130 Dynamic range dB 0 0 7 # 002131 Sensitivity time control (STC) Flag table 0 0 2 # 002132 Azimuth pointing accuracy Degree 2 0 6 # 002133 Elevation pointing accuracy Degree 2 0 6 # 002134 Antenna beam azimuth Degree 2 0 16 # 002135 Antenna elevation Degree 2 -9000 15 # 002136 Range processed by range attenuation correction m -3 0 16 # 002140 Satellite radar beam azimuth angle Degree 0 0 9 # 002141 Measurement type CCITT IA5 0 0 24 # 002142 Ozone instrument serial number/ identification CCITT IA5 0 0 32 # 002143 Ozone instrument type Code table 0 0 7 # 002144 Light source type for Brewer spectro photometer Code table 0 0 4 # 002145 Wave length setting for Dobson instruments Code table 0 0 4 # 002146 Source conditions for Dobson instruments Code table 0 0 4 # 002148 Data collection and/or location system Code table 0 0 5 # 002149 Type of data buoy Code table 0 0 6 # 002150 TOVS/ATOVS/AVHRR instrumentation channel number Code table 0 0 6 # 002151 Radiometer identifier Code table 0 0 4 # 002152 Satellite instrument used in data processing(6) Flag table 0 0 31 # 002153 Satellite channel centre frequency Hz -8 0 26 # 002154 Satellite channel band width Hz -8 0 26 # 002163 Height assignment method Code table 0 0 4 # 002164 Tracer correlation method Code table 0 0 3 # 002166 Radiance type Code table 0 0 4 # 002167 Radiance computational method Code table 0 0 4 # 002168 Hydrostatic pressure of lower end of cable (thermistor string) Pa -3 0 16 # 002169 Anemometer type Code table 0 0 4 #
# 004001 Year Year 0 0 12 # 004002 Month Month 0 0 4 # 004003 Day Day 0 0 6 # 004004 Hour Hour 0 0 5 # 004005 Minute Minute 0 0 6 # 004006 Second Second 0 0 6 # 004011 Time increment Year 0 -1024 11 # 004012 Time increment Month 0 -1024 11 # 004013 Time increment Day 0 -1024 11 # 004014 Time increment Hour 0 -1024 11 # 004015 Time increment Minute 0 -2048 12 # 004016 Time increment Second 0 -4096 13 # 004021 Time period or displacement Year 0 -1024 11 # 004022 Time period or displacement Month 0 -1024 11 # 004023 Time period or displacement Day 0 -1024 11 # 004024 Time period or displacement Hour 0 -2048 12 # 004025 Time period or displacement Minute 0 -2048 12 # 004026 Time period or displacement Second 0 -4096 13 # 004031 Duration of time relating to following value Hour 0 0 8 # 004032 Duration of time relating to following value Minute 0 0 6 # 004041 Time difference, UTC -LMT (see Note 6) Minute 0 -1440 12 # 004043 Day of the year Day 0 0 9 # 004053 Number of days with precipitation equal to or more than 1 mm Numeric 0 0 6 # 004065 Short time increment Minute 0 -128 8 # 004073 Short time period or displacement Day 0 -128 8 # 004074 Short time period or displacement Hour 0 -128 8 # 004075 Short time period or displacement Minute 0 -128 8 #
# 005001 Latitude (high accuracy) Degree 5 -9000000 25 # 005002 Latitude (coarse accuracy) Degree 2 -9000 15 # 005011 Latitude increment (high accuracy) Degree 5 -9000000 25 # 005012 Latitude increment (coarse accuracy) Degree 2 -9000 15 # 005021 Bearing or azimuth Degree true 2 0 16 # 005022 Solar azimuth Degree true 2 0 16 # 005030 Direction (spectral) Degree 0 0 12 # 005031 Row number Numeric 0 0 12 # 005033 Pixel size on horizontal - 1 m -1 0 16 # 005034 Along track row number Numeric 0 0 11 # 005040 Orbit number Numeric 0 0 24 # 005041 Scan line number Numeric 0 0 8 # 005042 Channel number Numeric 0 0 6 # 005043 Field of view number Numeric 0 0 8 # 005052 Channel number increment Numeric 0 0 5 # 005053 Field of view number increment Numeric 0 0 5 #
# 006001 Longitude (high accuracy) Degree 5 -18000000 26 # 006002 Longitude (coarse accuracy) Degree 2 -18000 16 # 006011 Longitude increment (high accuracy) Degree 5 -18000000 26 # 006012 Longitude increment (coarse accuracy) Degree 2 -18000 16 # 006021 Distance m -1 0 13 # 006030 Wave number (spectral) rad m-1 5 0 13 # 006031 Column number Numeric 0 0 12 # 006033 Pixel size on horizontal - 2 m -1 0 16 # 006034 Cross-track cell number Numeric 0 0 7 # 006040 Radius of confidence m 0 0 13 #
# 007001 Height of station m 0 -400 15 # 007002 Height or altitude m -1 -40 16 # 007003 Geopotential m2 s-2 -1 -400 17 # 007004 Pressure Pa -1 0 14 # 007005 Height increment m 0 -400 12 # 007006 Height above station m 0 0 15 # 007007 Height m 0 -1000 17 # 007008 Geopotential m2 s-2 0 -10000 20 # 007009 Geopotential height gpm 0 0 17 # 007021 Elevation (see Note 1) Degree 2 -9000 15 # 007022 Solar elevation Degree 2 -9000 15 # 007024 Satellite zenith angle Degree 2 -9000 15 # 007025 Solar zenith angle Degree 2 -9000 15 # 007061 Depth below land surface m 2 0 14 # 007062 Depth below sea/water surface m 1 0 17 # 007064 Height above station (sensor height artificially corrected) (see Note 2) m 0 0 4 # 007070 Drogue depth m 0 0 10 #
# 008001 Vertical sounding significance Flag table 0 0 7 # 008002 Vertical significance (surface observations) Code table 0 0 6 # 008003 Vertical significance (satellite observations) Code table 0 0 6 # 008004 Phase of aircraft flight Code table 0 0 3 # 008005 Meteorological attribute significance Code table 0 0 4 # 008006 Ozone vertical sounding significance Flag table 0 0 9 # 008007 Dimensional significance Code table 0 0 4 # 008008 Radiation vertical sounding significance Flag table 0 0 9 # 008011 Meteorological feature Code table 0 0 6 # 008012 Land/sea qualifier Code table 0 0 2 # 008013 Day/night qualifier Code table 0 0 2 # 008014 Qualifier for runway visual range Code table 0 0 4 # 008016 Change qualifier of a trend-type forecast or an aerodrome forecast Code table 0 0 3 # 008017 Qualifier of the time when the forecast change is expected Code table 0 0 2 # 008018 SEAWINDS land/ice surface type Flag table 0 0 17 # 008020 Total number of missing entities (with respect to accumulation or average) Numeric 0 0 16 # 008021 Time significance Code table 0 0 5 # 008022 Total number (with respect to accumulation or average) Numeric 0 0 16 # 008023 First order statistics Code table 0 0 6 # 008024 Difference statistics Code table 0 0 6 # 008025 Time difference qualifier Code table 0 0 4 # 008030 Manual on Codes (Volume I.1, Section C) Code table from which data are derived Numeric 0 0 13 # 008031 Data category CREX table A Numeric 0 0 8 # 008035 Type of monitoring exercise Code table 0 0 3 # 008036 Type of centre or station performing monitoring Code table 0 0 3 # 008051 Qualifier for number of missing values in calculation of statistic Code table 0 0 3 # 008052 Condition for which number of days of occurrence follows Code table 0 0 5 # 008053 Day of occurrence qualifier Code table 0 0 2 # 008060 Sample scanning mode significance Code table 0 0 4 # 008070 TOVS/ATOVS product qualifier Code table 0 0 4 # 008072 Pixel(s) type Code table 0 0 3 #
# 010001 Height of land surface m 0 -400 15 # 010002 Height m -1 -40 16 # 010003 Geopotential m2 s-2 -1 -400 17 # 010004 Pressure Pa -1 0 14 # 010007 Height m 0 -1000 17 # 010008 Geopotential m2 s-2 0 -10000 20 # 010009 Geopotential height gpm 0 0 17 # 010031 In direction of the North Pole, distance from the Earth's centre m 2 -1073741824 31 # 010050 Standard deviation altitude m 2 0 16 # 010051 Pressure reduced to mean sea level Pa -1 0 14 # 010052 Altimeter setting (QNH) Pa -1 0 14 # 010060 Pressure change Pa -1 -1024 11 # 010061 3-hour pressure change Pa -1 -500 10 # 010062 24-hour pressure change Pa -1 -1000 11 # 010063 Characteristic of pressure tendency Code table 0 0 4 # 010070 Indicated aircraft altitude m 0 -400 16 #
# 011001 Wind direction Degree true 0 0 9 # 011002 Wind speed m s-1 1 0 12 # 011003 u-component m s-1 1 -4096 13 # 011004 v-component m s-1 1 -4096 13 # 011005 w-component Pa s-1 1 -512 10 # 011006 w-component m s-1 2 -4096 13 # 011011 Wind direction at 10 m Degree true 0 0 9 # 011012 Wind speed at 10 m m s-1 1 0 12 # 011013 Wind direction at 5 m Degree true 0 0 9 # 011014 Wind speed at 5 m m s-1 1 0 12 # 011016 Extreme counterclockwise wind direction of a variable wind Degree true 0 0 9 # 011017 Extreme clockwise wind direction of a variable wind Degree true 0 0 9 # 011019 Steadiness of wind* % 0 0 7 # 011021 Relative vorticity s-1 9 -65536 17 # 011022 Divergence s-1 9 -65536 17 # 011023 Velocity potential m2 s-1 -2 -65536 17 # 011031 Degree of turbulence Code table 0 0 4 # 011032 Height of base of turbulence m -1 -40 16 # 011033 Height of top of turbulence m -1 -40 16 # 011034 Vertical gust velocity m s-1 1 -1024 11 # 011035 Vertical gust acceleration m s-2 2 -8192 14 # 011036 Maximum derived equivalent vertical gust speed m s-1 1 0 10 # 011040 Maximum wind speed (mean wind) m s-1 1 0 12 # 011041 Maximum wind speed (gusts) m s-1 1 0 12 # 011042 Maximum wind speed (10-min mean wind) m s-1 1 0 12 # 011043 Maximum wind gust direction Degree true 0 0 9 # 011044 Mean wind direction for surface - 1500 m (5000 feet) Degree true 0 0 9 # 011045 Mean wind speed for surface - 1500 m (5000 feet) m s-1 1 0 12 # 011049 Standard deviation of wind direction Degree true 0 0 9 # 011050 Standard deviation of horizontal wind speed m s-1 1 0 12 # 011051 Standard deviation of vertical wind speed m s-1 1 0 8 # 011052 Formal uncertainty in wind speed m s-1 2 0 14 # 011053 Formal uncertainty in wind direction Degree true 2 0 15 # 011061 Absolute wind shear in 1 km layer below m s-1 1 0 12 # 011062 Absolute wind shear in 1 km layer above m s-1 1 0 12 # 011070 Designator of the runway affected by wind shear (including ALL) CCITT IA5 0 0 32 # 011071 Turbulent vertical momentum flux m2 s-2 3 -128 14 # 011072 Turbulent vertical buoyancy flux K m s-1 3 -128 11 # 011073 Turbulent kinetic energy m2 s-2 2 -1024 13 # 011074 Dissipation energy m2 s-2 2 -1024 10 # 011075 Mean turbulence intensity (eddy dissipation rate) m2/3 s-1 2 0 8 # 011076 Peak turbulence intensity (eddy dissipation rate) m2/3 s-1 2 0 8 # 011081 Model wind direction at 10m Degree true 2 0 16 # 011082 Model wind speed at 10m m s-1 2 0 13 #
# 012001 Temperature/dry-bulb temperature K 1 0 12 # 012002 Wet-bulb temperature K 1 0 12 # 012003 Dew-point temperature K 1 0 12 # 012004 Dry-bulb temperature at 2 m K 1 0 12 # 012005 Wet-bulb temperature at 2 m K 1 0 12 # 012006 Dew-point temperature at 2 m K 1 0 12 # 012007 Virtual temperature K 1 0 12 # 012011 Maximum temperature, at height and over period specified K 1 0 12 # 012012 Minimum temperature, at height and over period specified K 1 0 12 # 012013 Ground minimum temperature, past 12 hours K 1 0 12 # 012014 Maximum temperature at 2 m, past 12 hours K 1 0 12 # 012015 Minimum temperature at 2 m, past 12 hours K 1 0 12 # 012016 Maximum temperature at 2 m, past 24 hours K 1 0 12 # 012017 Minimum temperature at 2 m, past 24 hours K 1 0 12 # 012030 Soil temperature K 1 0 12 # 012051 Standard deviation temperature K 1 0 10 # 012052 Highest daily mean temperature K 1 0 12 # 012053 Lowest daily mean temperature K 1 0 12 # 012061 Skin temperature K 1 0 12 # 012062 Equivalent black body temperature K 1 0 12 # 012063 Brightness temperature K 1 0 12 # 012064 Instrument temperature K 1 0 12 # 012071 Coldest cluster temperature K 1 0 12 # 012072 Radiance W m-2 sr-1 6 0 31 # 012075 Spectral radiance W m-3 sr-1 -3 0 16 # 012076 Radiance W m-2 sr-1 3 0 16 #
# 013001 Specific humidity kg kg-1 5 0 14 # 013002 Mixing ratio kg kg-1 5 0 14 # 013003 Relative humidity % 0 0 7 # 013004 Vapour pressure Pa -1 0 10 # 013005 Vapour density kg m-3 3 0 7 # 013006 Mixing heights m -1 -40 16 # 013011 Total precipitation/total water equivalent kg m-2 1 -1 14 # 013012 Depth of fresh snow m 2 -2 12 # 013013 Total snow depth m 2 -2 16 # 013014 Rainfall/water equivalent of snow (averaged rate) kg m-2 s-1 4 0 12 # 013015 Snowfall (averaged rate) m s-1 7 0 12 # 013016 Precipitable water kg m-2 0 0 7 # 013019 Total precipitation past 1 hour kg m-2 1 -1 14 # 013020 Total precipitation past 3 hours kg m-2 1 -1 14 # 013021 Total precipitation past 6 hours kg m-2 1 -1 14 # 013022 Total precipitation past 12 hours kg m-2 1 -1 14 # 013023 Total precipitation past 24 hours kg m-2 1 -1 14 # 013031 Evapotranspiration kg m-2 0 0 7 # 013032 Evaporation/evapotranspiration kg m-2 1 0 8 # 013033 Evaporation/evapotranspiration kg m-2 1 0 10 # 013038 Superadiabatic indicator Code table 0 0 2 # 013039 Terrain type (ice/snow) Code table 0 0 3 # 013041 Pasquill-Gifford stability category Code table 0 0 4 # 013042 Parcel lifted index (to 500 hPa) K 0 -20 6 # 013043 Best lifted index (to 500 hPa) K 0 -20 6 # 013051 Frequency group, precipitation Code table 0 0 4 # 013052 Highest daily amount of precipitation kg m-2 1 -1 14 # 013060 Total accumulated precipitation kg m-2 1 -10 17 # 013071 Upstream water level m 2 0 14 # 013072 Downstream water level m 2 0 14 # 013073 Maximum water level m 2 0 14 # 013080 Water pH pH unit 1 0 10 # 013081 Water conductivity Siemens m-1 3 0 14 # 013082 Water temperature K 1 0 12 # 013083 Dissolved oxygen Kg m-3 6 0 15 # 013084 Turbidity Lumen 0 0 14 # 013085 Oxydation Reduction Potential (ORP) V 3 0 14 #
# 014001 Long-wave radiation, integrated over 24 hours J m-2 -3 -2048 12 # 014002 Long-wave radiation, integrated over period specified J m-2 -3 -2048 12 # 014003 Short-wave radiation, integrated over 24 hours J m-2 -3 -2048 12 # 014004 Short-wave radiation, integrated over period specified J m-2 -3 -2048 12 # 014011 Net long-wave radiation, integrated over 24 hours J m-2 -3 -2048 12 # 014012 Net long-wave radiation, integrated over period specified J m-2 -3 -2048 12 # 014013 Net short-wave radiation, integrated over 24 hours J m-2 -3 -2048 12 # 014014 Net short-wave radiation, integrated over period specified J m-2 -3 -2048 12 # 014015 Net radiation, integrated over 24 hours J m-2 -4 -16384 15 # 014016 Net radiation, integrated over period specified J m-2 -4 -16384 15 # 014017 Instantaneous long-wave radiation W m-2 -3 -2048 12 # 014018 Instantaneous short-wave radiation W m-2 -3 -2048 12 # 014019 Surface albedo % 0 0 7 # 014020 Global solar radiation, integrated over 24 hours J m-2 -4 0 15 # 014021 Global radiation, integrated over period specified J m-2 -4 0 15 # 014022 Diffuse solar radiation, integrated over 24 hours J m-2 -4 0 15 # 014023 Diffuse solar radiation, integrated over period specified J m-2 -4 0 15 # 014024 Direct solar radiation, integrated over 24 hours J m-2 -4 0 15 # 014025 Direct solar radiation, integrated over period specified J m-2 -4 0 15 # 014026 Albedo at the top of clouds % 0 0 7 # 014027 Albedo % 0 0 7 # 014031 Total sunshine Minute 0 0 11 # 014032 Total sunshine Hour 0 0 10 # 014033 Total sunshine % 0 0 9 # 014042 Bidirectional reflectance % 0 0 7 # 014045 Channel radiance Wm-2 sr-1 cm-1 0 0 11 # 014051 Direct solar radiation integrated over last hour J m-2 -3 0 14 #
# 015001 Ozone Dobson 0 0 10 # 015002 Air mass (slant path at 22 km) Numeric 2 0 10 # 015003 Measured ozone partial pressure (sounding) Pascal 4 0 9 # 015004 Ozone sounding correction factor Numeric 3 0 11 # 015005 Ozone p DU 0 0 10 # 015011 Log 10 of integrated electron density log (1/m2) 3 14000 13 # 015015 Maximum image spectral component before normalization Numeric 0 0 31 #
# 019001 Type of synoptic feature Code table 0 0 6 # 019002 Effective radius of feature m -2 0 12 # 019003 Wind speed threshold m s-1 0 0 8 # 019004 Effective radius with respect to wind speeds above threshold m -2 0 12 # 019005 Direction of motion of feature Degree true 0 0 9 # 019006 Speed of motion of feature m s-1 2 0 14 # 019007 Effective radius of feature m -3 0 12 # 019008 Vertical extent of circulation Code table 0 0 3 # 019009 Effective radius with respect to wind speeds above threshold (large storms) m -3 0 12 # 019010 Method for tracking the centre of synoptic feature Code table 0 0 4 #
# 020001 Horizontal visibility m -1 0 13 # 020002 Vertical visibility m -1 0 7 # 020003 Present weather Code table 0 0 9 # 020004 Past weather (1) Code table 0 0 5 # 020005 Past weather (2) Code table 0 0 5 # 020008 Cloud distribution for aviation Code table 0 0 5 # 020009 General Weather Indicator (TAF/METAR) Code table 0 0 4 # 020010 Cloud cover (total) % 0 0 7 # 020011 Cloud amount Code table 0 0 4 # 020012 Cloud type Code table 0 0 6 # 020013 Height of base of cloud m -1 -40 11 # 020014 Height of top of cloud m -1 -40 11 # 020015 Pressure at base of cloud Pa -1 0 14 # 020016 Pressure at top of cloud Pa -1 0 14 # 020017 Cloud top description Code table 0 0 4 # 020018 Tendency of runway visual range Code table 0 0 2 # 020019 Significant present or forecast weather CCITT IA5 0 0 72 # 020020 Significant recent weather phenomena CCITT IA5 0 0 32 # 020031 Ice deposit (thickness) m 2 0 7 # 020032 Rate of ice accretion Code table 0 0 3 # 020033 Cause of ice accretion Flag table 0 0 4 # 020034 Sea ice concentration Code table 0 0 5 # 020035 Amount and type of ice Code table 0 0 4 # 020036 Ice situation Code table 0 0 5 # 020037 Ice development Code table 0 0 5 # 020038 Bearing of ice edge Degree true 0 0 12* # 020039 Ice distance m -1 0 13 # 020041 Airframe icing Code table 0 0 4 # 020051 Amount of low clouds % 0 0 7 # 020052 Amount of middle clouds % 0 0 7 # 020053 Amount of high clouds % 0 0 7 # 020061 Runway visual range (RVR) m 0 0 12 # 020062 State of the ground (with or without snow) Code table 0 0 5 # 020063 Special phenomena Code table 0 0 10 # 020070 Minimum number of atmospherics Numeric 0 0 7 # 020071 Accuracy of fix and rate of atmospherics Code table 0 0 4 # 020081 Cloud amount in segment % 0 0 7 # 020082 Amount segment cloud free % 0 0 7 # 020090 Special clouds Code table 0 0 4 #
# 021001 Horizontal reflectivity dB 0 -64 7 # 021002 Vertical reflectivity dB 0 -64 7 # 021003 Differential reflectivity dB 1 -5 7 # 021005 Linear depolarisation ratio dB 0 -65 6 # 021006 Circular depolarisation ratio dB 0 -65 6 # 021011 Doppler mean velocity in X-direction m s-1 0 -128 8 # 021012 Doppler mean velocity in Y-direction m s-1 0 -128 8 # 021013 Doppler mean velocity in Z-direction m s-1 0 -128 8 # 021014 Doppler mean velocity (radial) m s-1 1 -4096 13 # 021017 Doppler velocity spectral width m s-1 1 0 8 # 021021 Echo tops m -3 0 4 # 021030 Signal to noise ratio dB 0 -32 8 # 021031 Vertically integrated liquid-water content kg m-2 0 0 7 # 021036 Radar rainfall intensity m s-1 7 0 12 # 021041 Bright-band height m -2 0 8 # 021051 Signal power above 1 mW dB 0 -256 8 # 021062 Backscatter Decibels 2 -5000 13 # 021063 Radiometric resolution (noise value) % 1 0 10 # 021064 Clutter noise estimate Numeric 0 0 8 # 021065 Missing packet counter Numeric 0 -127 8 # 021066 Wave scatterometer product confidence data Flag table 0 0 12 # 021067 Wind product confidence data Flag table 0 0 13 # 021068 Radar altimeter product confidence data Flag table 0 0 8 # 021069 SST product confidence data Flag table 0 0 10 # 021071 Peakiness Numeric 0 0 16 # 021072 Satellite altimeter calibration status Flag table 0 0 4 # 021073 Satelllite altimeter instrument mode Flag table 0 0 9 # 021075 Image spectrum intensity Numeric 0 0 8 # 021076 Representation of intensities Code table 0 0 3 # 021077 Altitude correction (ionosphere) m 3 0 14 # 021078 Altitude correction (dry troposphere) m 3 0 9 # 021079 Altitude correction (wet troposphere) m 3 2000 10 # 021080 Altitude correction (calibration constant) m 3 0 11 # 021081 Open loop correction (height-time loop) m 3 0 10 # 021082 Open loop correction (auto gain control) Decibels 3 -3000 14 # 021085 ATSR sea surface temperature across- track band number Numeric 0 0 4 # 021101 Number of vector ambiguities Numeric 0 0 3 # 021102 Index of selected wind vector Numeric 0 0 3 # 021103 Total number of sigma-0 measurements Numeric 0 0 5 # 021104 Likelihood computed for solution Numeric 3 -30000 15 # 021105 Normalized radar cross-section dB 2 -10000 14 # 021106 Kp variance coefficient (Alpha) Numeric 3 0 14 # 021107 Kp variance coefficient (Beta) Numeric 8 0 16 # 021109 SEAWINDS wind vector cell quality Flag table 0 0 17 # 021110 Number of inner-beam Sigma-0 (forward of satellite) Numeric 0 0 6 # 021111 Number of outer-beam Sigma-0 (forward of satellite) Numeric 0 0 6 # 021112 Number of inner-beam Sigma-0 (aft of satellite) Numeric 0 0 6 # 021113 Number of outer-beam Sigma-0 (aft of satellite) Numeric 0 0 6 # 021114 Kp variance coefficent (Gamma) dB 3 -140000 18 # 021115 SEAWINDS sigma-0 quality Flag table 0 0 17 # 021116 SEAWINDS sigma-0 mode Flag table 0 0 17 # 021117 Sigma-0 variance quality control Numeric 2 0 16 # 021118 Attenuation correction on sigma-0 dB 2 -10000 14 # 021119 Wind scatterometer geophysical model function Code table 0 0 6 #
# 022001 Direction of waves Degree true 0 0 9 # 022002 Direction of wind waves Degree true 0 0 9 # 022003 Direction of swell waves Degree true 0 0 9 # 022004 Direction of current Degree true 0 0 9 # 022011 Period of waves s 0 0 6 # 022012 Period of wind waves s 0 0 6 # 022013 Period of swell waves s 0 0 6 # 022021 Height of waves m 1 0 10 # 022022 Height of wind waves m 1 0 10 # 022023 Height of swell waves m 1 0 10 # 022025 Standard deviation wave height m 2 0 10 # 022026 Standard deviation of significant wave height m 2 0 10 # 022031 Speed of current m s-1 2 0 13 # 022035 Tidal elevation with respect to local chart datum m 2 0 14 # 022036 Meteorological residual tidal elevation (surge or offset) m 2 0 14 # 022037 Tidal elevation with respect to national land datum m 3 -10000 15 # 022038 Tidal elevation with respect to local chart datum m 3 -10000 15 # 022039 Meteorological residual tidal elevation (surge or offset) m 3 -5000 12 # 022040 Meteorological residual tidal elevation (surge or offset) m 3 -5000 14 # 022041 Sea-surface temperature (15-day running mean) K 1 0 12 # 022042 Sea/water temperature K 1 0 12 # 022043 Sea/water temperature K 2 0 15 # 022044 Sound velocity m s-1 1 0 14 # 022050 Standard deviation sea-surface temperature K 2 0 8 # 022061 State of the sea Code table 0 0 4 # 022062 Salinity Part per thousand 2 0 14 # 022063 Total water depth m 0 0 14 # 022067 Instrument type for water temperature profile measurement Code table 0 0 10 # 022068 Water temperature profile recorder types Code table 0 0 7 # 022070 Significant wave height m 2 0 13 # 022071 Spectral peak wave period s 1 0 9 # 022072 Spectral peak wave length m 0 0 13 # 022073 Maximum wave height m 2 0 13 # 022074 Average wave period s 1 0 9 # 022075 Average wave length m 0 0 13 # 022076 Direction from which dominant waves are coming Degree true 0 0 9 # 022077 Directional spread of dominant wave Degree 0 0 9 # 022078 Duration of wave record s 0 0 12 # 022079 Length of wave record m 0 0 16 # 022080 Waveband central frequency Hz 3 0 10 # 022081 Waveband central wave number m-1 5 0 13 # 022082 Maximum non-directional spectral wave density m2 s 2 0 20 # 022083 Maximum non-directional spectral wave number m3 2 0 20 # 022084 Band containing maximum non- directional spectral wave density Numeric 0 0 7 # 022085 Spectral wave density ratio Numeric 0 0 7 # 022086 Mean direction from which waves are coming Degree true 0 0 9 # 022087 Principal direction from which waves are coming Degree true 0 0 9 # 022088 First normalized polar coordinate from Fourier coefficients Numeric 2 0 7 # 022089 Second normalized polar coordinate from Fourier coefficients Numeric 2 0 7 # 022090 Non-directional spectral estimate by wave frequency m2 s 2 0 20 # 022091 Non-directional spectral estimate by wave number m3 2 0 20 # 022092 Directional spectral estimate by wave frequency m2 rad-1 s 2 0 20 # 022093 Directional spectral estimate by wave number m4 2 0 20 # 022094 Total number of wave bands Numeric 0 0 7 # 022095 Directional spread of individual waves Degree 0 0 8 # 022096 Spectral band width s-1 3 0 4 # 022097 Mean wavelength > 731 m of image spectrum at low wave numbers m 0 0 14 # 022098 Wavelength spread (wavelength > 731 m) at low wave numbers m 0 0 14 # 022099 Mean direction at low wave numbers (wavelength > 731 m) Degree true 0 0 9 # 022100 Direction spread at low wave numbers(wavelength > 731 m) Degree 0 0 9 # 022101 Total energy (wavelength > 731m) at low wave numbers Numeric 0 0 31 # 022120 Tide station automated water level check Code table 0 0 5 # 022121 Tide station manual water level check Code table 0 0 5 # 022122 Tide station automated meteorological data check Code table 0 0 5 # 022123 Tide station manual meteorological data check Code table 0 0 5 #
# 023001 Accident early notification - article applicable Code table 0 0 3 # 023002 Activity or facility involved in incident Code table 0 0 5 # 023003 Type of release Code table 0 0 3 # 023004 Countermeasures taken near border Code table 0 0 3 # 023005 Cause of incident Code table 0 0 2 # 023006 Incident situation Code table 0 0 3 # 023007 Characteristics of release Code table 0 0 3 # 023008 State of current release Code table 0 0 2 # 023009 State of expected release Code table 0 0 2 # 023016 Possibility of significant chemical toxic health effect Code table 0 0 2 # 023017 Flow discharge of major recipient m3 s-1 6 0 20 # 023018 Release behaviour over time Code table 0 0 3 # 023019 Actual release height m 0 -15000 17 # 023021 Effective release height m 0 -15000 17 # 023022 Distance of release point or site of incident m 0 0 24 # 023023 Main transport speed in the atmosphere m s-1 1 0 12 # 023024 Main transport speed in water m s-1 2 0 13 # 023025 Main transport speed in ground water m s-1 2 0 13 # 023027 Main transport direction in the atmosphere Degree true 0 0 9 # 023028 Main transport direction in water Degree true 0 0 9 # 023029 Main transport direction in ground water Degree true 0 0 9 # 023031 Possibility that plume will encounter precipitation in State in which incident occurred Code table 0 0 2 # 023032 Plume will encounter change in wind direction and/or speed flag Code table 0 0 2 #
# 024001 Estimate of amount of radioactivity released up to specified time Bq* -11 0 28 # 024002 Estimated maximum potential release Bq -11 0 28 # 024003 Composition of release Code table 0 0 5 # 024004 Element name CCITT IA5 0 0 16 # 024005 Isotope mass Numeric 0 0 9 # 024011 Dose mSv*/** 2 0 32 # 024012 Trajectory dose (defined location and expected time of arrival) mSv 2 0 32 # 024013 Gamma dose in air along the main transport path (defined location and time period) mSv 2 0 32 # 024021 Air concentration (of named isotope type including gross beta) Bq m-3 2 0 32 # 024022 Concentration in precipitation (of names isotope type) Bq l-1 2 0 32 # 024023 Pulse rate of beta radiation s-1 1 0 14 # 024024 Pulse rate of gamma radiation s-1 1 0 14 #
# 025001 Range-gate length m -1 0 6 # 025002 Number of gates averaged Numeric 0 0 4 # 025003 Number of integrated pulses Numeric 0 0 8 # 025004 Echo processing Code table 0 0 2 # 025005 Echo integration Code table 0 0 2 # 025006 Z to R conversion Code table 0 0 3 # 025007 Z to R conversion factor Numeric 0 0 12 # 025008 Z to R conversion exponent Numeric 2 0 9 # 025009 Calibration method Flag table 0 0 4 # 025010 Clutter treatment Code table 0 0 4 # 025011 Ground occultation correction (screening) Code table 0 0 2 # 025012 Range attenuation correction Code table 0 0 2 # 025013 Bright-band correction Flag table 0 0 2 # 025014 Azimuth clutter cut-off (see Note) Numeric 0 0 12 # 025015 Radome attenuation correction Flag table 0 0 2 # 025016 Clear-air attenuation correction dB m-1 5 0 6 # 025017 Precipitation attenuation correction Flag table 0 0 2 # 025018 A to Z law for attenuation factor Numeric 7 0 6 # 025019 A to Z law for attenuation exponent Numeric 2 0 7 # 025020 Mean speed estimation Code table 0 0 2 # 025021 Wind computation enhancement Flag table 0 0 8 # 025030 Running mean sea-surface temperature usage Code table 0 0 2 # 025032 Wind profiler mode information* Code table 0 0 2 # 025033 Wind profiler submode information* Code table 0 0 2 # 025034 Wind profiler quality control test results* Flag table 0 0 4 # 025036 Atmospherics location method Code table 0 0 4 # 025040 CO2 wind product derivation Code table 0 0 4 # 025041 Moving platform direction reporting method Code table 0 0 2 # 025042 Moving platform speed reporting method Code table 0 0 2 # 025043 Wave sampling interval (time) s 4 0 15 # 025044 Wave sampling interval (space) m 2 0 14 # 025045 HIRS channel combination Flag table 0 0 21 # 025046 MSU channel combination Flag table 0 0 5 # 025047 SSU channel combination Flag table 0 0 4 # 025048 AMSU-A channel combination Flag table 0 0 16 # 025049 AMSU-B channel combination Flag table 0 0 6 # 025051 AVHRR channel combination Flag table 0 0 7 # 025053 Observation quality Flag table 0 0 12 # 025060 Software identification Numeric 0 0 14 # 025070 Major frame count Numeric 0 0 4 # 025071 Frame count Numeric 0 0 5 # 025075 Satellite antenna corrections version number Numeric 0 0 5 # 025076 Log-10 of (Temperature-radiance central wavenumber) for ATOVS Log m-1 8 0 30 # 025077 Bandwidth correction coefficient 1 for ATOVS Numeric 5 -100000 18 # 025078 Bandwidth correction coefficient 2 for ATOVS Numeric 5 0 17 # 025079 Albedo-radiance solar filtered irradiance for ATOVS W m-2 4 0 24 # 025080 Albedo-radiance equivalent filter width for ATOVS m 10 0 14 # 025085 Fraction of clear pixels in HIRS FOV Numeric 0 0 7 # 025086 Depth correction indicator Code table 0 0 2 #
# 026001 Principal time of daily reading in UTC of maximum temperature Hour 1 0 12 # 026002 Principal time of daily reading in UTC of minimum temperature Hour 1 0 12 # 026003 Time difference Minute 0 -1440 12 # 026010 Hours included Flag table 0 0 26 #
# 027001 Latitude (high accuracy) Degree 5 -9000000 25 # 027002 Latitude (coarse accuracy) Degree 2 -9000 15 # 027003 Alternate latitude Degree 2 -9000 15 # 027020 Satellite location counter Numeric 0 0 16 # 027021 Satellite sublocation dimension Numeric 0 0 16 # 027031 In direction of 0 degrees longitude, distance from the Earth's centre m 2 -1073741824 31 #
# 028001 Longitude (high accuracy) Degree 5 -18000000 26 # 028002 Longitude (coarse accuracy) Degree 2 -18000 16 # 028003 Alternate longitude Degree 2 -18000 16 # 028031 In direction 90 degrees East, distance from the Earth's centre m 2 -1073741824 31 #
# 029001 Projection type Code table 0 0 3 # 029002 Coordinate grid type Code table 0 0 3 #
# 030001 Pixel value (4 bits) Numeric 0 0 4 # 030002 Pixel value (8 bits) Numeric 0 0 8 # 030004 Pixel value (16 bits) Numeric 0 0 16 # 030021 Number of pixels per row Numeric 0 0 12 # 030022 Number of pixels per column Numeric 0 0 12 # 030031 Picture type Code table 0 0 4 # 030032 Combination with other data Flag table 0 0 16 #
# 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor Numeric 0 0 1 # 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor Numeric 0 0 8 # 031002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor Numeric 0 0 16 # 031011 Delayed descriptor and data repetition factor Numeric 0 0 8 # 031012 Extended delayed descriptor and data repetition factor Numeric 0 0 16 # 031021 Associated field significance Code table 0 0 6 # 031031 Data present indicator Flag table 0 0 1 #
# 033002 Quality information Code table 0 0 2 # 033003 Quality information Code table 0 0 3 # 033007 Per cent confidence % 0 0 7 # 033020 Quality control indication of following value Code table 0 0 3 # 033021 Quality of following value Code table 0 0 2 # 033022 Quality of buoy satellite transmission Code table 0 0 2 # 033023 Quality of buoy location Code table 0 0 2 # 033024 Station elevation quality mark (for mobile stations) Code table 0 0 4 # 033025 ACARS interpolated values Code table 0 0 3 # 033026 Mixing ratio quality Code table 0 0 6 # 033027 Location quality class (range of radius of 66 % confidence) Code table 0 0 3 # 033030 Scan line status flags for ATOVS Flag table 0 0 24 # 033031 Scan line quality flags for ATOVS Flag table 0 0 24 # 033032 Channel quality flags for ATOVS Flag table 0 0 24 # 033033 Field of view quality flags for ATOVS Flag table 0 0 24 # 033035 Manual/automatic quality control Code table 0 0 4 # 033036 Nominal confidence threshold % 0 0 7 # 033037 Wind correlation error Flag table 0 0 20 # 033040 Confidence interval % 0 0 7 #
# 035000 FM regional code number Code table 0 0 10 # 035001 Time-frame for monitoring Code table 0 0 3 # 035011 Number of reports actually received Numeric 0 0 14 # 035021 Bulletin being monitored (TTAAii) Character 0 0 48 # 035022 Bulletin being monitored (YYGGgg) Character 0 0 48 # 035030 Discrepancies in the availability of expected data Code table 0 0 4 # 035031 Qualifier on monitoring results Code table 0 0 7 # 035032 Cause of missing data Code table 0 0 4 # 035033 Observation and collection deficiencies Code table 0 0 7 # 035034 Statistical trends for availability of data (during the survey period(s)) Code table 0 0 3 # #